
Help Me Find It

The song/video "Help Me Find It," by Sidewalk Prophets, available on YouTube (3:44) with lyrics, is a good song for prayer on days 1, 3, and 4.


Prayer - A Conversation with God

A personal reflection on conversing with God through prayer.


Asking the Saints and Mary for Prayers

A personal reflection on why Catholics ask the saints and Mary for prayers.


Hearing the Voice of God

A personal story about tuning out the noise and tuning in to God through prayer and quiet reflection.


Prayer in the Zone

A personal story about praying while 'in the zone.'


Lectio Divina

A short video explaining the prayer form Lectio Divina.


Ignatian Contemplation

A video explaining the prayer form of Ignatian Contemplation.


The Lord’s Prayer in Our Town

A video that explains the meaning and importance of the Lord's Prayer, and shows interviews with teen athletes who pray the Lord's Prayer as a team before sports games.


Contemplation - 2/2 Fr. Thomas Dubay

Father Thomas Dubay discusses contemplation and the means by which one can attain a deep prayer life.


Contemplation - 1/2 Fr. Thomas Dubay

Father Thomas Dubay discusses contemplation and the means by which one can attain a deep prayer life.


Mysteries of the Church: Rosary

A video explaining the origins of The Rosary, what it means, and how it is prayed.


Persevering in Prayer: Getting It Started and Keeping It Going

A discussion among Notre Dame theology faculty regarding the large variety of prayer types and the ways in which these prayers are practiced.


Prayer of Saint Francis by Sarah MacLachlan

Singer Sarah MacLachlan sings the prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi.


Saint Teresa's Mansions - Fr Thomas Dubay SM

Father Thomas Dubay briefly explains the spirituality of Teresa of Avila.


Audience Q & A (Fr. Jim Martin, SJ) Part IV

An interview with Father James Martin regarding the release of his new book on Ignatian Spirituality. In the interview, Father Martin discusses how he learned to pray, how he chose to become a priest, and how Ignatian taught his followers to pray.


Audience Q & A (Fr. Jim Martin, SJ) Part III

An interview with Father James Martin regarding the release of his new book on Ignatian Spirituality. In the interview, Father Martin discusses how he learned to pray, how he chose to become a priest, and how Ignatian taught his followers to pray.


Audience Q & A (Fr. Jim Martin, SJ) Part II

An interview with Father James Martin regarding the release of his new book on Ignatian Spirituality. In the interview, Father Martin discusses how he learned to pray, how he chose to become a priest, and how Ignatian taught his followers to pray.


Audience Q & A (Fr. Jim Martin, SJ) Part I

An interview with Father James Martin regarding the release of his new book on Ignatian Spirituality. In the interview, Father Martin discusses how he learned to pray, how he chose to become a priest, and how Ignatian taught his followers to pray.


Lifehouse's Everything Skit

This skit is a powerful depiction of the human weakness in the face of temptations and the love of Jesus Christ, who conquers sin and death.

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