
Lesson Plan for Lesson 1

A lesson plan for lesson 1 in The Catholic faith Handbook for Youth: Catechist Guide. This lesson plan challenges students to identify why they are Catholic and the core beliefs, practices, and attitudes of Catholicism


Using Hevruta

A lesson plan on using Hevruta in the classroom.


How to Lead a Socratic Seminar

A reading on how to lead a Socratic seminar.


Using the Jigsaw Process

A resource on how to use the jigsaw process, with is a method where students share information and insights from different readings to create a larger picture.


Portfolio Instruction

This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers instruction to students who must put together a portfolio of their readings, writings and assignments from lessons on Jesus and Christology.


A Gallery Walk - Discussion Technique

This article is from the Living in Christ Series. It is an instructional article for teachers to learn how to administer a "Gallery Walk" discussion technique.


Introducing Biblical Navigation

This article is from the Living in Christ Series. It offers guidelines for teachers teaching students how to navigate the Bible, including reference to other worksheet for the students.


The Best King of Israel

This handout is part of the Living in Christ Series. It outlines the research questions for students to explore while studying various kings of the Old Testament.


Paul's Conversion

Background for the Teacher This session focuses our attention on Paul's conversion experience. Using a hard-boiled egg and a raw egg as focusing symbols, the young people reflect on the meaning of conversion. Then two or three of the participants …

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