
Our Response to Jesus

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5, Chapter 16, by discussing what our response to Jesus is as we pursue eternal life with Him.


Jesus Reveals Our Call to Holiness

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 12, by discussing our call to holiness as told by Jesus’ parables and teachings.


We Are Children of God

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 11, by discussing God’s plan for each of us as His children.


Jesus Reveals Our Inherent Dignity

<p>This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 10, by discussing the inherent dignity of all life as shown to us by Jesus.</p>


Jesus Reveals a Vision of Authentic Humanity

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 9, by discussing Jesus’ example of what it means to live as a perfect human being.


Jesus and the Church

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 8, by discussing Jesus’ presence in Church history and today.


The Two Natures of Jesus: Human and Divine

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 7, by discussing the society and life of Jesus and how it these related to the nature of his humanity and divinity.


The Incarnation

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 6, by discussing the Incarnation, which brought about the full connection of humanity and divinity.


Discovering God in Creation

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2, Chapter 4, by discussing the revelation of God through creation, prayer, and the saints.


Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2, Chapter 4, by discussing the revelation of God through Scripture and Tradition.


The God-Human Relationship

<p>This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2, Chapter 3, by discussing the relationship between God and humans.</p>


The Development of Trinitarian Doctrine

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 1, Chapter 2, by discussing the development of Trinitarian Doctrine in the early church.


God Is One: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 1, Chapter 1 by discussing the mystery of the Trinity.


What Is Faith?

This PowerPoint reflects on faith and how it ties in with religion and beliefs.


Being Human

This PowerPoint reflects on what it means to be human and uses Jesus as the model of how to live well.


The Parables of Jesus

This PowerPoint presents images of some of Jesus’ parables and asks students to reflect on and recall each one.


The Greatest Commandment

This PowerPoint looks at the Greatest Commandment and how it summarizes all of Jesus’ teachings.


God’s Existence

This PowerPoint presents common questions and doubts about the existence of God before showing the way to sources that provide guidance.


Mystery of the Trinity: God Is Three-in-One

This PowerPoint identifies the three persons of the Trinity.


The Development of Catholic Trinitarian Theology

This PowerPoint covers the development of Trinitarian Theology during the early church.


The Trinity: Unpacking the Nicene Creed

This PowerPoint reflects on the statements of faith in the Trinity found in the Nicene Creed.