
Friendship and Forgiveness Prayer Space

An activity, including a discussion and a craft, on forgiving friends and family members, based on The Catholic Children’s Bible featured story “Jesus Teaches Us to Forgive”, Matthew 18:21–35.


Symbol Interviews

A series of interview questions that students can ask married couples about symbols and marriage.


Remembering My Confirmation

A worksheet where students are asked to interview several adults about their Confirmation experiences.


Handout: The Answer Is

Questions about Jesus’ life and ministry.


Middle School Retreat to Learn about the Church as a Saving Community

An outline to help plan a middle school retreat focused on the Church as a saving community.


Getting to Know Jesus

A partner activity on getting to know Jesus through Scriptural accounts of his miracles.


The Word to the Page

A worksheet on the topic, facts, main point or theme, and moral or message of a chosen event.


Interview Questions for Family Members

Several interview questions for family members on family life and the Fourth Commandment.


Getting to Know Mary, from Section 3 Part 1 of "Jesus Christ: God's Love Made Visible"

A partner activity where Scripture passages are used to get to know Mary.


The Body of Christ

A customizable assignment on different issues, locations, and groups of people around the world, in relation to the Church, the Body of Christ.


Cities of the Roman Empire

A group assignment on the cities of the Roman Empire.


The Gospel of John and Anti-Semitism

A group activity on the Gospel of John and anti-Semitism.


Analyzing Artistic Depictions of the Book of Glory

A group activity where students analyze the artistic depictions of the Book of Glory.


Exegetical Methodology: Sociohistorical Criticism

A group assignment on exegetical methodology: sociohistorical criticism.


Exegetical Methodology: Literary Criticism

A group activity on using exegetical methodology to analyze Scripture.


Literary Analysis of Luke 10:25-37

A partner discussion of Luke 10:25-37.


Contextual Reading of Scripture

An activity where students read selected Scripture quotes and generate a list of questions that they want to ask of the text to further understand why it was written.


Preassessment Pair Activity

A preassessment activity where students work in pairs to match definitions and vocabulary words.


Imaginary First-Century Letters

Two imaginary first-century letters that describe the difficulties of staying faithful to the teachings of Jesus in a culture that rejects them.


Socratic Seminar Symbol Codes

A list of symbol codes used to evaluate the Socratic Seminar method.


The Socratic Seminar

A handout on the Socratic Seminar method, which is a class seminar that gives students the opportunity to test their analytical and discussion skills through oral debate.


Socratic Seminar: Israel's Demand for a King

Instructions for an in-class debate on Israel’s demand for a King.


Israel in Egypt

A worksheet where students are asked to work in groups to read Scripture passages that illustrate the development of the Israelite community and identity.


Small Passage Midrash, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide

An activity where students read an assigned Scripture passage of the mythical genre and then work on interpreting what they have read, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


Socratic Seminar Symbol Codes

Socratic seminar symbol codes to help quickly evaluate a seminar speaker.


The Socratic Seminar

A reading on the process and expectations for the Socratic Seminar debate.


A Preassessment of My Knowledge of the Sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony

The leader’s copy of several preassessment questions and answers used to gauge students’ knowledge of the Sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony.


Life in the Holy Spirit

A number of real-world scenarios that deal with the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the fruits of the Holy Spirit.


Using a Mind Map

A reading on using a mind map, which is a creative way to introduce a concept.


The Meaning of Redemption (II)

A set of discussion questions centered around the meaning of Redemption: a matter of unconditional love, from "The Sacraments: Encounters with Christ."


Sacramental Symbols in Scripture

A listing of scripture passages and complementary discussion questions from “The Sacraments: Encounters with Christ.”



The Leader’s Guide for a preassessment of students’ knowledge of the Sacraments.


Story Critique

Guidelines for critiquing “What is My Story?” from “The Sacraments: Encounters with Christ.”


What Is My Story?

An activity based on reflecting on moments in your life in which you faced a significant challenge, from “The Sacraments: Encounters with Christ.”


Scripture Readings for Celebrating the Rite of Marriage

A list of Scripture readings that can be included in celebrating the Rite of Marriage, from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Sharing in the Ministry of Jesus: Priest, Prophet, and King

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Groups of students can answer questions about Jesus as Priest, Prophet or King and reflect on models and characteristics of these distinct but related ministries.


