
Children Pray the Lord's Prayer

This video is an example of the video you can create with the children for an additional activity.


Friendship and Forgiveness Prayer Space

An activity, including a discussion and a craft, on forgiving friends and family members, based on The Catholic Children’s Bible featured story “Jesus Teaches Us to Forgive”, Matthew 18:21–35.


Healing Rain

The song/video "Healing Rain," by Michael W. Smith, available on YouTube (4:31), can be used for prayer on any day. It offers powerful imagery about God's healing love.


Water of Life

The song/video "Water of Life," by Michael W. Smith, available on YouTube (3:37), provides strong imagery and biblical text related to water. It is used for the opening prayer on day 2 and could be used again as the closing …


Remind Me Who I Am

The song/video "Remind Me Who I Am," by Jason Gray, available on YouTube (3:38) with lyrics, is a good option for opening or closing prayer.


Behold the Lamb of God

The song/video "Behold the Lamb of God," by Matt Maher, available on YouTube (4:58), is used for opening prayer on day 2.



The song/video"Remembrance," by Matt Maher, available on YouTube (5:16), is good for opening prayer for any day.


Table of Grace

The song/video "Table of Grace," by Phillips, Craig, and Dean, available on YouTube (4:46) with lyrics, is suitable for any day.


Thy Word

The song/video "Thy Word," by Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith, available on YouTube (3:13), is a setting of Psalm 119 with the appropriate refrain of "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path" …


St. Teresa's Prayer

The song/video "St. Teresa’s Prayer," by John Michael Talbot, available on YouTube (2:39), is appropriate for use on day 4.


Remembrance (Communion Song)

The song/video "Remembrance (Communion Song)," by Matt Redman, available on YouTube (5:47), is recommended for prayer on any day.


Call It Grace

The song/video "Call It Grace," by Unspoken, available on YouTube (4:00), is appropriate for use on day 3.


Follow You

The song/video "Follow You," by Leeland and Brandon Heath, available on YouTube (4:29), is appropriate for use on day 2.


Do Something

The song/video "Do Something," by Matthew West, available on YouTube (4:05), is appropriate for use on day 2.


Do This in Memory

The song/video "Do This in Memory," by Chris Muglia, available on YouTube (9:54), is appropriate for use on any day. The song is found at the 3:48 point of an interview with the artist about the song.


A Prayer Service in Intercession for Ordained Ministers

A prayer service for ordained ministers including multiple readers, speakers, and responses.


A Pauline Prayer Service

Leader. Grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. With these words Saint Paul greeted the believers of his time, reminding them of the great gift they had been given in Jesus Christ. Almost two thousand …


Paul's Conversion

Background for the Teacher This session focuses our attention on Paul's conversion experience. Using a hard-boiled egg and a raw egg as focusing symbols, the young people reflect on the meaning of conversion. Then two or three of the participants …


Paul: A Unique Person

Background for the Teacher Saint Paul has fascinated Christians throughout history. The combination of his Jewish upbringing, his exposure to Greek culture, his fiery personality, and his openness to God's grace uniquely prepared him to spread the Gospel. This session …


Paul: Legacy of Love

[Love] bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. (1 Corinthians 13:7) Paul preached that the central message of Jesus Christ was love. Without love, no amount of faith or religious piety has any meaning. Paul …


Paul: The Journey to Rome

If God is for us, who is against us? (Romans 8:31) In Paul's last trip to Jerusalem to say farewell before leaving to preach in Spain, he was arrested by the Romans. As a Roman citizen, Paul exercised his right …


Paul: Missionary

[Paul] had opened a door of faith for the Gentiles. (Acts of the Apostles 14:27) Known as the apostle to the Gentiles (non-Jews), Paul was a leader in taking the Gospel message beyond Israel. With his trusted companions--Barnabas, John Mark, …


Paul: Theologian

They were attempting to kill [Paul]. When the believers learned of it . . . they sent him off to Tarsus. (Acts of the Apostles 9:29–30) After his conversion, Paul began to preach, but when it became too dangerous, he …


Paul: Persecutor of Christians

Saul was ravaging the church by entering house after house; dragging off both men and women . . . To prison. (Acts of the Apostles 8:3) Convinced that following the teachings of Jesus was wrong, Paul pursued the early Christians …


Paul: Religious Zeal

I advanced in Judaism beyond many among my people of the same age, for I was far more zealous for the traditions of my ancestors. (Galatians 1:14) A tent maker by trade, Paul's Jewish name was Saul. But because Paul …


Prayer: How Will You Know?

Reader 1: When do you decide how you will live? What goes into the thoughts that shape your dreams? Reader 2: For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, Reader 1: Do you know, at …


Prayer Service in Memory of Pope Saint John Paul II

Preparation For this prayer service you will need four candles, a presider, and two readers. The Summons to Prayer Presider: At the seventeenth World Youth Day, Pope John Paul II said to the young people: "When the light fades or …


Dance: An Awakening

Ms. Sawaya Lamb teaches dance at Judge Memorial Catholic High School in Salt Lake City, Utah. Mr. Wagoner, a former technical director at Judge Memorial Catholic High School, is now assistant principal at Saint Vincent School in Salt Lake City. …


Glorious Nature

Theme: Francis proclaimed, "We are sister and brother to animals and plants, water and soil, earth and sky." Just as we meet the dancer in her dance, the painter in his art, and the poet in her finely crafted words, so …

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