
The Literature of Love

Reflection questions on William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116.


I Have a Mission

A prayer/reflection about one’s mission of service to God.


Ignatian Discernment of Spirits

An article that breaks down the differences between good and evil spirits.


What Do Sisters Do?

An article that discusses the roles and responsibilities of religious sisters.


“To Brother”: A Personal Story

An article written by Br. Armand Alcazar FSC, who discusses his view of his vocation as a verb, “to brother”, or “brothering” in teaching and community life.


Litany Promises Promises

Rev. John P. Mack Jr. discusses the rite of ordination, including the litany and the promise to obedience that priests make. He also talks about the challenges that priests face, and questions that he is often asked by high school …


Love and Faith in Times of Trouble

This excerpt discusses the ups and down of married life, and how one should respond in both good times and bad.


The Future of Marriage

An article on the eschatological perspective of marriage.


Conversion's Impact on Marriage

An article about the ways that a married individual is called upon to be converted; as an individual, within the marriage, and as one called to live in the image of God.


The Witness of One

An article about how the greatest testimony to the faith comes not from famous and influential people, but through you and me, as we face the challenges that come to us each and every day.


Who Is God Calling Me to Become?

A series of questions that help young people reflect on what God is calling them to become.


A Call to Love

A set of reflection questions, based on the four objects of love.


Movie: A Life Devoted to the Poor

A series of reflection questions to be asked after viewing the movie about the life of Mother Teresa.


The Domestic Church

An article on family life and the domestic Church.


Lifelong Journey

Several questions about yourself and relationships to consider before entering into the permanent covenant of marriage.


Equal Partners in Marriage

A numbers of questions relating to the equality of men and women in society as well as in marriage.


Study Guide: The Transforming Power of Marriage in "A Beautiful Mind"

A study guide on the transforming power of marriage, using examples from the movie "A Beautiful Mind."


Student - Is This a Calling? Teresa of Avila

An excerpt on calling and vocation, written by Saint Teresa of Avila.


What Is Discipleship?

This article is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers a brief introduction to the concept of discipleship as the Christian vocation.


The Domestic Church: Catholic Families

This article is part of the Living in Christ series. It discusses the domestic church, that is, the home of Catholic families, and uses Church documents to affirm the important role families play in the life of the Church.


Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience

This article is from the Living in Christ Series. It discusses the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience that all religious take as part of their vocation.


Check Your Understanding

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. It serves as a review of several important terms and asks students to define, associate, and put the term into the context of Salvation History.


Is This a Calling - Saint Teresa of Avila

This article is part of the Living in Christ Series. It is a excerpt from the writings of Saint Teresa of Avila about the discernment of her vocation to the religious life.


The Sacramental Priesthood

The Origins of the Priesthood The origins of the priesthood go back to the Old Testament. One of the tribes of ancient Israel, the tribe of Levi, was set apart for priestly service (see Numbers 3:5–10). The tribe's role was …


Nurturing Spirituality with Faculty and Staff

This vision paper presents stories and ideas of Catholic educators who care deeply about their faith, their vocation, and their school communities. It is a reflection on how staff spiritual development empowers the mission to teach as Jesus did. The …


Prayer: How Will You Know?

Reader 1: When do you decide how you will live? What goes into the thoughts that shape your dreams? Reader 2: For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, Reader 1: Do you know, at …


Electing a New Pope

Choosing a new pope is somewhat of a mystery to people. In the early Church, a pope was elected not only by the bishops but also by the clergy and the laity. In later years, only the bishops took part …


Frequently Asked Questions About the Pope

What is the pope? The pope is the bishop of the Church of Rome, Italy. Because of the importance of Rome, Tradition recognizes the pope as the supreme pastor of all Christians. Why is the Church of Rome so important? …


Did you know? Interesting Facts to Share with Your Students About the Papacy

The term pope comes from the Greek work pappas, or the Latin word papa, both of which mean "father." The pope's official titles include bishop of Rome, vicar of Jesus Christ, successor of the prince of the Apostles, supreme pontiff …



Mary Sue Williams and Cathy Miettunen lived just a few blocks apart in a tree-lined, middle-class neighborhood in Saint Paul, Minnesota when both went through the Catholic Church's annulment process following their civil divorces. Williams and Miettunen belonged to the …


Priesthood Today

Looking at changes in Baptism, Eucharist and Reconciliation is the key to understanding what's happening to the priesthood today. "IS IT HARDER TO BE A PRIEST TODAY than it used to be?" A parishioner who was wondering why there are …


Six Ways to be Truly Catholic

I always thought that I would have made a great archbishop in Salzburg during the time of Mozart. But instead I'm the archbishop of Milwaukee in the time of rock 'n' roll. That's the way life turns out. We live …

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