
Hey! Jesus Loves Me

This video is an energetic song that speaks of Jesus' love for us.


Jesus Urging His Disciples to Stay Awake

The video "Jesus Urging His Disciples to Stay Awake," by Turnback to God, available on YouTube (5:32), is an animated account of Jesus at prayer in Gethsemane (an amalgamation of Gospel accounts). It is best used on day 4.


Burning in My Soul

The song/video "Burning in My Soul," by Matt Maher, available on YouTube (3:45), provides a nice connection to Pentecost and the modern listener and is appropriate for use on day 4.


Forever (Live)

The song/video "Forever (Live)," by Kari Jobe, available on YouTube (6:50) with lyrics, is a good opening prayer for day 4. The video can be shortened to 4:38.


Resurrection Cartoon

The video "Resurrection Cartoon," available on YouTube (3:05), offers a fun portrayal of the Resurrection and is appropriate for use on day 1.


The Prodigal

The video "The Prodigal," by The Skit Guys, available on YouTube (7:27), is an engaging retelling of the Lost Son story for the day 3 lesson.


Call It Grace

The song/video "Call It Grace," by Unspoken, available on YouTube (4:00), is appropriate for use on day 3.


Holy, Holy, Holy

The song/video "Holy, Holy, Holy," by Steven Curtis Chapman, available on YouTube (4:54), is a contemporary version of the classic hymn and can be used for prayer or meditation on day 2.


Matthew 1:1–16: The Genealogy of Jesus Christ

The video "Matthew 1:1–16: The Genealogy of Jesus Christ," available on YouTube (2:19), is an animation of the lineage of Jesus that shows his connection to the tribe of Judah (see 0:18). It is used on day 3.


Video "Samson: The Final Judge"

The video “Samson: The Final Judge,” by Meaningful Jewish Screentime, available on YouTube (6:57), is an entertaining, animated version of the story of Samson. It is appropriate for use on day 4.


Video "Deborah’s Army: The Book of Judges"

The video “Deborah’s Army: The Book of Judges,” by Meaningful Jewish Screentime, available on YouTube (3:02), is an entertaining, animated version of Judges, chapter 4. It is appropriate for use on day 3.


Song/video "We Delight"

The song/video “We Delight,” by Caedmon’s Call, available on YouTube (3:27), is a praise song about God’s Law. It is appropriate for use on any of the days.


Mysteries of the Church: TRINITY

The video “Mysteries: The Trinity,” available on YouTube (22:57), presented by several Catholic priests and theologians, would be good preparation for teaching this chapter.


Video "The Trinity (Christian Triune Godhead) Explained Part 2"

The video “The Trinity (Christian Triune Godhead) Explained Part 1,” available on YouTube (3:55), is a good introduction to the Trinity, but it might be challenging for some young adolescents. There is also a part 2 that explains some common …


Video "The Trinity (Christian Triune Godhead) Explained Part 1"

The video “The Trinity (Christian Triune Godhead) Explained Part 1,” available on YouTube (3:55), is a good introduction to the Trinity, but it might be challenging for some young adolescents. There is also a part 2 that explains some common …


Song/video "How Great Is Our God"

The song/video “How Great Is Our God,” by Chris Tomlin, available on YouTube (4:27) with lyrics, is a contemporary song that gives praise to God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It would be a nice introduction to God’s greatness …


The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

The video "The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant," by Matthew Abeler, available on YouTube (5:26), is best used on day 2.


The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

The cartoon "The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant," available on YouTube (1:42), is best used on day 2.


The Paschal Mystery

A personal reflection on how Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and ascension save us from sin and death and bring us to new life in him.


Jesus’ Unconditional Love

A personal story about turning to Jesus for help and loving others unconditionally, just as Jesus loves us.


Advent in 2 Minutes

A quick, two-minute video from Busted Halo that explains why we celebrate Advent and wait to celebrate Christmas.


Holy Week in Two Minutes

This two-minute video from Busted Halo describes the final week of Lent that we spend preparing for Easter.


Fall in Love With God

A personal story about being intentional about our Christian discipleship.


Find the Source of Salvation

A personal story about the mission of the Church to share the good news of salvation with others.


Thirsty Jesus

A short video on how Jesus' thirst on the cross was in accordance with the Scriptures.


Sermon on the Mount

A short video that takes a look at how Jesus may have delivered his sermon on the mount.


Water into Wine

A short video that touches on Jesus' miracle of turning water into wine.


Video: The Famous Verse

A short explanation of John 3:16, discussing justification by faith versus salvation as a gift.


The Green Verse

A video on the order of the universe.


Creation and Science

A short video about the theological and scientific views on creation.


How Can God be in Purgatory and Hell at the Same Time?

A brief explanation of God's presence, or lack thereof, in Purgatory and Hell.


Avoiding Arrogance While Evangelizing

A video on how to share the truth of the faith.


The Lord’s Prayer in Our Town

A video that explains the meaning and importance of the Lord's Prayer, and shows interviews with teen athletes who pray the Lord's Prayer as a team before sports games.


Faith, Hope, and Love

A short video on the virtue of faith.


Is Purgatory a Physical Place?

A brief discussion on Purgatory, and if it is a physical place.


The Violence of Capital Punishment

Sr. Helen Prejean discusses the violence of capital punishment.


Sacraments Rap

An entertaining video where the sacraments are briefly explained in a rap song.


Universal Mission

A short video on the universal mission of the Church.


Christmas In a Nutshell

A video on the true meaning of Christmas.


Science and the Existence of God

A short video on how new discoveries in science are pointing to God.


Cloistered: God’s Women of Steel

A short video that offers a glimpse into cloistered life.



An excellent video on what it means to be a martyr.


When You Recite the Creed

A short video on why you shouldn't just say the Creed, you should pray the Creed.


The Second Vatican Council

A brief overview of the Second Vatican Council.


What Do Catholics Believe About Jesus?

A short video on the Catholic understanding of Jesus Christ.


The Most Powerful Prayer We Have

A short video on the powerful prayer of the sign of the cross.


How Can God be Three in One?

A short video on the Trinity.


Selfless Love

A short video on selfless love.


The Triumphant Entry

A short clip of Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey.


Saint Francis De Sales

A short video about Saint Francis De Sales, including an excerpt from his writing.


Robert Blachford v G.K. Chesterton

A re-enactment of a debate between Robert Blachford and Christian apologist G.K. Chesterton.


Words of Jesus: Catholic Social Justice - CF

A discussion among Social Justice Activists about their activities and Catholic Social Justice teachings.


Augustinian Vocation Promotion

A promotional video for the Augustinians which underscores the lifestyle of the members of the order.


What is Good Friday?

A short clip about the meaning of Good Friday.


What is Holy Thursday?

A short clip about the meaning of Holy Thursday.


What is Holy Week?

A short clip about the significance of Holy Week.


Saint Mother Teresa Film Trailer

An educational glimpse of the life of Saint Mother Teresa.


Saint Mother Teresa: The Legacy Trailer

An educational glimpse of the life of Saint Mother Teresa.


Mysteries: Celibacy

A documentary discussing the historical/theological precedents for celibacy.


Mysteries of the Church: Rosary

A video explaining the origins of The Rosary, what it means, and how it is prayed.


Mysteries of the Church: EUCHARIST

A documentary that provides: 1) A theological basis for the Eucharist, 2) An explanation of precisely what transpires during the Eucharist, 3) The process by which the bread of the Eucharist is created and 4) An instance of a Eucharistic …


Mysteries of the Church: EXORCISM

A documentary discussing the traits of a possessed individual and the means by which a priest will exorcise the individual.


Mysteries of the Church: STIGMATA

Discusses the instances, credibility, and significance of the Stigmata.


Mysteries of the Church: SIN

A documentary discussing sin, its manifestations, its history, and the ways in which Christianity is a response to it.


Mysteries of the Church: LENT

A documentary discussing the importance and role of Lent.


Mysteries of the Church: TRINITY

A film explaining the theology and reality behind the Trinity.


Mysteries of the Church: GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT

An explanation of the various gifts of the Holy Spirit and the way in which they help the church.


Mysteries of the Church: AFTERLIFE

This documentary discusses conceptions of the afterlife and explains the historical basis for and characteristics of heaven, hell, and purgatory.


Mysteries of the Church: MARTYRS

A discussion of martyrdom and examples of Christian martyrs.


Mysteries of the Church: APOCALYPSE

An explanation of the apocalypse as discussed in the book of Revelation.


Mysteries of the Church: Jesus' Arrest & Trial

A documentary explaining the events surrounding Jesus' arrest and trial.


Mysteries of the Church: The Early Evangelists

A documentary discussing the early church, its members, and the means by which it expanded. Note: Viewing begins at 1:10.


Mysteries of the Church: Women in the Church

A documentary discussing the integral and often contentious role of women, past and present, in the Catholic Church. Note: Viewing begins at 1:01.


Mysteries of the Church: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

A cinematographically excellent documentary explaining in colloquial and relatable language the foundations, similarities and differences of Judaism, Islam and Christianity.


Mysteries of the Church: Jesus and Art

A cinematographically excellent documentary explaining in colloquial and relatable language the signifiance of art for the representation of Jesus.


Mysteries of the Church: SACRAMENTS

A great, simple summary of the seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church


Finding Meaning: Applying Gospel Values at Work

A discussion among Notre Dame staff regarding ways in which we can live gospel values while working.


Franciscan Friars Vocations Video

A short video explaining the basic philosophy and lifestyle of Franciscan Friars.


C.S. Lewis: From Theism to Christianity

A brief video explaining the conversion of C.S. Lewis.


Order of Friars Preachers: Dominicans

A promotional video containing the history and mission of the Dominicans, as well as interviews with young and old Dominicans.


Saint Paul of Tarsus

A look at the life and ministry of Saint Paul.


The Easter story animated 3/3 - Jesus is Alive

A short series using cartoons to depict the story of Jesus' death and resurrection.


The Easter Story Animated 2/3 - The Death of Jesus

A short series using cartoons to depict the story of Jesus' death and resurrection.


The Easter Story Animated 1/3 - Jesus is Nailed to a Cross

A short series using cartoons to depict the story of Jesus' death and resurrection.


Lifehouse's Everything Skit

"Everything" Skit



A brief description of the holy season of Christmas for the Roman Catholic Church.


God in the Streets of NY

Jesus hits the streets of NY in a Eucharistic Procession. The monstrance, which is used to carry the Blessed Sacrament, is one of six that were blessed by Pope John II before his death to mark the celebration of the …

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