Using the Big Paper Exercise
This article is part of the Living in Christ Series. It discusses the value of using the Big Paper Exercise for classroom discussion.

Using an Ungraded Association Quiz
This article is part of the Living in Christ Series. It discusses the value of an ungraded association quiz as an assessment or preassessment.

Preassessment Informs Teaching
This article is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers an brief explanation behind preassessment diagnostic evaluations as ways to learn what students already know about a topic.

Introducing Biblical Navigation
This article is from the Living in Christ Series. It offers guidelines for teachers teaching students how to navigate the Bible, including reference to other worksheet for the students.

How to Lead a Socratic Seminar
This article is part of the Living in Christ Series. It includes information on how to prepare for, lead, assess and follow-up the classroom use of a Socratic Seminar discussion method.

Building Scaffolds for Learning
This article is from the Living in Christ Series. It discusses the notion of structured teaching methods through the model of scaffolding.

Reading Notes and Questions for Student Book Articles 9-12
This reading guide is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can use it while reading other articles from the LIC Series to take important notes and answer significant questions.

Mind Map
This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It is a handout for students to use the Mind Map format to brainstorm and explore relationships and associations between ideas and words.

Learning About Learning
This worksheet is part of the Living in Christ Series. It asks students to reflect on their responses, likes, and dislikes to new learning methods.

Biblical Scavenger Hunt for Events in the Life of Jesus
This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. It is a biblical scavenger hunt through the New Testament in order to find various key events in the life and ministry of Jesus.

The Cycle of Redemption
This handout is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students may use it as a quick reference to key ideas behind the Cycle of Redemption in the Old Testament.

Why Do We Study History
This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students are asked to reflect on important historical documents and consider the overall significance of studying history.

Final Performance Task Options for Unit 3
This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers ideas of assessing students who have recently studied scripture, especially original sin and salvation historys' culmination in Jesus Christ.

Field of Dreams Reflection Questions
This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. It serves as a follow up reflection on the movie, "The Field of Dreams," prompting students to think about the themes of inspiration, revelation, and vocation seen throughout the film.

Biblical Exegesis Worksheet
This activity is related to the "Biblical Exegesis Chart" and is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students must fill in the remaining column to answer questions about the exegetical work of various methods of biblical criticism.

Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 2
This rubric is part of the Living in Christ Series. It serves a guide for assessing students for projects that communicate key points about Scripture, especially revelation, inspiration, and vocation.

Final Performance Task Options for Unit 2
This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers ideas for assessing students who have recently studied the Bible, including inspiration, divine revelation, and exegesis.

Biblical Scavenger Hunt
In this activity, students are asked to find various famous Old Testament stories and events by searching through Scripture.

Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 1
This rubric is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers a guide for assessing students on projects that communicate their knowledge of various key points about the Bible.

Final Performance Task Options for Unit 1
This is a helpful resource for coming up with final assessments for students after reviewing biblical scholarship, history, genres, and criticism.

Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 7
This rubric is part of the Living in Christ Series. It serves as a guide for assessing students on projects about the person of Jesus Christ, especially his life, death and resurrection, and the effects of the Paschal Mystery.

Final Performance Task Options for Unit 7
This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers various project ideas for students who have recently studied christology, especially Jesus' suffering, death and resurrection in salvation history.

Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 6
This rubric is part of the Living in Christ Series. It serves as a guide for assessing students on projects on the person of Jesus Christ, especially his teaching on morality and Christian lifestyle.

Final Performance Task Options for Unit 5
This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers various project ideas for students who have recently studied christology, especially Jesus' Sermon on the Mount and the fulfillment of the Ten Commandments.

Encountering Jesus: Writing Assignment
This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. It gives two options for a writing assignment that uses scripture and the imagination.

Final Performance Task Options for Unit 4
This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers various project ideas for students who have recently studied christology, especially Jesus' relationships with Mary and the disciples.

Group Review Form for Posters About Jesus
This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers a review form for students or teachers to fill out after doing a poster project.

Etymology and Understanding
This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students define, associate, and find similaries among various words that a teacher or catechist assigns, in order to see the root and relationship between them.

Final Performance Task Options for Unit 3
This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers three different options for assessing students who have recently studied Christology, especially Jesus' fully human, fully divine nature, his historical context, and his relationship to God the Father.

The Development of Catholic Trinitarian Theology
This handout is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can fill in the blanks to learn or review key concepts about the development of Trinitarian theology.

Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 2
This rubric is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers a guide for assessing students on projects that communicate key points about the Trinitarian nature of God.

Final Performance Task Options for Unit 2
This resource is from the Living in Christ Series. It offers three ideas for assessing students who have recently studied Christology, including core themes like monotheism, trinitarianism, and community.

Grading Rubric for Interview Questions
This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. Teachers may use it as a grading rubric after assigning their students an interview assignment.

Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 1
This rubric is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers a guide for grading and assessing students who have completed projects regarding Jesus Christ as the manifestation of God's Love for humanity.

Final Performance Task Options for Unit 1
This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers ideas for final assessment projects for students studying Christology, including revelation, the Church, and tradition.

Catechist Tip Sheet 6: Using the Scriptures
The Scriptures play a critical role in our faith growth as a source of inspiration, celebration, education, and formation. As a catechist you should become comfortable with using the Scriptures, and nurture such comfort in young people.

The Holy Trinity
Student handout: Activity for an unnamed section of Cath Connections Handbook (pg 35-39 ish) word puzzle

Pass the Bag: A Biblical Affirmation Exercise
Class activity that familiarizes them with scriptural values, increases vocab, and ups self-esteem

Directions for Game on! Games for Catholic Connections
Original directions to go with Game On! Cards. instructions for Baseball, Dodgeball, Identity, Jeopardy...

Let Your Light Shine: An Overnight Retreat on Self-Esteem
This overnight retreat on self-esteem invites the young people to explore their own personal gifts and encourages them to share those abilities with others. The retreat emphasizes the light of Christ in our Life, the special people who bring us …

Catechist Tip Sheet 5: Helping Young Adolescents to Pay Attention
Handout that Catechists attending Session need to print out/can use. Resource

Giving Thanks for Special People: A Communication Activity for Thanksgiving
A thank-you card activity to give thanks for the special people in students' lives.

Catechist Tip Sheet 3: Effective Story Telling
Handout that Catechists attending Session need to print out/can use. Resource

Catechist Tip Sheet 4: Effective Group Management
Handout that Catechists attending Session need to print out/can use. Resource

Catechist Tip Sheet 1: Developmental Characteristics of Young Adolescents
Handout that Catechists attending Session need to print out/can use. Resource

Birthday Blessings
Similar to back to school blessing handout. Something you can do at home, "introduce God into your birthday celebrations at home"

Back-to-School Blessing: A Prayer Service for the Beginning of the School Year
A resource/handout for teachers or catechists. Something fun to do on first day of class, or during the beginning of the new school year.

