
Help Me Find It

The song/video "Help Me Find It," by Sidewalk Prophets, available on YouTube (3:44) with lyrics, is a good song for prayer on days 1, 3, and 4.


Praying the Liturgy of the Hours: A Reflection

A reflection to be completed after praying the Liturgy of the Hours.


God’s Presence in Nature

This assignment helps students to create a poem of praise about an object in nature.


The Nicene Creed and Commentary

This handout breaks down the Nicene Creed line-by-line and gives each a brief explanation and commentary.


One Solitary Life

This short reflection calls to mind the profound impact Jesus Christ has had on humanity and the world.


Contemplation - 1/2 Fr. Thomas Dubay

Father Thomas Dubay discusses contemplation and the means by which one can attain a deep prayer life.