
From Fasting to Feasting

A short prayer that calls us to feast on kindness and compassion towards others.


Vocabulary for Unit 8

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 8 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The defined words include Body of Christ, catechists, Catholic Action, collegiality, concordat, exegesis, fascism, Gregorian chant, Marks of the Church, Marxist, new evangelization, pastoral, and …


Vocabulary for Unit 7

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 7 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The defined words include capitalism, communism, deterrence, social doctrine, social encyclical, socialism, and subsidiarity.


Vocabulary for Unit 6

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 6 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. Defined words include deism, dogma, empiricism, ex cathedra, fideism, pantheism, rationalism, and Reign of Terror.


Vocabulary for Unit 5

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 5 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The words that are defined are Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, conquistadors, and enculturation.


Around the World in More Than Eighty Days

Let’s take a glance around the globe to see some of the missionary efforts that began during the Fifteenth through Seventeenth centuries.


Vocabulary for Unit 4

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 4 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The defined words include Apocrypha, College of Cardinals, deuterocanonical, grace, humanism, justification, merit, predestination, and theocracy.


Vocabulary for Unit 3

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 3 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The words defined are chancel, conciliar movement, Divine Office, friars, Great Western Schism, indulgence, Medieval Inquisition, mendicants, mystic, nave, scholasticism, and Spanish Inquisition.


Belief and Violence: The Crusades

A reading about the Crusades.


Vocabulary for Unit 2

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 2 including abbot, abbess, antipope, Arianism, charism, Christendom, consubstantial, Doctor of the Church, Ecumenical Council, Fathers of the Church, feudalism, filioque, Franks, hermit, hypostatic union, iconoclasm, illuminated manuscript, Logos, papal bull, Papal States, …


The East-West Split

Looking back over the first 1500 years of Church history, the picture is not one of perfect harmony. Political conflicts, religious controversies, invasions, and condemnations created sometimes occasional, sometimes lasting rifts. For the Eastern Church and the Latin Church, the …


The Divinity of Jesus: An Early Christian Debate

A reading about the early Christian debate over the divinity of Jesus.


Vocabulary for Unit 1

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 1 including apologist, Apostle, Apostolic Succession, bishop, charism, Christian, college of bishops, covenant, deacon, Deposit of Faith, Edict of Milan, emperor, Eucharist, Church Fathers, Magisterium, martyrdom, Messiah, New Covenant, persecution, presbyter, priest, providence …


Handout: Being Catholic

Being Catholic: Beliefs, Practices, and Attitudes.


The Holy Trinity

Descriptions of each person of the trinity.


Beliefs Practices and Attitudes

The beliefs, practices, and attitudes of the Catholic faith.


Vocabulary for Unit 3

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 3 that defines the terms bishop, Body of Christ, Catholic Church, charism, Communion of Saints, consecrated life, diocese, doctrine, Final Judgment, fruits of the Holy Spirit, Gifts of the Holy Spirit, laity, Marks …


Vocabulary for Unit 2

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 2 including Annunciation, Blessed Trinity, church, Creation, creed, disciple, ecumenism, evangelist, faith, Gospel, Incarnation, Kingdom of God, Messiah, ministry, Original Sin, parable, Paschal Mystery, salvation, stewardship, and Theotokos.


Aquinas’s Five Proofs for the Existence of God

The Summa Theologica is a famous work written by Saint Thomas Aquinas between AD 1265 and 1274. It is divided into three main parts and presents reasoning for almost all core Christian beliefs. The Summa Theologica is well known for …


Vocabulary for Unit 1

A list of vocabulary words for unit one, defines the terms Bible, biblical inspiration, canon, covenant, Deposit of Faith, Divine Revelation, Ecumenical Council, Gospel, inerrancy, Israelites, Law, Magisterium, natural revelation, New Testament, Old Testament, Parousia, reason, Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, …


Vocabulary for Unit 7

A vocabulary list for unit 7 defining terms associated with consecrated life.


Vocabulary for Unit 6

A vocabulary list for unit 6 defining the terms dalmatic, dogmatic theology, Donatist heresy, formation, Holy See, insignia, and seminary.


Vocabulary for Unit 5

A vocabulary list with terms mostly associated with ordained ministry within the Catholic Church.


Terms Related to the Church

A worksheet where students are asked to define several vocabulary terms related to the Church and write a short essay on which term means the most to them.


Vocabulary for Unit 2

This vocabulary list is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students may use it as a reference for key theological terms to know.


Vocabulary for Unit 1

This vocabulary list is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students may use it as a reference for key theological terms to know.

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