
Empathizing (Religion in the Modern World)

This article provides several suggestions of ways to help students reflect on their experiences with people from different forms of religion in the modern world.


Empathizing (Islam)

This handout provides several suggestions to help students draw connections between Islam and Christianity.


Empathizing (Shinto)

This article provides several possible ideas of ways to help students see, experience, and better understand the Shinto religion.


Empathizing (Zen Buddhism)

This short article provides questions, reflections, and suggestions to help students empathize with Zen Buddhism.


Empathizing (Taoism)

This short article provides questions, reflections, and suggestions to help students empathize with Taoism.


Worldviews: Religions and Their Relatives

This article explores two examples of modern worldviews and how they different from traditional religions.


Greek and Roman Gods Today

This handout challenges students to identify the associations they have with Greek and Roman gods.


Koans: Food for Intuition

This worksheet presents Zen koans to be interpreted or explained.


The Riddler

This worksheet presents 12 riddles to be solved individually or in a small group


Who Is the Sage?

This worksheet provides the opportunity to choose life situations that exemplify practices of the Taoist sage.



A guided reflection of the Buddhist image of Kuan-Yin


Right Speech

This handout provides a reflection on students’ use of words and speech. Students identify ways to improve their use of words to speak truth and kind things.


Buddhist and Judeo-Christian Understandings of God

This article compares and contrasts the Buddhist and Judeo-Christian understanding of God.


Karma Marga: "The Path of Works"

An individual worksheet that examines the intentions and motivations behind one’s actions.


The Master and the Untouchable

An individual worksheet the caste system in India.


The Fruits of Action

An individual worksheet that challenges students to apply teachings from the Bhagavad-Gita to real-life situations.


What Harm Is in Our Sun Dance?

This short article provides the point of view of a Blackfoot Indian about the illegalization of the Sun Dance.



1. Look at the statue or picture at this station. 2. This image depicts the deity Kuan-yin. Write words that describe this image.



1. Look at the picture at this station. 2. Write words that describe the actions that you see in the picture. 3. Write words that describe the relationships between people that you see in the picture.


Objects Used in Tibetan Rituals

1. At this station are several objects. Some may look familiar. Gently pick up each object and examine it. SOME OF THE OBJECTS ARE FRAGILE. PLEASE HANDLE THEM CAREFULLY. 2. Write the following information about each object.


Dialogue with Others

Excerpts from the address of Pope Benedict XVI on Thursday, April 17, 2008 at the John Paul II center in Washington D.C.


Christian Unity and Ecumenical Dialogue

This article is from the Living in Christ Series. It is about the relationship between the Catholic Church and other Christian denominations, and uses Church documents and scripture to discuss this relationship.


Catholicism and World Religions

This article is from the Living in Christ Series. It discusses the relationship between the Catholic Church and other world religions through various Church documents.


The Story of Noah and Other Flood Narratives

This article discusses the similarities and differences between the Biblical flood story and that of other ancient Middle Eastern traditions. It also compares the Biblical account between the Yahwist and Priestly sources.


The Enuma Elish: A Babylonian Creation Story

The Genesis story is not the only ancient creation story. In fact, almost every ancient culture had its own story of how the world came to exist. Each story reflected much about how the people of its culture viewed their …


Wrestling with Diversity

How do we welcome non-Christians into our schools and our religion classrooms, and at the same time give witness to our own Christ-centered faith? How do we invite students to learn from and respect other faith traditions without sending the …


Religious Diversity in Catholic Schools

Pluralism of religions is a reality in the United States. We see it in the newspaper, and we encounter it in our own classrooms. Through television, the Internet, and the changing religious landscape of our own country, our students encounter …


Hinduism: What Do You Know About the World's Oldest Religion?

Many Americans, who probably have little chance to meet any Hindus, have a vague notion that Hinduism has something to do with bearded swamis, sacred cows, and Mahatma Gandhi. Although most of the citizens of the world's largest democracy are …


Evil Never Looked So Good

Do you think you're a victim? Do you avoid making judgments because you'll hurt someone's feelings? Do you feel betrayed by your wrinkles or your balding dome? Be careful. You might be cuddling up to heresy, which just had a …


Six Ways to be Truly Catholic

I always thought that I would have made a great archbishop in Salzburg during the time of Mozart. But instead I'm the archbishop of Milwaukee in the time of rock 'n' roll. That's the way life turns out. We live …


The Quincentenary

As we are all aware, 1992 marks the quincentenary of Christopher Columbus's landing in the West Indies–thus, the "discovery" of America. For religious educators, this anniversary offers an opportunity to examine the injustices done to Native Americans by the colonizers …


Curriculum Offerings of Theology Departments

For a couple of years, Saint Mary’s Press sponsored a listserv discussion group online. Discussions on a variety of topics were pursued via e-mail. In this section of the web site, I summarize some of the highlights from these old …

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