51 results
Come Worship the Lord
The song/video "Come Worship the Lord," by John Michael Talbot, is available on YouTube (7:58). Point out that this song is based on Psalm 95. Commentary includes an explanation of the liturgy as a dance, with gestures. You may want …
I Lift Up My Soul
The song/video "I Lift Up My Soul," by Tim Manion and the Saint Louis Jesuits, available on YouTube (3:00) with lyrics, shows views of Catholic liturgy and prayer as well as natural scenes. It is best used on days 1 …
Burning in My Soul
The song/video "Burning in My Soul," by Matt Maher, available on YouTube (3:45), provides a nice connection to Pentecost and the modern listener and is appropriate for use on day 4.
Forever (Live)
The song/video "Forever (Live)," by Kari Jobe, available on YouTube (6:50) with lyrics, is a good opening prayer for day 4. The video can be shortened to 4:38.
The Kingdom of God
The song/video "The Kingdom of God," like many Taizé songs, is available on YouTube (4:15) and is a meditative chant that would work well as an introduction to chant and an opening prayer. It is appropriate for use on day …
Christ Is Risen
The song/video "Christ Is Risen," by Matt Maher, available on YouTube (4:55) with lyrics, can be used for prayer on day 1.
I Will Rise
The song/video "I Will Rise," by Chris Tomlin, available on YouTube (5:02) with lyrics, is good for prayer any day this week.
Blest Are They—The Beatitudes
The song/video "Blest Are They—The Beatitudes," available on YouTube (8:19), is used for the Engage activity on day 2. The segment between 6:01 and 6:50 focuses on the lesson’s topic of persecution. The first 6:50 is worth showing for context …
Go Make a Difference
The song/video "Go Make a Difference Lyrics," by Steve Angrisano and Tom Tomaszek, available on YouTube (3:03), can serve as opening prayer any day.
Hands and Feet
The song/video "Hands and Feet," by Audio Adrenaline, available on YouTube (4:04) with lyrics, enhances the Pray It! activity at the start of day 2.
Breath of Heaven (Mary's Song)—The Nativity Story
The song/video "Breath of Heaven (Mary’s Song)—The Nativity Story," by Amy Grant, available on YouTube (5:20), tells of the calling of Mary to bring Christ into the world. A video with scenes from the movie The Nativity Story illustrates the …
Big House
The song/video "Big House," by Audio Adrenaline, available on YouTube (3:29) with lyrics, offers an alternate, more upbeat opening prayer for any day.
One Spirit, One Church
The song/video "One Spirit, One Church," by Kevin Keil and Maryanne Quinlivan, available on YouTube (3:56), offers a good opening prayer for any day this week.
Run the Race
The song/video "Run the Race," by Paul Taylor Smith, available on YouTube (4:28), can be used for prayer any day and also complements the "Go the Distance" activity on day 4.
Your Grace Is Enough
The song/video "Your Grace Is Enough," available on YouTube (4:30) with lyrics, is based on 2 Corinthians 12:9 and can accent the song for prayer on day 1.
I Am The Way, the Truth, and the Life
The song/video "I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life," by John Hardwick, available on YouTube (1:34) with lyrics, can be used for prayer on any day this week.
Holy Spirit, Come Now
The song/video "Holy Spirit Come Now," by Jesse Manibusan, available on YouTube (4:09), is appropriate for day 2.
My Soul Rejoices
The song/video "My Soul Rejoices," available on YouTube (8:34), enhances the praying of the Magnificat on day 2. The performance begins at the 2:38 mark.
Thy Word
The song/video "Thy Word (with lyrics)," by Amy Grant, available on YouTube (3:13), provides a good focus for any prayer before classes focusing on Scripture.

Eucharistic Prayer Cards
This handout provides each element of the Eucharistic Prayer on a separate card for students to arrange in order.

