
Lord, You Have Come to the Seashore

The song/video "Lord, You Have Come to the Seashore," sung by Tim Lewis, is available on YouTube (4:03) with illustrated art and photos. It is best used on day 1.


The Monastic Life, an Opportunity for the Church

The video "The Monastic Life, an Opportunity for the Church," available on YouTube (2:55), provides background material on monastic life for day 3.


Vocation Testimonial

A simple search of "vocation stories" on YouTube provides many possibilities. Preselect two or three videos based on your time limitations, student familiarity with certain orders, and potential interest. "The Story of a Voca-tion," posted by OrderofPreachers (3:33), and "Vocation …


The Story of a Vocation

A simple search of "vocation stories" on YouTube provides many possibilities. Preselect two or three videos based on your time limitations, student familiarity with certain orders, and potential interest. "The Story of a Vocation," posted by OrderofPreachers (3:33), and "Vocation …


2014 Rite of Ordination

The video "2014 Rite of Ordination," by Texas Catholic, available on YouTube (2:54), provides a helpful narrative for learning about the Rite of Ordination on day 4.


The Rite of Ordination

The video "The Rite of Ordination," by Rome Reports, available on YouTube (2:30), provides background for day 4.


Set Me As a Seal

The song/video "Set Me as a Seal," by Matt Maher, available on YouTube (4:16), is appropriate for use on day 3.


Dominic's Vocation

The video "Dominic’s Vocation," by Catholic Diocese of Forth Worth, available on YouTube (7:38), is appropriate for use on day 2.


Vocation 101: What Is Vocation?

The video "Vocation 101: What is Vocation?" by fteleaders, available on YouTube (2:42), is used on day 2.


Say Yes

The song/video "Say Yes," by Michelle Williams, Beyonce, and Kelly Rowland, available on YouTube (4:12), offers a good introduction to day 4. The first 1:20 conveys the necessary content to engage the class.


Lesson Plan for Lesson 22

A lesson plan for lesson 22 in The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth: Catechist Guide.


Holy Orders (What Ordination Means)

A short video from Busted Halo that explains what Holy Orders are, what happens at an Ordination, and what it means to say yes to God.


Matrimony (Why Make it Catholic)

A short video from Busted Halo that explains the Sacrament of Marriage.


A Day in the Life of a Seminarian

A short video that takes a look at a typical day in the life of a seminarian.


Hearing the Voice of God

A personal story about tuning out the noise and tuning in to God through prayer and quiet reflection.


Touching the Lives of Others

A personal story about the mission and ministry of those in consecrated life.


Ministering with Joy

A personal story about the joy and fulfillment of answering God’s call.


The Gift of Commitment

A personal story about the joy of commitment in marriage.


Recognizing the Presence of God

A personal story about recognizing the presence of God, and answering his call with confidence and joy.


Striving and Competing for God

A personal story about striving to attain eternal life.


Is God Calling Me?

A personal story about discerning God’s call.


Ignatian Discernment of Spirits

An article that breaks down the differences between good and evil spirits.


What Do Sisters Do?

An article that discusses the roles and responsibilities of religious sisters.


“To Brother”: A Personal Story

An article written by Br. Armand Alcazar FSC, who discusses his view of his vocation as a verb, “to brother”, or “brothering” in teaching and community life.


The Future of Marriage

An article on the eschatological perspective of marriage.


Conversion's Impact on Marriage

An article about the ways that a married individual is called upon to be converted; as an individual, within the marriage, and as one called to live in the image of God.


The Witness of One

An article about how the greatest testimony to the faith comes not from famous and influential people, but through you and me, as we face the challenges that come to us each and every day.


Cloistered: God’s Women of Steel

A short video that offers a glimpse into cloistered life.


Change the World

A short, motivational video on God's call to change the world.


Living the Vows

A short video on the vowed life.


Reflecting the Essence of the Gospel: Franciscans Use New Language in Evangelization

A short video explaining why the Franciscans are using a new language in their evangelization.


Lasallian Volunteers

An overview of the Lasallian Volunteer program.


Sending Forth

A short video on the apostolate of the laity.


The Society of Jesus (Jesuits)

A brief description of the Jesuit order.


The First Jesuit Pope

A video on the first Jesuit pope, Pope Francis.


The Domestic Church

An article on family life and the domestic Church.


Cesar Chavez: Embrace the Legacy

A 5 minute documentary chronicling the life and mission of Catholic Cesar Chavez.


