
Consider the Lilies

The song/video "Consider the Lilies," performed by Sings Sampaguita, available on YouTube (3:59) can be used for opening prayer on day 2. In this version, the only visual is the performer, but the words are easier to understand.


St. Teresa's Prayer

The song/video "St. Teresa’s Prayer," by John Michael Talbot, available on YouTube (2:39), is appropriate for use on day 4.


Follow You

The song/video "Follow You," by Leeland and Brandon Heath, available on YouTube (4:29), is appropriate for use on day 2.


Open the Eyes of My Heart

The song/video "Open the Eyes of My Heart," available on YouTube (4:13), is appropriate for prayer on any day.


Let Faith Arise

The song/video "Let Faith Arise," available on YouTube (4:39), is appropriate for prayer on any day.


Do This in Memory

The song/video "Do This in Memory," by Chris Muglia, available on YouTube (9:54), is appropriate for use on any day. The song is found at the 3:48 point of an interview with the artist about the song.


Song/video "Lord, I Need You"

The song/video “Lord, I Need You,” by Matt Maher, available on YouTube (3:26), emphasizes our need for God’s faithful love and grace. It could be used for opening prayer on any day.


Here I Am, Lord (Nature Scenes)

The song/video "Here I Am, Lord," by Fr. Daniel L. Schutte, performed by the Boys and Men of the Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban, available on YouTube (3:04) with lyrics, features nature scenes. It is suggested as an …


The Face of Christ (Black & White)

The song/video "The Face of Christ" by Chris Rice, posted by David Grove, available on YouTube (3:45), is artistically strong with black-and-white photography. It is best used on day 3.


Come to the Water

The song/video "Come to the Water," by Matt Maher, available on YouTube (4:49) with lyrics, is suggested as an opening or closing prayer for any day but is best used on day 1.



The song/video "Words," by Hawk Nelson, available on YouTube (3:24) with lyrics and also on Spotify, is suggested as an opening or closing prayer for any day but may be best used on day 4.


Wrecking Ball

The song/video "Wrecking Ball," by Sidewalk Prophets, available on YouTube (3:15) with lyrics, asks God’s help to knock out lust and greed and make the best of us. It can be used as an opening or closing prayer on any …


"Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow"

“Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow” is a song of praise to the Trinity. Contemporary versions can be found on YouTube and include one sung by Heidi Nadine with lyrics and images. It would make a nice opening or …


Hold Me

The song/video "Hold Me," by Jamie Grace, featuring TobyMac, available on YouTube (3:33), can be used as opening or closing prayer on any day but works best on day 1.


Servant Song

The song/video "Servant Song," by Richard Gillard, available on YouTube (2:59) with lyrics, supports the ideal that our purpose in life is to help one another, not to give scandal or lead others into temptation. It is best used on …


Song "You Are Near"

The song “You Are Near,” by Dan Schutte (Oregon Catholic Press), is a contemporary musical setting of Psalm 139, which is partially printed on pages 38–39 in the Handbook. You might like to play the song at the end of …


Hope in Front of Me

The song/video "Hope in Front of Me," by Danny Gokey, available on YouTube (3:40) with lyrics, is good for opening prayer on day 1.


Live Like That

The song/video "Live Like That," by Sidewalk Prophets, available on YouTube (3:58) with lyrics, is best used for opening prayer on day 4.


Speak Life

The song/video "Speak Life," by TobyMac, available on Spotify or YouTube (3:27) with lyrics, addresses the power of words. It is best used for opening prayer on day 3.


Seek Ye First

The song/video “Seek Ye First,” by the Maranatha Singers, available on YouTube (3:08) with lyrics, can be used for opening prayer on day 2.


Song "Word of God Speak"

The song “Word of God Speak,” by Mercy Me, is a beautiful song about listening for God’s Word. It could be used for opening prayer for any day of the week. Several versions can be found on YouTube. Use for …


Video "God Speaks to Man: The Oldest Revelation"

This musically accompanied video “God Speaks to Man: The Oldest Revelation,” by David Huting, available on YouTube (4:53), offers young people a chance to explore the beauty of creation to better understand how God speaks to us through it. This …


Song/video "God of Wonders”

The song/video "God of Wonders,” by Third Day, available on YouTube (5:08) with lyrics, praises God revealed in nature. It would make a nice opening or closing prayer for day 1.


