
Palestrina—Sicut cervus

The song/video "Palestrina—Sicut cervus," performed by the Cambridge Singers, available on YouTube (3:17) with lyrics, is best used on day 1.


St. Francis Xavier

The video "St. Francis Xavier," by apostleshipofprayer, available on YouTube (2:00), documents the life, travels, and missionary spirit of Saint Francis Xavier. It is best used on day 4.


St. Thomas More

The video "St. Thomas More," by catholicnewsagency, available on YouTube (2:01), shows the strong Catholic faith of Saint Thomas More and how he stood up to King Henry VIII instead of recognizing the Church of England. It is best used on day 3.


Turning Points in History—The Reformation

The video "Turning Points in History—The Reformation," available on YouTube (2:28), is a good presentation of the conflict between Martin Luther and the Catholic Church. It is best used on day 2.


Gregorian Chant

The song/video "Gregorian Chant," performed by the Monastic Choir of the Abbey of St. Pierre de Solesmes, in 1930, is available on YouTube (45:19). The Abbey of Solesmes is a Benedictine monastery renowned for its teaching of chant. The first chant is the Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy) from the Mass. It ends at 2:19. This would be an appropriate opening prayer for day 1. An English translation should be provided to the students.


The Nicene Creed in Original Greek

The video "The Nicene Creed in Original Greek," proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI and the Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, is available on YouTube (2:28) with excellent photos of the two prelates, art, and icons. It is best used on day 3 or day 4.


Christ Be Our Light

The song/video "Christ Be Our Light," by Bernadette Farrell, is available on YouTube (3:34) with lyrics and nature scenes. It is best on day 3 or day 4.


This Little Light of Mine

The song/video "This Little Light of Mine," by Harry Dixon Loes (University of New Hampshire), is available on YouTube (2:34). It is best used for closing prayer on day 1.


We Are the Light of the World

The song/video "We Are the Light of the World," by Jean A. Greif, available on YouTube (2:58) with lyrics, is the Beatitudes set to music. It is best used for opening prayer on day 1.


Love Knows No End

The song/video "Love Knows No End," by Hillsong Live, available on YouTube (5:24) with lyrics, is best used on day 4 as a closing prayer.



The song/video "Forgiveness," by Matthew West, available on YouTube (4:26) with lyrics, is best on day 3


Let It Go

The song/video "Let It Go," by Tenth Avenue North, available on YouTube (3:19) with lyrics, is best on day 2.


Sermon on the Mount: The Lord’s Prayer

The video "Sermon on the Mount: The Lord’s Prayer," by LearnAboutTheBible, available on YouTube (2:18), is the English of the King James version. It is best used on day 1.


The Lord’s Prayer

The song/video "The Lord’s Prayer," performed by Andrea Bocelli and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, available on YouTube (4:30), is an option for opening prayer on day 4.


Abba Father—Acoustic Cover

The song/video "Abba Father—Acoustic Cover," by Carey Landry, available on YouTube (3:30), is best for opening prayer on day 3.


Abba Father

The song/video "Abba Father," by Klaus Kuehn with Kari Jobe, available on YouTube (6:01), is best on day 3.


Come Worship the Lord

The song/video "Come Worship the Lord," by John Michael Talbot, is available on YouTube (7:58). Point out that this song is based on Psalm 95. Commentary includes an explanation of the liturgy as a dance, with gestures. You may want to try following the instructions for the gestures. It is best used on day 3.


10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)

The song/video "10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)," by Matt Redman, available on YouTube (4:22), encompasses the entire day in worship. This song/video may be used as the hymn with Midday Prayer on day 3.


I Lift Up My Soul

The song/video "I Lift Up My Soul," by Tim Manion and the Saint Louis Jesuits, available on YouTube (3:00) with lyrics, shows views of Catholic liturgy and prayer as well as natural scenes. It is best used on days 1 or 2.


What Is the Difference between Meditation and Contemplation?

The video "What Is the Difference between Meditation and Contemplation?" by Spiritual Direction, is available on YouTube (4:03). A Catholic priest explains these two forms of prayer. It is best used on day 4.


Stillness—Meditation, Prayer, Worship

The video "Stillness—Meditation, Prayer, Worship," by Emo Teofanov, is available on YouTube (1:06:40). The first few minutes outline the basics of contemplative prayer. The author then leads the viewer through a session of stillness and prayer. It is best used on day 4.


Illumination—Peaceful Gregorian Chants—Dan Gibson’s Solitude

The video "Illumination—Peaceful Gregorian Chants—Dan Gibson’s Solitude" is available on YouTube (1:01:00). It is Latin chant. In some places, the Liturgy of the Hours is still chanted in Latin. In most places in the United States, Gregorian chant melodies are used, but the words are in English. It is best used on day 3.


Everyday God—Be with Us

The song/video "Everyday God—Be with Us," available on YouTube (4:54), is appropriate as an opening or closing prayer on any day. There are several videos of "Everyday God," by Bernadette Farrell, on YouTube. One, uploaded by Weng Daquilanea, uses slides of animals and nature to illustrate the song (4:52).


God Has Chosen Me

The song/video "God Has Chosen Me," by Bernadette Farrell, is available on YouTube (2:12). It is best used on day 1 or day 2.