
St. Maximilian Kolbe—Martyr

The video "St. Maximilian Kolbe—Martyr," by The Story of Liberty, available on YouTube (4:52), presents this saint to the students in a way that brings his sacrifice to life. Best with Chapter Project.


St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

The video "St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross," available on YouTube (7:13), is an engaging short film on the life of this saint. It would tie well to the "People of Faith" segment at the end of the chapter. It …


When the Saints Go Marchin’ In

The song/video "When the Saints Go Marchin’ In," by The Weavers, available on YouTube (2:39) with lyrics, is best used on day 4.


St. Rose Philippine Duchesne

The video "St. Rose Philippine Duchesne," by apostleshipofprayer, available on YouTube (2:00), introduces Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne. It is best used on day 4.


St. John Neumann

The video "St. John Neumann," by apostleshipofprayer, available on YouTube (2:01), introduces Saint John Neumann. It is best used on day 4.


St. Francis Xavier

The video "St. Francis Xavier," by apostleshipofprayer, available on YouTube (2:00), documents the life, travels, and missionary spirit of Saint Francis Xavier. It is best used on day 4.


St. Thomas More

The video "St. Thomas More," by catholicnewsagency, available on YouTube (2:01), shows the strong Catholic faith of Saint Thomas More and how he stood up to King Henry VIII instead of recognizing the Church of England. It is best used …


Catholic History in Less than Five Minutes: (4) The Early Church Fathers

The video "Catholic History in Less than Five Minutes: (4) The Early Church Fathers," by Pat McNamara, is available on YouTube (4:47). It is best used on day 1.


How Does the Catholic Church Declare Official Saints?

This video from Busted Halo takes a fun spin on answering common questions about being named a saint in the Catholic Church.


Correlation to Curriculum Framework

Correlation to Curriculum Framework Course IV: Jesus Christ’s Mission Continues in the Church from The Church: Christ in the World Today.


Asking the Saints and Mary for Prayers

A personal reflection on why Catholics ask the saints and Mary for prayers.


Striving and Competing for God

A personal story about striving to attain eternal life.


What Do Sisters Do?

An article that discusses the roles and responsibilities of religious sisters.


Ignatian Contemplation

A video explaining the prayer form of Ignatian Contemplation.


Early Church Fathers: Saint John Chrysostom

A short video on the life and works of the early Church father, Saint John Chrysostom.


Saint Kateri Tekakwitha

A short video on the life and works of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, the first Native American saint.


Saint Martin de Porres

A short video on the life and works of Saint Martin de Porres.


Matthew Leonard on Saint Ignatius of Antioch

Matthew Leonard comments on the life and works of Saint Ignatius of Antioch.


Saint Ephrem

A short biography of Saint Ephrem.


Saint Athanasius

A short video on Saint Athanasius' special love and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Pope Saint Leo the Great

A short biography of Pope Saint Leo the Great.


Saint Jerome

A short overview of the life and works of Saint Jerome.



A short discussion of the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament.



A short discussion of the Gospel of John.



An examination of the Gospel of Luke.



An explanation of the Gospel of Mark.


Pope Gregory the Great

A video outlining the life and teachings of Pope Gregory the Great.


Saint Ambrose

A short video outlining the life and works of Saint Ambrose.


30th Anniversary of John Paul II’s Assassination Attempt

A video explaining the assassination attempt on Pope Saint John Paul II's life.


How Did Saint Paul Evangelize?

A brief explanation of how Saint Paul evangelized.


What’s in the Name ‘Francis’?

A video on Saint Francis of Assisi, and why Pope Francis chose his name.


Pauline and Deutero-Pauline Letters

An article on the Pauline and Deutero-Pauline letters.


9/9 The Life of Pope John Paul II

A movie chronicling the entire life of Pope Saint John Paul II.


8/9 The Life of Pope John Paul II

A movie chronicling the entire life of Pope Saint John Paul II.


7/9 The Life of Pope John Paul II

A movie chronicling the entire life of Pope Saint John Paul II.


6/9 The Life of Pope John Paul II

A movie chronicling the entire life of Pope Saint John Paul II.


5/9 The Life of Pope John Paul II

A movie chronicling the entire life of Pope Saint John Paul II.


4/9 The Life of Pope John Paul II

A movie chronicling the entire life of Pope Saint John Paul II.


3/9 The Life of Pope John Paul II

A movie chronicling the entire life of Pope Saint John Paul II.


2/9 The Life of Pope John Paul II

A movie chronicling the entire life of Pope Saint John Paul II.


1/9 The Life of Pope John Paul II

A movie chronicling the entire life of Pope Saint John Paul II.


Saint Francis De Sales

A short video about Saint Francis De Sales, including an excerpt from his writing.


A Day in the Life of Saint Francis

An artistic, humorous, and educational account of the teachings of Saint Francis.


Did You Know? Fatima (Feast Day: May 13)

A clip summarizing the events surrounding Our Lady of Fatima.


Did You Know? Joan of Arc (Feast Day: May 30)

A clip summarizing the life of Saint Joan of Arc.


Did You Know? Saint Bernadette (Feast Day: April 16)

A clip summarizing the life of Saint Bernadette.


Life of Saint Ignatius of Loyola

A short documentary telling the story of Saint Ignatius of Loyola.


Who was Saint Thomas Aquinas?