The Everyday: Benedictine Life at Mount Saviour Monastery

A short clip on the life of a Benedictine monk.


9/9 The Life of Pope John Paul II

A movie chronicling the entire life of Pope Saint John Paul II.


8/9 The Life of Pope John Paul II

A movie chronicling the entire life of Pope Saint John Paul II.


7/9 The Life of Pope John Paul II

A movie chronicling the entire life of Pope Saint John Paul II.


6/9 The Life of Pope John Paul II

A movie chronicling the entire life of Pope Saint John Paul II.


5/9 The Life of Pope John Paul II

A movie chronicling the entire life of Pope Saint John Paul II.


4/9 The Life of Pope John Paul II

A movie chronicling the entire life of Pope Saint John Paul II.


3/9 The Life of Pope John Paul II

A movie chronicling the entire life of Pope Saint John Paul II.


2/9 The Life of Pope John Paul II

A movie chronicling the entire life of Pope Saint John Paul II.


1/9 The Life of Pope John Paul II

A movie chronicling the entire life of Pope Saint John Paul II.


Joseph Cardinal Bernardine

A documentary about the life of Cardinal Bernardine.


Beloved: The Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia

Video on the life of the Dominican Sisters.


The Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia

A good example of what religious life can be like for women.


Augustinian Vocation Promotion

A promotional video for the Augustinians which underscores the lifestyle of the members of the order.


A Year with the Jesuits: Part 4

A film showing the lives of Jesuits in South Africa.


A Year with the Jesuits: Part 2

A film showing the lives of Jesuits in London.


A Year with the Jesuits: Part 1

A film showing the lives of Jesuits in London.


Mysteries: Celibacy

A documentary discussing the historical/theological precedents for celibacy.


Mysteries of the Church: INTENSE SPIRITUAL LIFE

A video explaining the deep and austere commitment that many religious choose to make in order to enhance their faith and devotion to God.


Mysteries of the Church: SEMINARY

Explains how priests were formed in the early stages of Christianity.


Finding Meaning: Applying Gospel Values at Work

A discussion among Notre Dame staff regarding ways in which we can live gospel values while working.


God's Foot Soldiers - The Good Works of the Augustinians of Villanova Sharing their Mission in America and Around the World. Pt. 2

Narrated by actor, Sam Waterston, this documentary artfully relays the life of Saint Augustine, as well as the mission and domestic and international work of a group of Augustinians.


God's Foot Soldiers - The Good Works of the Augustinians of Villanova Sharing their Mission in America and Around the World. Pt. 1

Narrated by actor Sam Waterston, this documentary artfully relays the life of Saint Augustine, as well as the mission and domestic and international work of a group of Augustinians.


Happiness and the Monastic Life

A discussion with a Franciscan Friar about what it's like to live his life.


Join JVC

A brief description of the work and lives of the college-age volunteers of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps (JVC). JVC is an example of an organization putting the ideas of Catholic Social Justice into practice.


A Short Introduction to the Carmelites - A Catholic Religious Order

A video providing pictures and quotations that explain the essence of the Carmelite vocation.


The Monastic Life, an Opportunity for the Church

Commentary on the monastic life, its history, and its importance to the Catholic Church.


Franciscan Friars Vocations Video

A short video explaining the basic philosophy and lifestyle of Franciscan Friars.


EWTn Live - Therese - the Movie - Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. with Leonardo Defilippis - 12-08-10

EWTN hosts an actor, producer, and director for the film about Therese of Lisieux. They discuss the film and Therese's life and virtue.


EWTN Live-Saint Francis de Sales-Fr Mitch Pacwa, SJ with Fr Thomas Dailey, OSFS-04-06-2011

A long discussion between experts that details Saint Francis De Sales' life, writings, and the cultural milieu in which he lived.


Video: Dorothy Day

This video briefly describes the character and actions of Catholic activist Dorothy Day. Click above to access this online resource for Live Jesus in Our Hearts: Revelation and the Old Testament. Revelation and the Old Testament is the first semester …


Order of Friars Preachers: Dominicans

A promotional video containing the history and mission of the Dominicans, as well as interviews with young and old Dominicans.


The Dominican Order

The mission of the Dominican Order.


Catholic Urban Project

A video depicting the work of the Catholic Urban Project.


Catholic Relief Services - General Awareness Video

A video explaining the work of the Catholic Relief Services.


Monastic and Mendicant Catholic Religious Orders - Gregorian Chant

A series of pictures and names of the more prominent monastic and mendicant orders within Catholicism.


