
The Plight of the Worlds' Children

This handout provides several statistics and pieces of information about the alarming needs of children in our world.


Peace: A Guide to Win-Win Conflict Resolution

The PEACE process is a way to approach a conflict so that the outcome is a win- win situation, one that ensures that the good of both parties is considered and given priority. PEACE stands for problem and purpose, empathy, …


The Eucharist in Mathari Valley

In 1986, Fr. Jim Notebaart flew to Nairobi, Kenya, to live and work as a missioner. Years later, he told an audience in the United States about an experience of Eucharist as transformation. Read this story and, on a separate …


Lazarus and the Rich Man: A Sequel

Characters: Reader, Narrator, Servant, Levi, Hannah, Isaiah, Simeon.


The Circle of Faith-in-Action

The steps of awareness, analysis, action, and new awareness are explained in this handout.


A Sample Relationship Map

A sample of how to create a relationship map.


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the United Nations in 1948, sets the international standard for human rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has thirty articles. The following list paraphrases and summarizes the articles from …


Lesson 24 Summary

The lesson learning objectives and content summary for Lesson 24, Social Justice.


Beliefs Practices and Attitudes

The beliefs, practices, and attitudes of the Catholic faith.


Being versus Doing

A scripture passage from the Gospel of Luke about Martha and Mary is read along with a commentary, and is followed by large group discussion questions.


Sr. Thea: Her Own Story

A list of discussion questions from the video Sr. Thea: Her Own Story.


What Will God Call Me to Do

A reflection worksheet and class discussion on the video Gang Busters: One Man’s Mission to Stop Bullets by Creating Jobs.


The Gettysburg Address

A copy of the Gettysburg Address.


How to Lead a Socratic Seminar

A reading on how to lead a Socratic seminar.


Vocabulary for Unit 5 of “Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society.”

A list of several vocabulary terms and definition for Unit 5 of “Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society.”


Using the Jigsaw Process

A resource on how to use the jigsaw process, with is a method where students share information and insights from different readings to create a larger picture.


Conducting Justice Simulations

A resource on how to conduct a justice simulation.


Teaching Individuals with Differing Abilities

A reading on teaching and talking to students about differing abilities, along with several reinforcing activity ideas.


Vocabulary for Unit 6 of “Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society.”

A list of vocabulary terms for Unit 6 of “Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society.”


Suicide Prevention

A document on suicide prevention including warning signs, action steps, online resources, and lifesaving facts to consider.


Students Teaching Students About Environmental Justice

A lesson plan entitled “Students Teaching Students about Environmental Justice.”


Vocabulary for Unit 4 of “Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society.”

A list of vocabulary terms for Unit 4 of “Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society.”


Vocabulary for Unit 7 of “Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society.”

A list of vocabulary terms for Unit 7 of “Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society.”


Thomas Merton and Nonviolence

A reading on Thomas Merton and nonviolence.

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