
Saint Joan of Arc: A Brief Biography

A biography of Saint Joan of Arc.


Striving and Competing for God

A personal story about striving to attain eternal life.


Characteristics of Apologetics

With your group, read Saint Ignatius of Antioch’s letter to the Romans. Then answer the following questions.


Beliefs Practices and Attitudes

The beliefs, practices, and attitudes of the Catholic faith.


Aquinas’s Five Proofs for the Existence of God

The Summa Theologica is a famous work written by Saint Thomas Aquinas between AD 1265 and 1274. It is divided into three main parts and presents reasoning for almost all core Christian beliefs. The Summa Theologica is well known for …


Litany Promises Promises

Rev. John P. Mack Jr. discusses the rite of ordination, including the litany and the promise to obedience that priests make. He also talks about the challenges that priests face, and questions that he is often asked by high school …


The Conversion of Saint Augustine

A reading on the Conversion of Saint Augustine, with excerpts from “Confessions and Enchiridion.”


Student - Is This a Calling? Teresa of Avila

An excerpt on calling and vocation, written by Saint Teresa of Avila.

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