Audience Q & A (Fr. Jim Martin, SJ) Part IV

An interview with Father James Martin regarding the release of his new book on Ignatian Spirituality. In the interview, Father Martin discusses how he learned to pray, how he chose to become a priest, and how Ignatian taught his followers …


Audience Q & A (Fr. Jim Martin, SJ) Part III

An interview with Father James Martin regarding the release of his new book on Ignatian Spirituality. In the interview, Father Martin discusses how he learned to pray, how he chose to become a priest, and how Ignatian taught his followers …


Audience Q & A (Fr. Jim Martin, SJ) Part II

An interview with Father James Martin regarding the release of his new book on Ignatian Spirituality. In the interview, Father Martin discusses how he learned to pray, how he chose to become a priest, and how Ignatian taught his followers …


Audience Q & A (Fr. Jim Martin, SJ) Part I

An interview with Father James Martin regarding the release of his new book on Ignatian Spirituality. In the interview, Father Martin discusses how he learned to pray, how he chose to become a priest, and how Ignatian taught his followers …


Of Gods and Men (2010) Trailer

Trailer of an award winning movie about the true story of a group of Trappist monks in Algeria. The trailer provides an incisive glimpse into both the daily life of a monk and the difficulties encountered by the monks in …


Traditional Catholic Orders

Slideshow of names and pictures of an assortment of Catholic orders.


What Is Discipleship?

This article is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers a brief introduction to the concept of discipleship as the Christian vocation.


The Domestic Church: Catholic Families

This article is part of the Living in Christ series. It discusses the domestic church, that is, the home of Catholic families, and uses Church documents to affirm the important role families play in the life of the Church.


Final Performance Task Options for Unit 8

This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers various project ideas for students who are or have been studying the Paschal Mystery, especially with regard to discipleship, vocation, and holiness.


Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience

This article is from the Living in Christ Series. It discusses the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience that all religious take as part of their vocation.


Check Your Understanding

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. It serves as a review of several important terms and asks students to define, associate, and put the term into the context of Salvation History.


Review of Concepts for The Bible: Living Word of God

This review is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students may use it to review key concepts from studying the Bible.


Is This a Calling - Saint Teresa of Avila

This article is part of the Living in Christ Series. It is a excerpt from the writings of Saint Teresa of Avila about the discernment of her vocation to the religious life.


The Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia

The Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia Congregation began with the establishment in 1860 of a girls' academy in Nashville, Tennessee, just prior to the Civil War. Today, over 240 Nashville Dominicans teach 12,000 students in over 34 schools from preschool …


The Sacramental Priesthood

The Origins of the Priesthood The origins of the priesthood go back to the Old Testament. One of the tribes of ancient Israel, the tribe of Levi, was set apart for priestly service (see Numbers 3:5–10). The tribe's role was …


The Sacraments at the Service of Communion: Holy Orders and Matrimony

This session from Catechetical Sessions on Liturgy and the Sacraments invites participants to consider the unique ways in which ordained ministers and married people serve the people of God, responsibilities that are presented in the vows they take in either …


Electing a New Pope

Choosing a new pope is somewhat of a mystery to people. In the early Church, a pope was elected not only by the bishops but also by the clergy and the laity. In later years, only the bishops took part …


Frequently Asked Questions About the Pope

What is the pope? The pope is the bishop of the Church of Rome, Italy. Because of the importance of Rome, Tradition recognizes the pope as the supreme pastor of all Christians. Why is the Church of Rome so important? …


Did you know? Interesting Facts to Share with Your Students About the Papacy

The term pope comes from the Greek work pappas, or the Latin word papa, both of which mean "father." The pope's official titles include bishop of Rome, vicar of Jesus Christ, successor of the prince of the Apostles, supreme pontiff …



Mary Sue Williams and Cathy Miettunen lived just a few blocks apart in a tree-lined, middle-class neighborhood in Saint Paul, Minnesota when both went through the Catholic Church's annulment process following their civil divorces. Williams and Miettunen belonged to the …


Priesthood Today

Looking at changes in Baptism, Eucharist and Reconciliation is the key to understanding what's happening to the priesthood today. "IS IT HARDER TO BE A PRIEST TODAY than it used to be?" A parishioner who was wondering why there are …


Six Ways to be Truly Catholic

I always thought that I would have made a great archbishop in Salzburg during the time of Mozart. But instead I'm the archbishop of Milwaukee in the time of rock 'n' roll. That's the way life turns out. We live …

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