Reflection Questions: The Call to Holiness

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can reflect on what it means to be holy and how to grow in holiness through these series of questions.


The Prodigal Son A Story of Conversion

This worksheet is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can reflect on and answer questions about the conversion of the Prodigal Son.


Heroes of Prayer

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students are asked to research and answer questions about a "Hero of Prayer", including doubt they experienced and prayers they used.


Music and Liturgy

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can reflect on various songs and pieces of music in the liturgy to come to a greater understanding.


Reflections on Suffering

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can reflect on their experiences of and response to suffering through this series of though-provoking questions.


Redemptive Suffering in the Ministry of Jesus

This worksheet is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students must look up various scripture passages referring to Jesus' suffering and answer questions about the scenario and the significance of redemptive suffering.


Common Beliefs about Suffering

This activity allows students to reflect on a series of questions about human suffering and God's participation in it. They can agree or disagree with various statements of commonly held beliefs about suffering.


Why We Go to Mass Reflection and Discussion Questions

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students are asked to reflect on and discuss the significance of the Mass through these questions.


Visual Meditation on the Ascension

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students may reflect on images of Jesus' Ascension and answer these questions.


Redemptive Love in The Spitfire Grill

This worksheet is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can answer questions about the themes and characters in the movie, "The Spitfire Grill".


The Miracles of Jesus

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can work in groups to look up passages of some of Jesus' miracles and reflect on them together.


Reading the Parables

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students must look up some of Jesus' parables and answer questions about the analogy and imagery used and the message being given about the Kingdom of God.


Symbols of Baptism

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. It invites students to reflect on the significance of key symbols used in baptism.


The Baptism of Jesus

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can read the account of Jesus' baptism and answer questions about it.


Interview Questions about Your Baptism

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students ask the provided to questions to adults who can tell them about the details of that student's baptism. A reflection on the significance of the sacrament is done at …


The Parable of Juan and the Fishbowl Reflection

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can answer basic, advanced, and highly reflective questions about the story.


Using the Lectionary to Understand How God’s Ancient Promises Are Fulfilled in Jesus

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can use this handout to explore some Old Testament prophecies that find their fulfillment in Jesus Christ.


Redemptive Love: Simon Birch

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students watching the movie "Simon Birch" can use this handout to follow along and reflect on major themes in the film.


Where Have Jesus, Mary, the Apostles, Disciples, and Others Modeled the Ways to Discipleship?

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students are asked to reflect on the discipleship modeled by Jesus, Mary, the Apostles, and others.


Definitions and Application of Theological Terms

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can use this chart to fill in the definiton of various terms, then find a practical application for their life.


Cross the Line

This article is part of the Living in Christ Series. It introduces a method of classroom discussion that is interactive and a part of the bodily-kinesthetic learning method. Students move to indicate their responses to various questions.


Compare and Contrast: Abraham and Moses

In this exercise the students compare and contrast the covenant experiences of Abraham and Moses to gain a deeper understanding of the role of covenant in the history of the Jewish people.


Senses of Scripture and the Annunciation

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can analyze the story of the Annunciation through the literal, moral, spiritual, anagogical, and allegorical sense of interpretation.


Learning About Learning

This worksheet is part of the Living in Christ Series. It asks students to reflect on their responses, likes, and dislikes to new learning methods.



This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can read the account of Pentecost in the Acts of the Apostles and answer questions about it.


The Ascension of Jesus

This worksheet is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can read the account of Jesus' Ascension and answer questions about it.


Leadership Statements

This worksheet is part of the Living in Christ Series. It includes several statesments about leadership in the Bible, including who's called, what skills are necessary, and what it takes to be a good leader.


What Kind of Leader Is Moses?

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students are asked to look up verses and make assessments about Moses' leadership in the Old Testament.


Sprint Through Salvation History Scriptural Passages

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students are asked to explore the Bible for key events in the Old and New Testaments in Salvation History.


Etymology and Understanding

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students define, associate, and find similaries among various words that a teacher or catechist assigns, in order to see the root and relationship between them.


Interview Questions: Personal Relationship with Jesus

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students are to interview an adult in their life whom they know that has a personal relationship with Jesus.

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