
"The Fingerprints of God" Reflection Questions

A set of reflection questions on the song, “The Fingerprints of God” by Steven Curtis Chapman.


A Call to Love

A set of reflection questions, based on the four objects of love.


The Pastoral and Catholic Epistles

A group assignment on the Pastoral and Catholic Epistles.


Paul's Response to the Early Christian Communities

A group assignment on Paul’s response to the early Christian communities.


The Apostles Peter and Paul

A series of questions on the Apostles Peter and Paul, to be answered in a small group.


Old Testament Themes and Images in John's Prologue

A worksheet on the Old Testament themes and images in the prologue of the Gospel of John.


Exploring John's Christology

A worksheet where the critical questioning method is used to explore John’s Christology.


Comparing and Contrasting the Passion and Resurrection Narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke

A group worksheet on comparing and contrasting the Passion and Resurrection narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.


Comparing and Contrasting Infancy Narratives

A group worksheet on comparing and contrasting infancy narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.


The Reign of God in the Gospel of Luke and Today

A group worksheet on how the Reign of God is presented in the Gospel of Luke and in today’s culture.


The Reign of God in the Gospel of Luke

A group worksheet on how the Reign of God is presented in the Gospel of Luke.


Jesus, the Teacher

A group worksheet on Jesus, the teacher.


Jesus and the Law of Moses

A group worksheet that compares different scriptural texts.


Sunday Lectionary Readings: God’s Ongoing Story of Love for Humanity

A group assignment on several sets of Sunday Lectionary readings.


Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum, 1965)

A worksheet that examines several chapters of "Dei Verbum" using group discussion.


Imaginary First-Century Letters

Two imaginary first-century letters that describe the difficulties of staying faithful to the teachings of Jesus in a culture that rejects them.


Socratic Seminar Observation Form - Student

An observation form for students to fill out after a Socratic Seminar.


The Disciples on the Road to Emmaus Part II

Discussion questions based on The Disciples on the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35).


Socratic Seminar Observation Form - Student

A student observation form for the Socratic seminar.


Student Evaluation of the Socratic Seminar

A student evaluation sheet for the Socratic seminar.


Justice Conversation Starters

A list of several conversation starters or self-reflection questions on the topic of justice.


Dilemma Questions

A set of questions based on real-world situations and dilemmas that a person may be dealing with.


Reading Notes and Questions for Student Book Articles 9-12

This reading guide is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can use it while reading other articles from the LIC Series to take important notes and answer significant questions.

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