Saint Hippolytus (170-235)

Saint Hippolytus was a presbyter in Rome. He had a strong passion for discipline and was a very important theologian and a productive religious writer. He maintained that the pope should come down harder on heretics and stop listening so …

Saint Hilaria (d.304)

Saint Hilaria and her daughter, Saint Afra, hid their bishop from harm during the Diocletian persecutions. In turn, their bishop converted them. Saint Afra was martyred because she refused to sacrifice to pagan gods. After her daughter was martyred, Hilaria …

Saint Edith Stein (1891-1942)

Edith Stein was born to a Jewish family in Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland). As a teenager she turned away from Judaism and professed atheism. Years later, after becoming a noted philosopher, Stein was drawn to Catholic thought. Her reading …

Saint Cajetan (1480-1547)

Saint Cajetan began his adult life by first becoming a lawyer and then turning to the priesthood. He was ordained at 36, and at the age of 42 established a hospital in Venice, Italy, for those suffering from incurable ailments. …

Saint Hormisdas (d.523)

Saint Hormisdas was born in Frosinone, Italy, in 450. He was married before he was ordained, and had a son, Silverius, who followed in his father's footsteps and also became a pope. Hormisdas became a deacon during a time of …

Saint Addai (2nd century)

Legend has it that Saint Addai was ordered by Saint Thomas to go to the court of King Abgar the Black. Tradition tells us that Abgar, the king of Edessa, was stricken with an incurable sickness. Hearing of Jesus' power …

Saint Peter Julian Eymard (1811-1868)

Saint Peter Julian Eymard was born in La Mure d'Isere, France. Peter joined the seminary at Grenoble, and was ordained a priest in 1834. At first, Peter's father opposed his choice to pursue religious life, which made the decision difficult …

Saint Eusebius of Vercelli (283-371)

Saint Eusebius was born on the island of Sardinia, Italy. After his father was martyred, he moved to Rome, where he eventually became a bishop. He stood up for the Church during one of its most difficult periods. This hard …