Ask Me

The song/video "Ask Me," by Amy Grant, available on YouTube (3:43) with lyrics, is about sexual abuse and survival with God’s help and strength. It is suggested for opening or closing prayer for any day but is best used on …


Hey, World

The song/video "Hey, World," by Petra, sung by Caroline Chevin, is available on YouTube (4:03). You can find the lyrics online by searching on the phrase “Petra Hey World Lyrics.” The song tells the story of courageous choices—to choose life …


The Color of Love

The song/video “Boyz II Men—The Color of Love,” available on YouTube (3:44), is best used on day 4.


Here I Am, Lord

The song/video "Here I Am, Lord," sung by John Michael Talbot, available on YouTube (3:53), is suggested for use on day 4.


I Pray

This prayer for a large group asks for our eyes to be opened to the injustices in the world and our souls to be strengthened by Christ’s presence.


For Love Is Stronger than Death

A reading of the Resurrection story from Luke's Gospel.


Prayer Service: Reflections on Relationships

This prayer service reflects on some of the aspects of relationships.


In Praise of the Creator

This prayer uses Psalm 95 to praise God our creator.


Living the Life of a Disciple: Prayer Service

A small-group planning sheet for a classroom prayer service on living the life of a disciple.


Paul's Conversion

Background for the Teacher This session focuses our attention on Paul's conversion experience. Using a hard-boiled egg and a raw egg as focusing symbols, the young people reflect on the meaning of conversion. Then two or three of the participants …


Back to School: Intentions for the Start of the School Year

Please respond "Lord hear our prayer" Let us pray for all Believers around the world and those who seek Christ, that they may receive blessings and open their hearts to God's word… We pray to the Lord For all experiencing …


The Important of Process

I usually learn things the hard and long way. I have sponsored many prayer services, service projects and other such activities for teenagers. Prior to the event, I am usually consumed with details. Permission slips, transportation, food, and the schedule …


A Prayer Invoking Peace

(For use before a meeting or gathering of youth workers.) Song "Give Us Your Peace," by Michael Mahler, Give Your Gifts: The New Songs (Chicago: GIA Publications, 2001). Leader: As we begin this meeting, let us begin with peace. Please …


A Listening Session for Teens on the Mishandling of Sexual Abuse by Clergy

Materials Needed * a 3-by-5-inch index card for each young person * a pencil for each young person * prayer materials (Select one of the "Options for Ritual Actions" below.) * 3 readers for the closing prayer                                                                                                                 * handouts …


Columbine High's Selfless Heroes

The stories of Columbine's heroes rise like a "tide of inspiration" for this Denver mother. Starting the third laundry load, I pause, puzzled by a pin on my daughter's t-shirt. At 14, she tosses shirts into the hamper with glad …


Dance: An Awakening

Ms. Sawaya Lamb teaches dance at Judge Memorial Catholic High School in Salt Lake City, Utah. Mr. Wagoner, a former technical director at Judge Memorial Catholic High School, is now assistant principal at Saint Vincent School in Salt Lake City. …


Litany of Forgiveness

Before the session, cut out each of the eight prayers and accompanying Scripture passages. Place each slip of paper in a separate small envelope and seal it. There are times at school, at home, at work, or in a group …


A One-Day Retreat on Service in the Inner City

Our sophomore class day retreat focuses on finding spirituality in the inner city. It is a kind of "urban plunge" experience within a spiritual framework, and students go on this retreat during the same semester that they take a social …


Growing as a Faith Community

Over the past nine years as a campus minister and theology teacher at Saint John's Jesuit High School in Toledo, Ohio, I have witnessed and been part of the growth of our school toward the ideal of being a Christian …


Community Service Courses:

This past semester, at the end of a year-long service program at a residential treatment center for emotionally disturbed youth, two students from my community service course wrote a poem to express the significance of their experiences. These are the …

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