
Chapter K: Let Your Voice Be Heard: Synod on Cyberbullying

Students are challenged to write a speech as if they were a member of Pope Francis’ synod addressing the problem of cyberbullying.


Chapter G: Design a Monastery

Students design a monastery based on the responsibilities and needs of the monks.


Final Performance Tasks for Unit 3

This handout provides two project possibilities for students to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts learned in Unit 3.


Creating a Triptych

This is a description for an art project where students express the relationship between Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.


God’s Presence in Nature

This assignment helps students to create a poem of praise about an object in nature.


I Am . . .

This is a project description that asks students to create a poster as they explore their identity.


Final Performance Tasks for Unit 5

This handout lists two final-project possibilities for Unit 5.


Faith in Action

This handout challenges students to create a poster representing the ways they participate in Jesus’ mission to serve others.


Rubrics for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 1

This is a rubric to assess the final project options for Unit 1.


An Interreligious Interview

This handout offers guidelines for setting up an interview with a person from a different religion.


A Zoroastrian Symbol

This handout presents a Zoroastrian Symbol of faith and explains its elements. Students are then challenged to create their own symbol to represent their personal understanding of faith and human nature.


Final Performance Task Options for Unit 8

The final performance task options for Unit 8 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The options include writing journal entries from World War I to today, or writing an original graphic novel or comic book about the Church in …


Final Performance Task Options for Unit 6

The final performance task options for Unit 6 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The options include coming up with interview questions for Pope Pius IX, or creating the front page of a newspaper from the day after Vatican …


Interviewing a Married Couple

This resource offers a set of guidelines for how to interview a married couple.


Community Service Courses:

This past semester, at the end of a year-long service program at a residential treatment center for emotionally disturbed youth, two students from my community service course wrote a poem to express the significance of their experiences. These are the …