We will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, January 21.

Digital Playground

Technology Tools for the Classroom

Saint Mary’s Press is bringing the newest technology into your classroom and Parish. From QR codes and videos to apps, games, and iBooks, we are incorporating the world of technology into the products you and your students use everyday.

Your students are always “connected” using their mobile devices. Devices such as their cell phones, iPods, or iPads keep them online and connected. Activities such as group-sharing through social media, searching videos posted on YouTube, and finding information through Google are all keeping them informed.

Why not use this same technology to help them learn more about their Catholic Faith and deepen their personal relationship with God?

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Inspire teens to explore Scripture with The Catholic Youth Bible® Enhanced Interactive Edition! 

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Lead students through a fun and engaging church tour, using the technology they know and love! This booklet includes a short description, Scripture reflection, and QR code for each stop along the tour.

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The Virtual Church Tour includes 14 cards that can be placed around your parish or classroom, students can simply scan the QR codes with their mobile

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Virtual Meditations uses new technology to help young people reflect, in their own way, on the Sacraments.

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"Bring Forth Hope: Pope Francis Speaks to the Youth of the World, Interactive Edition is based on the words of Pope Francis directed to the youth

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Opening and Closing Prayers for Catechists is the perfect companion for all faith formation sessions. These short prayers cover the liturgical and secular holidays as well as other popular faith topics. Topics include Advent, Christmas, Pentecost, Mary, Jesus and much more! With 75 opening and closing prayers at your fingertips, you’ll be prepared to begin and end every session!

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The Bible: The Living Word of God, Interactive Edition provides an introduction to the Sacred Scriptures and to the unfolding of salvation history, with a particular focus on Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of salvation history. Revelation, both divine and natural, is explored, as are inspiration, interpretation, and exegesis.

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The Church: Christ in the World Today guides the students in exploring and understanding the Catholic Church, as well as its origin, structure, and mission. Additionally, the course addresses the roles of the hierarchy, those in religious life, and the laity in supporting the mission of the Church. Particular attention is paid to the global presence of the Church as a light to all people.

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The Sacraments provides an opportunity to encounter Christ in a full and real way. The focus of this course is to help the students learn about the Seven Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, in order to enable them to more fully participate in them. The course also explores the history, scriptural foundation, and current practices of the sacraments.

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Students face countless choices and challenges in their daily lives. This course, Christian Morality, addresses how a relationship with Christ and the Church can lead to choices that are in accord with God's plan. The students learn what it means to live as a disciple of Christ and how the Church strengthens this discipleship.

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The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ provides an in-depth study of the New Testament. Since Jesus Christ's life, death, and Resurrection are at the heart of the Christian mystery, this course begins by looking at the four complementary but unique portraits of Jesus that are found in the four Gospels. Next, it traces the spread of the Gospel as told in Acts and the Letters. The course also considers the challenges faced by the early Church that emerge through a careful reading of the New Testament Letters and the Book of Revelation. Additionally, it will look closely at what the followers of Jesus in the early Church proclaimed about him and explore the historical, religious and cultural world of Jesus' time. Ultimately, the course will guide students in seeing the relevance of the Gospel message for the world today.

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Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society guides students in exploring and understanding the social teachings of the Church. It addresses the major themes of Catholic social teaching and what they express about God's plan for all people and our obligations to care for one another, especially those most in need in society. The course works to move students to a life of service and work for the Kingdom of God.

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Church History: Apostolic Times to Today examines the events of the Church's life, the contributions to human life it has made, and studies the challenges the Church has faced overtime, from her earliest history.

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Vocations: Answering God's Call leads the students toward a deeper understanding of the vocations of life: how Christ calls us to live. In this course, students will learn how all vocations are similar as well as how they differ. They will learn what it means to live life for the benefit of others and the value in considering a vocation in service to the Christian community.

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The Catholic Youth Bible® ‒ Second International Edition (NRSV)

This Digital title is available through:

Breakthrough! The Digital Bible Game


No longer for sale

Game On!

Game On!

Catholic Connections Challenge


No longer for sale

Catholic Quiz Show

Catholic Quiz Show

The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition

By Brian Singer-Towns


No longer for sale

Virtual Church Tour Booklet


Virtual Church Tour


Virtual Meditations: Sacraments


Bring Forth Hope

Bring Forth Hope

Pope Francis Speaks to the Youth of the World, Interactive Edition

This iBook is available through:

Opening and Closing Prayers for Catechists

This iBook is available through:

The Bible: The Living Word of God

The Bible: The Living Word of God

Enhanced Interactive Edition

This iBook is available through:

The Church: Christ in the World Today

The Church: Christ in the World Today

Enhanced Interactive Edition

This iBook is available through:

The Sacraments: Encounters with Christ

The Sacraments: Encounters with Christ

Enhanced Interactive iBook Edition

This iBook is available through:

Christian Morality: Our Response to God’s Love

Christian Morality: Our Response to God’s Love

Enhanced Interactive iBook Edition

This iBook is available through:

The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ

The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ

Enhanced Interactive iBook Edition

This iBook is available through:

Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society

Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society

Enhanced Interactive iBook Edition

This iBook is available through:

Church History: Apostolic Times to Today

Church History: Apostolic Times to Today

Enhanced Interactive iBook Edition

This iBook is available through:

Vocations: Answering God's Call

Vocations: Answering God's Call

Enhanced Interactive iBook Edition

This iBook is available through: