
Chapter K: Let Your Voice Be Heard: Synod on Cyberbullying

Students are challenged to write a speech as if they were a member of Pope Francis’ synod addressing the problem of cyberbullying.


Exploring the Lectionary

In this activity, partners read the readings for a specific feast day and identify key symbols, similarities, and differences that help make Mass more meaningful.


Final Performance Tasks for Unit 2

This handout presents two project possibilities to assess student understanding of the concepts learned in Unit 2.


Final Performance Tasks for Unit 1

This handout provides two project possibilities to assess student understanding of the concepts covered in Unit 1.


God’s Presence in Nature

This assignment helps students to create a poem of praise about an object in nature.


Final Performance Tasks for Unit 4

This handout provides two project options that allow students to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts learned in Unit 4.


Final Performance Tasks for Unit 3

This handout presents two projects to assess student understanding of the concepts presented in Unit 3.


Faith in Action

This handout challenges students to create a poster representing the ways they participate in Jesus’ mission to serve others.


Final Performance Tasks for Unit 2

This handout presents two final-project possibilities for Unit 2.


Final Performance Tasks for Unit 1

Two possible projects to assess student understanding of concepts learned in Unit 1.


Teacher Evaluation An Interreligious Interview

A teacher evaluation for interviewing someone of a different religion.


An Interreligious Interview

This handout offers guidelines for setting up an interview with a person from a different religion.


A Zoroastrian Symbol

This handout presents a Zoroastrian Symbol of faith and explains its elements. Students are then challenged to create their own symbol to represent their personal understanding of faith and human nature.


Using a Wiki for Group Projects

This article is part of the Living in Christ Series. It discusses the use of Wikis for classroom group projects, including some suggestions and caveats.


Using Final Performance Tasks to Assess Understanding

This article is part of the Living in Christ Series. It discusses the value of using Final Performance Tasks to assess students.


Following the Spirit Down the (Yellow?) Brick Road

The road is really a five-foot wide path. The bricks are more dappled browns than yellow. But the journey does have a wizard and feisty little black terrier. And along the way we found our hearts, our minds, and our …