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Teaching About Other Religions

(0 Reviews)

Edited by Christine Schmertz Navarro

By Jonathan Yu-Phelps


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In a world scarred by interreligious conflict and misunderstanding, there is a great need for religious literacy. All religion teachers must promote and support it. Help your students "step into the shoes" of a person from another faith and prepare them for interreligious dialogue throughout their lives.

Teaching About Other Religions presents Church documents that address religious diversity and dialogue. Four chapters show you how to invite students to learn about Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, respectively. Whereas the book teaches you "how to teach" the religions, the comprehensive appendix provides many resources to enhance your own religious literacy and your classroom work.

Product Details

Copyright: Jan. 1, 2006

Format: Paperback

Size: 6 x 9

Length: 105 pages

Weight: 0.400lbs

Item number: 1340

ISBN: 978-0-88489-919-8

ISBN-10: 0-88489-919-5

Editorial Reviews

Momentum, November/December, 2006

In this practical, "how-to" book, Jonathan Yu-Phelps discusses ways Catholic high school religion teachers can expose their students effectively to some of the world's major non-Christian religions (Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism). He shares with readers his wisdom gained from experience as a religion teacher and campus minister. He also sets teaching of world religions into the context of Catholic thought on the issue.

Teaching About Other Religions is not a primer on the four faiths about which Mr. Yu-Phelps writes. For that information he directs readers to his extensive bibliography of books and films. Instead, he suggests classroom activities and ways to present the material to students. . . .

Given the prominence of non-Catholic world religions in the news today, particularly Islam, this little (104 page) manual is a timely addition to a teacher's library.

Review by Cris Scalise, director for special projects, Department of Secondary Schools at NCEA

Catholic Library World, December, 2006

Jonathan Yu-Phelps, a religion teacher and campus minister at a school in Massachusetts, has written a very useful book for teachers of world religions. He has provided the necessary basics for any teacher of the subject, such as how to approach the topic of other religions in a Catholic religion course.
View Complete Series
Primary Source Readings in World Religions
Leader's Guide for Primary Source Readings in World Religions