Catechist Tip Sheet 2: Active Learning and Faith Formation
Handout that Catechists attending Session need to print out/can use. Resource
Lifehouse's Everything Skit
This skit is a powerful depiction of the human weakness in the face of temptations and the love of Jesus Christ, who conquers sin and death.
Why is the Mass Changing?
The Mass Is Changing...How? Why? And what does it all mean for you? Catholic Answers Senior Apologist Jimmy Akin explains why the Church has decided to issue a new translation of the Roman Missal.
What are the Historical Roots of the Mass?
What are the historical roots of the Mass? The Mass is changing...How? Why? And what does it all mean for you? This video is a detailed summary of continuity concerning liturgy.
The Sacraments at the Service of Communion: Holy Orders and Matrimony
This session from Catechetical Sessions on Liturgy and the Sacraments invites participants to consider the unique ways in which ordained ministers and married people serve the people of God, responsibilities that are presented in the vows they take in either …
Play Ball
Preparation Gather the following items: * two foam balls or two beanbags * one copy of the resource A Communication Process(PDF) Secretly Ask a participant to help you with the activity. Explain that the second activity in this session is …
Paul's Conversion
Background for the Teacher This session focuses our attention on Paul's conversion experience. Using a hard-boiled egg and a raw egg as focusing symbols, the young people reflect on the meaning of conversion. Then two or three of the participants …
Paul: Persecutor of Christians
Saul was ravaging the church by entering house after house; dragging off both men and women . . . To prison. (Acts of the Apostles 8:3) Convinced that following the teachings of Jesus was wrong, Paul pursued the early Christians …
Paul: Religious Zeal
I advanced in Judaism beyond many among my people of the same age, for I was far more zealous for the traditions of my ancestors. (Galatians 1:14) A tent maker by trade, Paul's Jewish name was Saul. But because Paul …
Nurturing Spirituality with Faculty and Staff
This vision paper presents stories and ideas of Catholic educators who care deeply about their faith, their vocation, and their school communities. It is a reflection on how staff spiritual development empowers the mission to teach as Jesus did. The …
Blessed are the Media Makers . . .
Imagine if a teacher brought students to the school library and allowed them to read anything they wanted without ever asking a single question or demanding that students think critically about what they were reading. Preposterous! What teacher would ever …
Program aims to get youth excited about Bible
Young people in the diocese are getting excited about Scripture and it's all part of a national effort called "Yes! Youth Engaging Scripture." YES is a Catholic teen-to-teen Bible sharing concept and to date, some 1,800 young people have been …
The First Address from Pope Benedict XVI
"Grace and peace in abundance to all of you! In my soul there are two contrasting sentiments in these hours. On the one hand, a sense of inadequacy and human turmoil for the responsibility entrusted to me yesterday as the …
November, National Child Safety Month: Considerations in Ministry Planning
CONSIDERATIONS IN MINISTRY PLANNING All adults who work with children and or young people must be capable of exercising good judgment and wisdom in their ministry. We recommend that you consider the following questions when planning any activity involving children …
National Bible Week: PRIMA Bible Study
THE PRIMA PROCESS Prima is the Latin word for first. In the PRIMA process, each letter of the word stands for a step in reading and studying the Bible individually or with a group. Using the PRIMA process helps you …
Scripture Search and Discussion: Living by the Spirit of Jesus
(25 minutes) Before the session. Ask one of the participants to serve as a reader. Then, write each of the four following words or phrases on a separate sheet of paper. If your group is large, you might want to …
The Twelve Virtues of a Good Teacher
THE TWELVE VIRTUES OF A GOOD TEACHER In 1706, John Baptist de La Salle, patron saint of teachers, listed twelve virtues of a good teacher in his Conduct of the Christian Schools. In 1785, Brother Agathon, the fifth superior general …
Wrestling with Diversity
How do we welcome non-Christians into our schools and our religion classrooms, and at the same time give witness to our own Christ-centered faith? How do we invite students to learn from and respect other faith traditions without sending the …
The Elephant Man
I use a "carousel" activity with the movie The Elephant Man (1980, Paramount Video, 125 minutes) when teaching my lifestyles course. It works like this. After viewing the movie, I ask the students to call out the names of all …
What Every Teen Should Know
I often joke with my students that they help me parent my children! When my daughter Ellie was turning thirteen, all of a sudden I was struck with this idea that turned out to be an awesome activity for my …
Processing Service Experiences
I have been involved with our school's service-learning program for over ten years as a classroom teacher. Because the program is integrated fully in the religion, English, and social studies curriculum, we have made a commitment to processing the material …
Parents As Members of the High School Faith Community
In 1977 when I began teaching and ministering in the high school apostolate, parents were not considered a part of the official work on student retreats. As the teachers, we had the answers for their sons and daughters; we had …
The Buzz About the Theology-Technology Connection
"What's the buzz? Tell me what's happenin'!" I'm sure many of you recognize those lyrics from "Jesus Christ Superstar." I think of that song whenever the topic of technology comes up, which is often. In-services, workshops, and professional journals regularly …
The Late Great Catholic High School
"Jesus is everyone's department!" That is what I found myself exclaiming as I argued with a fellow teacher and friend about why she only wanted the religion teachers in our high school to offer extra credit to students if they …
U.S. Students Work for Salvadoran Students
Katie Murphy visited El Salvador in the summer of 1999 as part of the Frontiers of Justice project, a learning opportunity for Catholic high school teachers cosponsored by Catholic Relief Services and the National Catholic Educational Association's Secondary Division. Her …
