
Chapter J: Major Events in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Students order important events from the 19th and 20th centuries.


Vocabulary for Unit 8

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 8 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The defined words include Body of Christ, catechists, Catholic Action, collegiality, concordat, exegesis, fascism, Gregorian chant, Marks of the Church, Marxist, new evangelization, pastoral, and …


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 8

The rubric for the final performance task options for Unit 8 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The options include writing journal entries from World War I to today, or writing an original graphic novel or comic book about …


Vocabulary for Unit 7

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 7 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The defined words include capitalism, communism, deterrence, social doctrine, social encyclical, socialism, and subsidiarity.


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 7

The rubric for the final performance task options for Unit 7 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The options include creating a children’s book about the Catholic Church in the United States, or creating a PowerPoint presentation about the …


Vocabulary for Unit 6

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 6 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. Defined words include deism, dogma, empiricism, ex cathedra, fideism, pantheism, rationalism, and Reign of Terror.


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 6

The rubric for the final performance task options for Unit 6 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The options include coming up with interview questions for Pope Pius IX, or creating the front page of a newspaper from the …


Vocabulary for Unit 5

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 5 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The words that are defined are Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, conquistadors, and enculturation.


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 5

The rubric for the final performance task options for Unit 5 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The options include creating a gallery of original art on the missionaries of the church in the age of exploration, or creating …


Vocabulary for Unit 4

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 4 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The defined words include Apocrypha, College of Cardinals, deuterocanonical, grace, humanism, justification, merit, predestination, and theocracy.


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 4

The rubric for the final performance task options for Unit 4 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The options include making a video about the Protestant reformation and the Catholic reformation, or writing a journal from the perspective of …


Vocabulary for Unit 3

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 3 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The words defined are chancel, conciliar movement, Divine Office, friars, Great Western Schism, indulgence, Medieval Inquisition, mendicants, mystic, nave, scholasticism, and Spanish Inquisition.


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 3

The rubric for grading the final performance task options for Unit 3 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The options include creating a podcast about the Church in the High Middle Ages, or creating a journal of a Christian …


Vocabulary for Unit 2

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 2 including abbot, abbess, antipope, Arianism, charism, Christendom, consubstantial, Doctor of the Church, Ecumenical Council, Fathers of the Church, feudalism, filioque, Franks, hermit, hypostatic union, iconoclasm, illuminated manuscript, Logos, papal bull, Papal States, …


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 2

The rubric for the final performance task options for Unit 2 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The options include creating a children’s picture book, or making a PowerPoint presentation for a parish community.


Vocabulary for Unit 1

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 1 including apologist, Apostle, Apostolic Succession, bishop, charism, Christian, college of bishops, covenant, deacon, Deposit of Faith, Edict of Milan, emperor, Eucharist, Church Fathers, Magisterium, martyrdom, Messiah, New Covenant, persecution, presbyter, priest, providence …


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 1

A rubric for the final performance task options for Unit 1 including dramatic monologues, or a professional portfolio for an apologist.


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 3

A rubric for the final performance task options for Unit 3 focusing on the Paschal Mystery, the Holy Spirit and the Church, and the mission of the Church. The options include exploring one important ministry in a diverse Church, creating …


Vocabulary for Unit 3

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 3 that defines the terms bishop, Body of Christ, Catholic Church, charism, Communion of Saints, consecrated life, diocese, doctrine, Final Judgment, fruits of the Holy Spirit, Gifts of the Holy Spirit, laity, Marks …


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks in Unit 2

Rubric for grading the final performance tasks for Unit 2 focusing on faith, the Trinity, the Kingdom of God, and creation in the image of God. The options include writing a personal creed, creating a Holy Trinity play, or exploring …


Vocabulary for Unit 2

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 2 including Annunciation, Blessed Trinity, church, Creation, creed, disciple, ecumenism, evangelist, faith, Gospel, Incarnation, Kingdom of God, Messiah, ministry, Original Sin, parable, Paschal Mystery, salvation, stewardship, and Theotokos.


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 1

A rubric for the final performance tasks for Unit One about the basics of Catholicism, Scripture and Tradition, and Reason and Revelation. The options include reflecting on the Catholic faith in an essay, writing a personal story about your salvation …


Vocabulary for Unit 1

A list of vocabulary words for unit one, defines the terms Bible, biblical inspiration, canon, covenant, Deposit of Faith, Divine Revelation, Ecumenical Council, Gospel, inerrancy, Israelites, Law, Magisterium, natural revelation, New Testament, Old Testament, Parousia, reason, Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, …


Being versus Doing

A scripture passage from the Gospel of Luke about Martha and Mary is read along with a commentary, and is followed by large group discussion questions.


Sr. Thea: Her Own Story

A list of discussion questions from the video Sr. Thea: Her Own Story.


Vocabulary for Unit 7

A vocabulary list for unit 7 defining terms associated with consecrated life.


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks in Unit 7

A rubric assessing how well students did on the final performance task options for unit 7 that assess the students’ knowledge of consecrated life. The options include writing a biographical essay about a woman or a man who chose the …


Vocabulary for Unit 6

A vocabulary list for unit 6 defining the terms dalmatic, dogmatic theology, Donatist heresy, formation, Holy See, insignia, and seminary.


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 6

A rubric for grading the final performance tasks for unit 6 focusing on the vocation to ordained life and the Sacrament of Holy Orders. The options for final performance tasks include creating a brochure on priestly formation for prospective candidates, …


A Call to Priestly Ministry

This resource is a discussion guide and worksheet about the call to priestly ministry based on the film clip from There Be Dragons.


Vocabulary for Unit 5

A vocabulary list with terms mostly associated with ordained ministry within the Catholic Church.


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 5

A rubric for grading the final performance task options for unit 5, which focuses on the priesthood.


Terms Related to the Church

A worksheet where students are asked to define several vocabulary terms related to the Church and write a short essay on which term means the most to them.


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 2

This rubric is part of the Living in Christ Series. It serves as a guide for assessing students on projects that communicate key ideas about the Catholic Church, especially its scriptural basis and origin.


The List of Popes

A full list of all of the Popes with links to information about each Pope.


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 5

This rubric is part of the Living in Christ Series. It serves as a guide for assessing students on projects covering the main ideas of the Paschal Mystery, especially the institution of the Church and the Sacraments.


Vocabulary for Unit 2

This vocabulary list is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students may use it as a reference for key theological terms to know.


Vocabulary for Unit 1

This vocabulary list is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students may use it as a reference for key theological terms to know.

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