A short video outlining Saint Thomas Aquinas' life and impact.


Mysteries of the Church: CANONIZATION

A documentary providing a definition of Sainthood, descriptions of the lives of a number of Saints, miracles performed by the Saints, and the comprehensive process whereby an individual is declared a Saint by the Catholic Church.


Mysteries of the Church: MARTYRS

A discussion of martyrdom and examples of Christian martyrs.


Mysteries of the Church: The Early Evangelists

A documentary discussing the early church, its members, and the means by which it expanded. Note: Viewing begins at 1:10.


Mysteries of the Church: Patron Saints

A cinematographically excellent documentary explaining in colloquial and relatable language the signifiance and origins of Patron Saints.


The History of Saint Patrick - a Short Story

A short, creative video explaining the life of Saint Patrick and the development of Saint Patrick's day.


A Short Introduction to the Carmelites - A Catholic Religious Order

A video providing pictures and quotations that explain the essence of the Carmelite vocation.


Prayer of Saint Francis by Sarah MacLachlan

Singer Sarah MacLachlan sings the prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi.


EWTn Live - Therese - the Movie - Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. with Leonardo Defilippis - 12-08-10

EWTN hosts an actor, producer, and director for the film about Therese of Lisieux. They discuss the film and Therese's life and virtue.


EWTN Live-Saint Francis de Sales-Fr Mitch Pacwa, SJ with Fr Thomas Dailey, OSFS-04-06-2011

A long discussion between experts that details Saint Francis De Sales' life, writings, and the cultural milieu in which he lived.


Saint Paul of Tarsus

A look at the life and ministry of Saint Paul.


Saint Clare of Assisi

A video chronicling the life of Saint Clare of Assisi.


Saint John Baptist de La Salle

A short video about the life of Saint John Baptist de la Salle.


Saint Thomas Aquinas

Short clip with reflection derived from the life of Saint Thomas Aquinas.


Using Primary Sources

This article is part of the Living in Christ Series. It discusses the value of using primary source texts in the classroom.


Mary of Nazareth

This article is from the Living in Christ Series. It offers a great introduction and overview of Mary through scripture and tradition, including Marian liturgical feasts and theological teachings and doctrines.


Check Your Understanding

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. It serves as a review of several important terms and asks students to define, associate, and put the term into the context of Salvation History.


Is This a Calling - Saint Teresa of Avila

This article is part of the Living in Christ Series. It is a excerpt from the writings of Saint Teresa of Avila about the discernment of her vocation to the religious life.


The Format of the Pauline Letters

This handout is part of the Living in Christ Series. It outlines the format of Paul's letters in the New Testament.


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 4

This rubric is part of the Living in Christ Series. It serves as a guide for assessing students on projects that communicate key ideas about Jesus' disciples, and apostles, especially his Mother, Mary.


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 3

This rubric is part of the Living in Christ Series. It serves as a guide for assessing students on projects that communicate key ideas about the person of Jesus Christ, especially his human and divine nature, and the context in …


Short History of Paul

Paul was a diaspora Jew, meaning he was a Jew that lived outside of Palestine. Paul was born in Tarsus--which is modern day Turkey--at the beginning of the Christian era. Tarsus was a large and prosperous city of the Roman …


Saint Paul: Interview and Worksheet

Interview with Paul This interview with Paul is from Breakthrough! The Bible for Young Catholics. On this colorful page, Paul explains his ministry and his legacy. Worksheet about Paul On this worksheet from the Student Activities Workbook for Breakthrough!: An …


The Twelve Virtues of a Good Teacher

THE TWELVE VIRTUES OF A GOOD TEACHER In 1706, John Baptist de La Salle, patron saint of teachers, listed twelve virtues of a good teacher in his Conduct of the Christian Schools. In 1785, Brother Agathon, the fifth superior general …


Biography of Pope Saint John Paul II

Saint John Paul II was born Karol Josef Wojtyla (Voy-tee-wah) on May 18, 1920, in Wadowice (Vah-do-vee-juh), Poland, a small city just outside Krakow. He was the third and youngest child of Karol Wojtyla Sr., a lieutenant in Poland's army, …


The Saint Patrick You Never Knew

He didn't chase the snakes out of Ireland and he may never have plucked a shamrock to teach the mystery of the Trinity. Yet Saint Patrick well deserves to be honored by the people of Ireland and by downtrodden and …


Five prayers Catholics can take to heart

The issue of prayer is not prayer; the issue of prayer is God. One cannot pray unless he has faith in his own ability to accost the infinite, merciful, eternal God. --Jewish Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, Man's Quest for God …


Meeting the Rhinoceros

Thomas Merton makes a valuable role model for the spiritual journey of the adolescent rhinoceros. At times even the most optimistic teacher may despair of the possibility of ever communicating meaningfully with adolescents. The significant number of developmental tasks facing …


Thomas Merton: Something of a Rebel

One of the world’s leading Merton experts takes another look at the monk who changed the course of American spirituality from his monastery cell. ON A RECENT VISIT to a secondhand bookstore in a Midwestern city, I found an exceptionally …


Saint Jerome: The Perils of a Bible Translator

“WHAT IS THE BEST TRANSLATION OF THE BIBLE?” This is the question that people who teach biblical studies hear more than any other. A bewildering abundance of alternatives is available to those who want to begin reading the Bible. This …

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