Undergraduates and Theology: Why Bother?
They seemed happily unaware of traditional teachings.... I thought them unchurched. The invitation to spell out what I see happening today in theological education for undergraduates is too good to pass up. Ive been teaching undergraduates for nearly 30 years. …
Theology for Teens
Adolescents' values and aspirations are in the process of formation and their capacity for commitment is just beginning to emerge. Europeans tell the story of a young man who was disturbed by the antireligious skepticism prevalent at his university and …
Active Learning in Scripture Courses
I first began using multiple-intelligence theory to respond to the variety of gifts in my students. For example, students who rarely participated in class discussion expressed themselves freely in artwork, music, or role-plays. I soon found that the use of …
In the Name of the Father
Making the sign of the cross is a gesture that says, in shorthand, that a person is a Catholic. It appears as an icon in popular culture, and as a gesture it is scattered throughout film history, for example: movie …
Tuning in to youths' media culture
Rather than criticize teens' preoccupation with the media, these religion teachers use it in their faith formation efforts. Adolescents often feel most fully alive and in tune with their peers in the midst of a media experience--a rock concert, a …
Seven habits of highly effective Catholic college graduates
Evidence of a total Catholic education may be found in persons who have cultivated these principles of action. The title of Stephen R. Covey's long-running bestseller The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Simon & Schuster) kept circling in my …
A Multiple Intelligence Approach
Helping students discover how they are smart should be the goal of assessment. Is multiple intelligence instruction the way to proceed into the 21st century? Many educators in Catholic settings with whom I have worked remark that the theory reminds …
Six Ways to be Truly Catholic
I always thought that I would have made a great archbishop in Salzburg during the time of Mozart. But instead I'm the archbishop of Milwaukee in the time of rock 'n' roll. That's the way life turns out. We live …
The Church
Central Characteristics of Roman Catholicism Catholicism is a remarkably rich religion, characterized by a complex tapestry of beliefs, practices, values, rituals, traditions, and more. When viewed from the outsidethat is, by those who do not share its communal lifeCatholicism is …
The Connections Binder: A Theology Project
The Connections Binder encourages students to find meaningful connections between the content they are studying in class and something from the world outside the classroom that they find interesting or appealing. I assign this project at the beginning of my …
Using Literature in Theology Classes
Editor's note: The author of our feature article, Kathleen Hodapp, was one of the participants in last summer's workshop "The Catholic High School As Faith Community," held here in Winona, Minnesota, as well as on the East Coast and the …
Service and Justice
We are standing on the brink, and our bishops are urging us to jump. Many of us don't know where we'll end up, and we aren't sure whether we'll land in one piece. Yet the sense of urgency is building, …
Methods That Tune In to the Students' World
Jack Kelly, who teaches religious studies at Saint Albert High School in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, offers us thoughts on how to engage students, using the contemporary media that are so familiar to them. The textbook, chalkboard, and teacher remain valued …
To Teach as Jesus Did: A Teacher's Reflections
"To teach as Jesus did." It's a phrase that must have been tucked away somewhere in my mind because it sprang to consciousness when I was asked to consider writing this article. "To teach as Jesus did." What an awesome …
The Power of Parables
We all know that a good story will almost always act as an excellent springboard for reflection. Jesus' most effective teaching tool was the parable. He would gather his disciples and tell them a story with a message that moved …
When the School Play Becomes a Faith Experience
As a teacher in a Catholic school, I have always been concerned with trying to demonstrate to my students how, in a practical way, Catholic values and the Christian worldview are relevant to their lives. A Catholic school does not …
"God, being a teenager has so many ups and downs, so many vital decisions. It is a time when the pressures of one's peers are at a high, and the choices that are made will inevitably follow people throughout their …
Taking Off on the Ten Commandments
This classroom strategy is based on a method used by Fr. Steve Brice while teaching religion at Aquinas High School, La Crosse, Wisconsin. Young people love humor and satire. One way to alleviate pressures students feel from the culture around …
Using Imaginative Retellings in Teaching the Bible
Biblical stories have been imaginatively retold over and over again for centuries. A particular type of retelling, in which students assume the role of a biblical character then retell the story using a first-person point of view, has proven effective …
Teaching Church History
In teaching church history, I have used, with some degree of success, the approach of showing links between the events and issues of the past and the concerns the church is facing today and will be facing in the future. …
Once Upon A Time: Using Student-Generated Stories in Religion Classes
Religion classes should be interesting, if not compelling, and they can be if what is interesting is determined by the students. This, of course, is not a new approach. Learner-centered educational theories have been popular for decades. Using story as …
Shameless Flattery and Groveling
I must be a magician with talent enough to spare . . . Yes! That would explain how it is I can make assignments disappear . . into thin air. I think my mind is plagued with such topics as . . Nuclear War. I simply cannot devote my …
Curriculum Offerings of Theology Departments
For a couple of years, Saint Marys Press sponsored a listserv discussion group online. Discussions on a variety of topics were pursued via e-mail. In this section of the web site, I summarize some of the highlights from these old …
Block Scheduling Tips
For a couple of years, Saint Mary's Press sponsored a listserv discussion group online. Discussions on a variety of topics were pursued via e-mail. It is my hope that I can summarize some of the highlights from these old files …