
Called to Share the Mission of Jesus

This small-group activity provides each group with an example of Christ's mission. Groups must answer questions surrounding their particular example.


"The Fingerprints of God" Reflection Questions

A set of reflection questions on the song, “The Fingerprints of God” by Steven Curtis Chapman.


A Call to Love

A set of reflection questions, based on the four objects of love.


The Pastoral and Catholic Epistles

A group assignment on the Pastoral and Catholic Epistles.


Paul's Response to the Early Christian Communities

A group assignment on Paul’s response to the early Christian communities.


The Apostles Peter and Paul

A series of questions on the Apostles Peter and Paul, to be answered in a small group.


Old Testament Themes and Images in John's Prologue

A worksheet on the Old Testament themes and images in the prologue of the Gospel of John.


Exploring John's Christology

A worksheet where the critical questioning method is used to explore John’s Christology.


Comparing and Contrasting the Passion and Resurrection Narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke

A group worksheet on comparing and contrasting the Passion and Resurrection narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.


Comparing and Contrasting Infancy Narratives

A group worksheet on comparing and contrasting infancy narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.


The Reign of God in the Gospel of Luke and Today

A group worksheet on how the Reign of God is presented in the Gospel of Luke and in today’s culture.


The Reign of God in the Gospel of Luke

A group worksheet on how the Reign of God is presented in the Gospel of Luke.


Jesus, the Teacher

A group worksheet on Jesus, the teacher.


Jesus and the Law of Moses

A group worksheet that compares different scriptural texts.


Sunday Lectionary Readings: God’s Ongoing Story of Love for Humanity

A group assignment on several sets of Sunday Lectionary readings.


Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum, 1965)

A worksheet that examines several chapters of "Dei Verbum" using group discussion.


Imaginary First-Century Letters

Two imaginary first-century letters that describe the difficulties of staying faithful to the teachings of Jesus in a culture that rejects them.


Socratic Seminar Observation Form - Student

An observation form for students to fill out after a Socratic Seminar.


The Disciples on the Road to Emmaus Part II

Discussion questions based on The Disciples on the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35).

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