
Correlation to Curriculum Framework

Correlation to Curriculum Framework Course IV: Jesus Christ’s Mission Continues in the Church from The Church: Christ in the World Today.


Chapter 32 Summary: The Eucharist: Communion and Sending Forth

A summary of Chapter 31, The Eucharist: Communion and Sending Forth from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.


Chapter 31 Summary: The Eucharist: The Liturgy of the Eucharist

A summary of Chapter 31, The Eucharist: The Liturgy of the Eucharist from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.


Chapter 30 Summary: The Eucharist: The Liturgy of the Word

A summary of Chapter 30, The Eucharist: The Liturgy of the Word from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.


Chapter 27 Summary: Introduction to Liturgy

A summary of Chapter 27, Introduction to Liturgy from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.


Quiz: Are You a Faithful Citizen?

A self-quiz, or self-assessment, on faithful citizenship.


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 1

A grading rubric for the final performance task options for Unit 1 of "The Sacraments: Encounters with Christ."


Instruments of God's Grace

May this selection, from Let Us Remember: Stories of the Holy Presence of God encourage and inspire you in your good work!

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