
Teacher Evaluation An Interreligious Interview

A teacher evaluation for interviewing someone of a different religion.


An Interreligious Interview

This handout offers guidelines for setting up an interview with a person from a different religion.


A Zoroastrian Symbol

This handout presents a Zoroastrian Symbol of faith and explains its elements. Students are then challenged to create their own symbol to represent their personal understanding of faith and human nature.


Creating a Promotional Brochure

Your group has been assigned to create a brochure about one of the two major religious orders to emerge during the Catholic Reformation: the Jesuits or the Carmelites. Imagine that you are members of this new religious order during the …


Students Teaching Students About Environmental Justice

A lesson plan entitled “Students Teaching Students about Environmental Justice.”


Final Performance Task Options for Unit 6

This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers various project ideas for students who have recently studied ecclesiology, especially ecumenism and interreligious dialogue.


Final Performance Task Options for Unit 8

This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers various project ideas for students who are or have been studying the Paschal Mystery, especially with regard to discipleship, vocation, and holiness.


The Sacraments at the Service of Communion: Holy Orders and Matrimony

This session from Catechetical Sessions on Liturgy and the Sacraments invites participants to consider the unique ways in which ordained ministers and married people serve the people of God, responsibilities that are presented in the vows they take in either …


Following the Spirit Down the (Yellow?) Brick Road

The road is really a five-foot wide path. The bricks are more dappled browns than yellow. But the journey does have a wizard and feisty little black terrier. And along the way we found our hearts, our minds, and our …