My Morning and Evening Prayers
This handout asks students to think about the Liturgy of the Hours before they answer questions about and create their own morning and evening prayers.
Remind Me Who I Am
The song/video "Remind Me Who I Am," by Jason Gray, available on YouTube (3:38) with lyrics, is a good option for opening or closing prayer.
Let Faith Arise
The song/video "Let Faith Arise," available on YouTube (4:39), is appropriate for prayer on any day.
Song "Make Me a Channel of Your Peace"
The song “Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace” puts Saint Francis’ prayer about the various ways we can bring peace into the world to music. A variety of versions with excellent images can be found on YouTube. It is …
Music Video: “Covenant Hymn” (Ruth)
The song/video “Covenant Hymn,” by Rory Cooney and Gary Daigle and Theresa Donohoo, available on YouTube (5:09), is based on Ruth’s words to Naomi. The Old Testament and the Trinity: It is appropriate for prayer on day 2. Revelation and …
Song/video "Our God Is an Awesome God"
The song/video “Our God Is an Awesome God,” by Michael W. Smith, available on YouTube (4:32) with lyrics, recalls the awesomeness of God that the Israelites experienced at Mount Sinai. Use the version that includes the lyrics with dynamic visual …
Song/video "Our God Is Greater"
The song/video “Our God Is Greater,” by Chris Tomlin, available on YouTube (5:21), recalls the need to put our faith in God. It is appropriate for use on day 3 as opening or closing prayer.
Song/video "The Colours of God’s Love—Rainbow Covenant"
The song/video “The Colours of God’s Love—Rainbow Covenant,” available on YouTube (2:28), is based on the song “Giver of Life,” by Ann Laura. The video uses a variety of images of rainbows, while the song praises God for his gifts …
Wrecking Ball
The song/video "Wrecking Ball," by Sidewalk Prophets, available on YouTube (3:15) with lyrics, asks God’s help to knock out lust and greed and make the best of us. It can be used as an opening or closing prayer on any …
Song "Grace Like Rain"
Use a song/video about God’s mercy, love, forgiveness, and grace, such as “Amazing Grace”—or a more contemporary version, such as “Grace Like Rain,” by Todd Agnew, available on YouTube (4:23) with lyrics. It could be used for opening prayer on …
Video "God Created Humans in His Image"
The video “God Created Humans in His Image,” by Top Cheretien, available on YouTube (2:14), is a nice reflection on this concept by spoken word poet Amena Brown. It could be used for opening prayer on day 1.
Song/video "God of Wonders"
The song/video “God of Wonders,” by Third Day, available on YouTube (5:09), is available as music videos with lyrics or images of creation that are appropriate for use as an opening or closing prayer. This could be used for opening …
Song/video "We Delight"
The song/video “We Delight,” by Caedmon’s Call, available on YouTube (3:27), is a praise song about God’s Law. It is appropriate for use on any of the days.
Song/video "How Great Is Our God"
The song/video “How Great Is Our God,” by Chris Tomlin, available on YouTube (4:27) with lyrics, is a contemporary song that gives praise to God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It would be a nice introduction to God’s greatness …
Song/video "Abba Father"
The song/video “Abba Father,” by Carey Landry, available on YouTube (4:24) with lyrics, is a good opening song for days 1 and 3 and is used on day 3.
Song "Word of God Speak"
The song “Word of God Speak,” by Mercy Me, is a beautiful song about listening for God’s Word. It could be used for opening prayer for any day of the week. Several versions can be found on YouTube. Use for …

Unit 5 Preassessment: A Prayer Inventory
This preassessment for Unit 5 asks students a series of questions about the importance of prayer and Scripture in their own lives.

A Reference Guide to the Gospel Story
A partial list of scripture references for Jesus’ miracles, parables, important teachings, and life events

Prayer Service: Reflections on Relationships
This prayer service reflects on some of the aspects of relationships.

Understanding the Lord's Prayer
An activity to help students understand the Lord's Prayer from "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide.

Teach Us to Pray
An activity to help students learn "The Lord's Prayer" from "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide.

Praying with Scripture The Magnificat
Praying with Scripture, using The Magnificat, from "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Teacher Guide.

Pray in Good Form
A worksheet, from "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide, to assist students in researching and presenting different prayer forms.

Prayer 101 An Introduction
An introduction to prayer from "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide.

What Is Prayer
A worksheet, found in “The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth” Teacher Guide, that is based on students’ current understanding and experience with prayer.

Final Performance Task Options for Unit 6
Options for final performance tasks for Unit 6 of "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide.