
St. Maximilian Kolbe—Martyr

The video "St. Maximilian Kolbe—Martyr," by The Story of Liberty, available on YouTube (4:52), presents this saint to the students in a way that brings his sacrifice to life. Best with Chapter Project.


St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

The video "St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross," available on YouTube (7:13), is an engaging short film on the life of this saint. It would tie well to the "People of Faith" segment at the end of the chapter. It …


When the Saints Go Marchin’ In

The song/video "When the Saints Go Marchin’ In," by The Weavers, available on YouTube (2:39) with lyrics, is best used on day 4.


St. Rose Philippine Duchesne

The video "St. Rose Philippine Duchesne," by apostleshipofprayer, available on YouTube (2:00), introduces Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne. It is best used on day 4.


St. John Neumann

The video "St. John Neumann," by apostleshipofprayer, available on YouTube (2:01), introduces Saint John Neumann. It is best used on day 4.


St. Francis Xavier

The video "St. Francis Xavier," by apostleshipofprayer, available on YouTube (2:00), documents the life, travels, and missionary spirit of Saint Francis Xavier. It is best used on day 4.


St. Thomas More

The video "St. Thomas More," by catholicnewsagency, available on YouTube (2:01), shows the strong Catholic faith of Saint Thomas More and how he stood up to King Henry VIII instead of recognizing the Church of England. It is best used …


Catholic History in Less than Five Minutes: (4) The Early Church Fathers

The video "Catholic History in Less than Five Minutes: (4) The Early Church Fathers," by Pat McNamara, is available on YouTube (4:47). It is best used on day 1.


Saint Joan of Arc: A Brief Biography

A biography of Saint Joan of Arc.


Asking the Saints and Mary for Prayers

A personal reflection on why Catholics ask the saints and Mary for prayers.


Striving and Competing for God

A personal story about striving to attain eternal life.


Beliefs Practices and Attitudes

The beliefs, practices, and attitudes of the Catholic faith.


Aquinas’s Five Proofs for the Existence of God

The Summa Theologica is a famous work written by Saint Thomas Aquinas between AD 1265 and 1274. It is divided into three main parts and presents reasoning for almost all core Christian beliefs. The Summa Theologica is well known for …



A short discussion of the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament.



A short discussion of the Gospel of John.



An examination of the Gospel of Luke.


The Conversion of Saint Augustine

A reading on the Conversion of Saint Augustine, with excerpts from “Confessions and Enchiridion.”


Saint Paul of Tarsus

A look at the life and ministry of Saint Paul.


Paul, the Missionary Adventurer: The Comic Book Version

This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It is a project idea for students to create a comic book/graphic novel about Paul's adventures in the Acts of the Apostles.


Modern Day Martyrs

This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It introduces a project idea for students learning about modern-day martyrs for their faith and religious convictions.


Portfolio Instruction

This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers instruction to students who must put together a portfolio of their readings, writings and assignments from lessons on Jesus and Christology.

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