
Final Performance Tasks for Unit 1

Two possible projects to assess student understanding of concepts learned in Unit 1.


Correlation to Curriculum Framework

Correlation to Curriculum Framework Course IV: Jesus Christ’s Mission Continues in the Church from The Church: Christ in the World Today.


The Wise Old Man on the Porch

A personal story about seeing the Church as a wise elder sitting on a porch.


The Holy Trinity

Descriptions of each person of the trinity.


Beliefs Practices and Attitudes

The beliefs, practices, and attitudes of the Catholic faith.


Exploring Religious Orders and Congregations

A research assignment worksheet done in pairs to find important information about different religious orders.


The Sacrament of Holy Orders Graphic Organizer

A worksheet completed in groups about the symbolic words and actions that take place during the Rite of Ordination, as well as their meaning and effect.


Private Revelation

A reading taken from the Vatican document "The Message of Fatima", published by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The author is Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who later became Pope Benedict XVI.

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