
Prayerful Moments

We can learn so much from one another’s stories! Interview three adults of different ages about times when they were truly prayerful and experienced the power of prayer. Ask them the following questions and record their responses in the space …


Memory-Making Music

Interview three adults about their special music memories. Ask them the following questions and record their responses in the space provided.


Life Issues A Summary: Who Am I?

A summary of Life Issues from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.


Handout: Morally Good or Morally Suspect

For each situation, determine whether the action is right, neutral, or wrong; whether the intent is good or not good; and whether the circumstances allow you to decide freely or keep you from deciding freely.


Inside and Outside

Everyone knows what it feels like to be on the inside and the outside of a group of people. Fill in the statements below, and then write a prayer to Jesus asking for his help when you are an outsider …

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