
St. Maximilian Kolbe—Martyr

The video "St. Maximilian Kolbe—Martyr," by The Story of Liberty, available on YouTube (4:52), presents this saint to the students in a way that brings his sacrifice to life. Best with Chapter Project.


St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

The video "St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross," available on YouTube (7:13), is an engaging short film on the life of this saint. It would tie well to the "People of Faith" segment at the end of the chapter. It …


When the Saints Go Marchin’ In

The song/video "When the Saints Go Marchin’ In," by The Weavers, available on YouTube (2:39) with lyrics, is best used on day 4.


St. Rose Philippine Duchesne

The video "St. Rose Philippine Duchesne," by apostleshipofprayer, available on YouTube (2:00), introduces Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne. It is best used on day 4.


St. John Neumann

The video "St. John Neumann," by apostleshipofprayer, available on YouTube (2:01), introduces Saint John Neumann. It is best used on day 4.


St. Francis Xavier

The video "St. Francis Xavier," by apostleshipofprayer, available on YouTube (2:00), documents the life, travels, and missionary spirit of Saint Francis Xavier. It is best used on day 4.


St. Thomas More

The video "St. Thomas More," by catholicnewsagency, available on YouTube (2:01), shows the strong Catholic faith of Saint Thomas More and how he stood up to King Henry VIII instead of recognizing the Church of England. It is best used …


Catholic History in Less than Five Minutes: (4) The Early Church Fathers

The video "Catholic History in Less than Five Minutes: (4) The Early Church Fathers," by Pat McNamara, is available on YouTube (4:47). It is best used on day 1.