Confirmed in a Faithful Community, Immediate Preparation Edition
A Four- to Six-Month Confirmation Program
With nine 90-minute sessions
Confirmed in a Faithful Community is formatted so that you can make Confirmation preparation part of a comprehensive youth ministry and catechetical program.
As a senior high Confirmation process grounded in the vision of initiation established by the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, the goals of this program are to guide the parish toward an effective celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation and to help Confirmation candidates do the following:
- embrace their baptismal call and experience a deeper initiation into a welcoming Church community.
- grow in knowledge of the person, mission, and message of Jesus.
- understand the nature of the Church and appreciate the role of the sacraments in the Church's life and their own lives.
- recognize the activity of the Holy Spirit in their lives and in the life of the Church.
- understand the rite of Confirmation and prepare to celebrate it in a meaningful way.
The Ad Hoc Committee to Oversee the Use of the Catechism, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has found this catechetical text, copyright 2006, to be in conformity, as supplemental catechetical material, with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Click on any cover or title for more information. For the Third Edition of Confirmed in a Faithful Community, click here.

This guide is designed to ensure that the sponsor's experience will be a positive one. It includes a discussion about the sponsor's role in the Confirmation process, an overview of the process of preparation, and practical ideas for relating to and understanding the candidate.

The catechist's guide is the heart and soul of the Confirmed in a Faithful Community Confirmation preparation process. Utilizing solid doctrinal content, active learning strategies, and creative prayer services, lesson plans for nine sessions include checklists of materials and preparations, background for the catechist, and a complete description of each session.

This manual provides practical guidance for carrying out a short-term (three- to six-month) process of preparation for the celebration of Confirmation that fits with your existing faith-formation program. The manual includes a planning procedure for developing a process uniquely suited to your parish, a discussion of the practical concerns that confront a coordinator, suggested outlines for orientation sessions for parents or guardians and sponsors, one optional retreat, resources for parish involvement, and more.