
Fully Human, Fully God

The video "Fully Human, Fully God," by The Skit Guys, available on YouTube (14:37), is used for the "True God and True Man" activity on day 3. Cue to 12:00 for the pertinent 2:37 segment.


Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes

The video "Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes," available on YouTube (2:08), is used for the "Happy Are You!" activity on day 2. The first 1:15 is sufficient.


Blest Are They—The Beatitudes

The song/video "Blest Are They—The Beatitudes," available on YouTube (8:19), is used for the Engage activity on day 2. The segment between 6:01 and 6:50 focuses on the lesson’s topic of persecution. The first 6:50 is worth showing for context of persecution within the Beatitudes. The entire video is a worthy use of time.


The Monastic Life, an Opportunity for the Church

The video "The Monastic Life, an Opportunity for the Church," available on YouTube (2:55), provides background material on monastic life for day 3.


Vocation Testimonial

A simple search of "vocation stories" on YouTube provides many possibilities. Preselect two or three videos based on your time limitations, student familiarity with certain orders, and potential interest. "The Story of a Voca-tion," posted by OrderofPreachers (3:33), and "Vocation Testamonial," by St. Benedict Center (2:44), are good options.


Go Make a Difference

The song/video "Go Make a Difference Lyrics," by Steve Angrisano and Tom Tomaszek, available on YouTube (3:03), can serve as opening prayer any day.


Hands and Feet

The song/video "Hands and Feet," by Audio Adrenaline, available on YouTube (4:04) with lyrics, enhances the Pray It! activity at the start of day 2.


Breath of Heaven (Mary's Song)—The Nativity Story

The song/video "Breath of Heaven (Mary’s Song)—The Nativity Story," by Amy Grant, available on YouTube (5:20), tells of the calling of Mary to bring Christ into the world. A video with scenes from the movie The Nativity Story illustrates the "Call Stories" activity on day 1.


Big House

The song/video "Big House," by Audio Adrenaline, available on YouTube (3:29) with lyrics, offers an alternate, more upbeat opening prayer for any day.


One Spirit, One Church

The song/video "One Spirit, One Church," by Kevin Keil and Maryanne Quinlivan, available on YouTube (3:56), offers a good opening prayer for any day this week.


1 Timothy 4:12— Seeds Family Worship—'Young'

The song/video "1 Timothy 4:12—Seeds Family Worship—‘Young,’" available on YouTube (2:05), is used for the "Be an Example" activity on day 4. The first 1:00 is sufficient.


Heaven in the Real World

The song/video "Heaven in the Real World," by Steven Curtis Chapman, available on YouTube (4:20), is used for the "Gear Up" activity on day 3.


Veggietales "Madame Blueberry"

The video "Veggie Tales Madame Blueberry," available on YouTube (1:27), is used for the Engage activity on day 2. Consider starting at the 0:24 mark.


C4: Ignite Your Catholic Faith—What are the Marks of the Church?

The video "C4: Ignite Your Catholic Faith—What Are the Marks of the Church?" is available on YouTube (3:32), and is used for the "On Your Marks" activity on day 1.


Run the Race

The song/video "Run the Race," by Paul Taylor Smith, available on YouTube (4:28), can be used for prayer any day and also complements the "Go the Distance" activity on day 4.


Pope to Youth: 'Forget about false idols. Only God offers true hope'

The video "Pope to Youth: ‘Forget about false idols. Only God offers true hope,’" available on YouTube (3:10), is used for the "Think Positive!" activity on day 4. The pertinent quotes begin at the 0:56 mark.


Trip Lee—Reflections on Romans 8

The video "Trip Lee—Reflections on Romans 8," available on YouTube (2:59), is used for the "Clear the Way" activity on day 4.


Gospel Music by Shai Linne, 116 Clique (Romans)

The song/video "Gospel Music by Shai Linne, 116 Clique (Romans)," available on YouTube (4:55), is used for the “Clear the Way” activity on day 4. Though the video is 4:55, the song concludes at the 4:11 mark. It is helpful but not essential to provide context for the Trip Lee video .


Acts 15 The Council of Jerusalem

The video "Acts 15 The Council of Jerusalem," available on YouTube (3:52), is used for the "Paul Is Appalled" activity on day 2.


Inculturation: The Case of Matteo Ricci

The Catholic News Service video "Inculturation: The Case of Matteo Ricci," available on YouTube (2:21), provides a clear, concise explanation of enculturation for the chapter project.


Your Grace Is Enough

The song/video "Your Grace Is Enough," available on YouTube (4:30) with lyrics, is based on 2 Corinthians 12:9 and can accent the song for prayer on day 1.


Skit Guys—Peter and John: The Tomb

The video "Skit Guys—Peter and John: The Tomb," available on YouTube (2:30), is used for "The Great Race" activity on day 4.


I'll Race You to the Tomb

The song/video "I’ll Race You to the Tomb," available on YouTube (4:12), is used for the Pray It! activity on day 4.


John's Gospel—The Wedding at Cana—John 2

The video "John’s Gospel— The Wedding at Cana—John 2," available on YouTube (3:02), is used for the "There’s Something about Mary" activity on day 3.

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