
Catholic Mass Kid's Trivia Game Part 8 Receiving Communion

This video is a trivia game that can be used to assess children's understanding of receiving Communion at Mass.


Sacraments 101: Eucharist (how we receive)

This video demonstrates the "dos" and "don'ts" of receiving Communion.


Catholic Mass Kid's Trivia Game Part 2 Introductory Rites

This video is a trivia game that can be used to assess children's understanding of the Introductory Rites.


Script for a Special Passover Meal with Jesus

The script for the skit in which children reenact the Last Supper, acting as Jesus, the Apostles, and narrators.


Come Worship the Lord

The song/video "Come Worship the Lord," by John Michael Talbot, is available on YouTube (7:58). Point out that this song is based on Psalm 95. Commentary includes an explanation of the liturgy as a dance, with gestures. You may want to try following the instructions for the gestures. It is best used on day 3.


I Lift Up My Soul

The song/video "I Lift Up My Soul," by Tim Manion and the Saint Louis Jesuits, available on YouTube (3:00) with lyrics, shows views of Catholic liturgy and prayer as well as natural scenes. It is best used on days 1 or 2.


The Kingdom of God

The song/video "The Kingdom of God," like many Taizé songs, is available on YouTube (4:15) and is a meditative chant that would work well as an introduction to chant and an opening prayer. It is appropriate for use on day 4.


God Loves a Cheerful Giver

This worksheet guides students to read and answer questions about a specific Hebrew festival from the book of Leviticus.


Exploring the Lectionary

In this activity, partners read the readings for a specific feast day and identify key symbols, similarities, and differences that help make Mass more meaningful.


Vocabulary for Unit 5

This is a list of terms and definitions to know for Unit 5.


Ash Wednesday and Lent - in 2 Minutes

A short video explaining Ash Wednesday and Lent.


The Catholic Mass

The Catholic Mass, and what each of us brings to it.


Catholicism is Universal

A personal story about discovering how Catholicism is truly universal.


Advent in 2 Minutes

A quick, two-minute video from Busted Halo that explains why we celebrate Advent and wait to celebrate Christmas.


The Wise Old Man on the Porch

A personal story about seeing the Church as a wise elder sitting on a porch.


Our Commitment to God

A personal story about being committed to God.


Three Renewal Movements

Work with your group to complete the section of this handout that corresponds to your assigned topic.


Vocabulary for Unit 3

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 3 that defines the terms bishop, Body of Christ, Catholic Church, charism, Communion of Saints, consecrated life, diocese, doctrine, Final Judgment, fruits of the Holy Spirit, Gifts of the Holy Spirit, laity, Marks …


The Holy Trinity

A short video explaining the Holy Trinity and the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity.


Feast of the Most Holy Trinity

A short video explaining the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity.


Quiz: Are You a Faithful Citizen?

A self-quiz, or self-assessment, on faithful citizenship.


Terms Related to the Church

A worksheet where students are asked to define several vocabulary terms related to the Church and write a short essay on which term means the most to them.


Vocabulary for Unit 4

A list of vocabulary terms and definitions from Unit 4 of The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition.


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 1

A grading rubric for the final performance task options for Unit 1 of "The Sacraments: Encounters with Christ."


What is Good Friday?

A short clip about the meaning of Good Friday.


What is Holy Thursday?

A short clip about the meaning of Holy Thursday.


What is Holy Week?

A short clip about the significance of Holy Week.


Mysteries: Celibacy

A documentary discussing the historical/theological precedents for celibacy.


Mysteries of the Church: EUCHARIST

A documentary that provides: 1) A theological basis for the Eucharist, 2) An explanation of precisely what transpires during the Eucharist, 3) The process by which the bread of the Eucharist is created and 4) An instance of a Eucharistic miracle.


Mysteries of the Church: LENT

A documentary discussing the importance and role of Lent.


Preparing the Way for the Romal Missal

"Where the New Translation meets the New Evangelization." World class, eminently faithful liturgical instruction from Salve Regina Publications; available to the members of your parishioners - 24 hours a day / 7 days a week -- at This video discusses what has changed as of Advent 2011.


Reason for the Season- Easter Triduum

This episode of Reason for the Season, brought to us by the Irish Dominicans, focuses on the Triduum, from Holy Thursday till the Easter Vigil. It explains why and what we celebrate during this highlight of the liturgical year.


Reason for the Season- Advent

This is the first episode of the new series Reason for the Season. This episode, narrated by an Irish Dominican, will look at the season of Advent and explain, for example, the symbolism of the Advent wreath and the color of the vestments used.


De Profundis - Gregorian Chant, Catholic Songs

Gregorian Chant recording.


Vocabulary for Unit 7

This vocabulary list is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students may use it as a reference for key theological terms to know.


Vocabulary for Unit 5

This vocabulary list is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students may use it as a reference for key theological terms to know.


Vocabulary for Unit 7

This vocabulary list is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students may use it as a reference for key theological terms to know.


Vocabulary for Unit 4

This vocabulary list is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students may use it as a reference for key theological terms to know.


Fr. Barron Comments on the Real Presence

Another part of a video series from Father Barron will be commenting on subjects from modern day culture, and how Catholics know Jesus is present in the Blessed Sacrament. For more visit


Why is the Mass Changing?

The Mass Is Changing...How? Why? And what does it all mean for you? Catholic Answers Senior Apologist Jimmy Akin explains why the Church has decided to issue a new translation of the Roman Missal.


What are the Historical Roots of the Mass?

What are the historical roots of the Mass? The Mass is changing...How? Why? And what does it all mean for you? This video is a detailed summary of continuity concerning liturgy.



A brief description of the holy season of Christmas for the Roman Catholic Church.


First Sunday of Advent

Join Catholic Digest as we journey through the Advent season. Catholic Digest has put together five meditative videos beginning with the first Sunday of Advent and culminating with Christmas. Each video is short enough to fit in any day—your lunch break, prayer time or any opportunity you have for personal reflection. These brief videos serve to provide you with an opportunity for reflection; self examination and spiritual direction to guide you through the Advent season.


The Offertory: The Lost Symbol in the Liturgy

When someone mentions the offertory, I often think about my weekly monetary contribution to my local parish. The venerable ushers march down the aisle with their wicker baskets, clumsily genuflect before the altar and begin weaving the baskets from left …


Month of the Rosary: Queen of the Rosary Prayer Service

Leader +In the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. All Amen Opening Song Leader Join us, Queen of the Rosary, as we offer praise to our Father All Join us, Queen of the …

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