
I Will Exalt You

The song/video "I Will Exalt You," by Hillsong UNITED, available on YouTube (7:08) with lyrics, is best used on day 2.


Awesome God

The song/video "Awesome God," by Hillsong UNITED, available on YouTube (5:19), is powerful and can help the students connect with the wonder that is God. It is an opening or closing prayer option for any day and is used on day 1.


Help Me Find It

The song/video "Help Me Find It," by Sidewalk Prophets, available on YouTube (3:44) with lyrics, is a good song for prayer on days 1, 3, and 4.


Praying the Liturgy of the Hours: A Reflection

A reflection to be completed after praying the Liturgy of the Hours.


Handout: Psalm 23

An adaptation of Psalm 23 to be used in prayer or reflection


One Solitary Life

This short reflection calls to mind the profound impact Jesus Christ has had on humanity and the world.


For Love Is Stronger than Death

A reading of the Resurrection story from Luke's Gospel.