
Self-Esteem and Sexual Activity: The Difference Between the Sexes

The American Academy of Pediatrics recently found a major difference between boys with hgh self-esteem and girls with high self-esteem. Boys with a high self-esteem were more likely to have engaged in sexual intercourse than boys with low self-esteem. Conversely, …


Let's Prove Them Wrong!

12 September 2001 As the truth unfolds behind who committed these horrendous terrorist attacks against the United States, I pray that we--as individuals and a country--will have the strength and courage to think deeply before we lash out in anger …


Why Is the World the Way It Is?

Why is the world the way it is? Why is it full of wrong? Why are her eyes so big? Why is his neck so long? Why is she so dark? Why am I so light? Why is she called …


Moral Decision Making and Real-Life Applications

If you have used the Saint Mary's Press textbook Growing in Christian Morality, then you're familiar with the LISTEN process for making moral decisions. The process is introduced in the textbook and is used throughout the companion student casebook. LISTEN …


On the Frontier of Justice in Ghana

"Africa has been the land of hope, salvation, and redemption. Abraham had come to Africa, Joseph from slave to savior. It was the land of refuge for Jesus and helped to carry his cross. Will we continue to dismiss Africa …


Patch Adams - Movie Reflection

Patch Adams is a great movie to use with students! It is the fact-based story of Hunter "Patch" Adams, the founder of the Gesundheit Clinic. Robin Williams plays the lead character with grace and skill. Synopsis: After spending some time …


The Color Purple

A CAUTIONARY NOTE: One of the criticisms of The Color Purple is that it depicts the men in the story as primarily abusive. Also, this movie is PG-13, mostly because of the violence and strong language. We recommend the movie …


Until a "lack of discretion" do us part

Ever since the church got involved in the wedding ceremony, relatively late in Christian history, it has stood by its main belief about a marriage. It’s the consent of the couple that binds. SEVENTH IN A 10-PART SERIES ON CHURCH …


Who's Sorry Now?

For those of us old enough to remember, the phrase, "Love means never having to say you're sorry," produces a wry smile. It takes but a moment of reflection to realize the profound untruth of this statement. Life without "I'm …


Everyday Works of Mercy

Are you more Christian than you give yourself credit for being? My belief is that there are many like that--that many dedicated Christian people have compartmentalized their lives and have excluded important and central areas of their lives from what …



Mary Sue Williams and Cathy Miettunen lived just a few blocks apart in a tree-lined, middle-class neighborhood in Saint Paul, Minnesota when both went through the Catholic Church's annulment process following their civil divorces. Williams and Miettunen belonged to the …


The Death Penalty and the Catholic Conscience

Some proponents say the death penalty is biblical: "an eye for an eye." This moral theologian shows how they are misreading the Bible. If someone murdered your child or closest friend, what punishment would you want for the criminal? If …


Evil Never Looked So Good

Do you think you're a victim? Do you avoid making judgments because you'll hurt someone's feelings? Do you feel betrayed by your wrinkles or your balding dome? Be careful. You might be cuddling up to heresy, which just had a …


Letting Go and Letting God

*last name has been changed for this article Bernie Fenton* never minded that his office overlooked a cemetery. In fact, he kind of liked it. He'd glance up from his desk now and then catching glimpses of friends and family …


Jubilee Transformation and the Call to Reconciliation

The jubilee tradition has many connecting themes. One powerful current that runs through all the themes is the transformative power of God at work, reshaping our hearts and restoring our world. The hopes of the jubilee tradition are also a …


Peace: The Countercultural Value

Ours is a violent society. Furthermore, evidence strongly suggests that we are learning to accept violence as normal behavior. As a people, we appear to be increasingly indifferent to daily images of warfare, racial hatred and ethnic cleansing. Murder and …


Thou Shalt Not Kill: The Church Against Assisted Suicide

Will we allow doctors to become accomplices in self-destruction? That's a question the U.S. Supreme Court is facing. The results of its decision will be felt everywhere. WHEN I FIRST SAW my 39-year-old friend Jim lying in a nursing-home bed, …


The Ethics of Cloning

Amazing. Maybe it's because I can still be wowed by yet another Spielberg dinosaur film. Maybe it's because I find the processes of reproduction and the inner life of DNA to be as much about mystery as they are about …


Litany of Forgiveness

Before the session, cut out each of the eight prayers and accompanying Scripture passages. Place each slip of paper in a separate small envelope and seal it. There are times at school, at home, at work, or in a group …


Using Literature in Theology Classes

Editor's note: The author of our feature article, Kathleen Hodapp, was one of the participants in last summer's workshop "The Catholic High School As Faith Community," held here in Winona, Minnesota, as well as on the East Coast and the …


Kinds of Relationships

Margaret Kueberth, a religion teacher at the Catholic High School of Baltimore, passed on two of her exercises that can be used in a sexuality or lifestyles course. The first exercise, which can be made into a handout, serves as …


The Mirror Has Two Faces

We live in a culture obsessed with sex, and our students soak up that message in music, television, and film. I am astounded at how explicit the sexual dynamics, innuendo, and situations in typical teen dramas (witness "Dawson’s Creek," "Felicity," …


Curriculum Offerings of Theology Departments

For a couple of years, Saint Mary’s Press sponsored a listserv discussion group online. Discussions on a variety of topics were pursued via e-mail. In this section of the web site, I summarize some of the highlights from these old …

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