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Teens Speak on Family Matters

Truth, Tension, Trials, Triumphs 

(4 Reviews)

Edited by Laurie Delgatto-Whitten


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Teens feel deeply, passionately, and honestly about their family relationships—often speaking more loudly and candidly than adults. Help young people know they are not alone. Teens Speak on Family Matters: Truth, Tension, Trials, and Triumphs is written by high-school-age teens who offer honesty, insight, and creativity as they share first hand the realities of life within a family: the joys, challenges, sorrows, and highlights.

Product Details

Copyright: Jan. 1, 2006

Format: Paperback

Size: 6 x 9

Length: 64 pages

Weight: 0.300lbs

Item number: 3442

ISBN: 978-0-88489-875-7

ISBN-10: 0-88489-875-X

Customer Reviews

By Greg Dobie Moser, national trainer and consultant, Youth and Family Ministry, Diocese of Cleveland

Teens Speak on Family Matters is an honest view of the joys, sufferings, triumphs, and vulnerabilities of family life through the experiences of teenagers. In some passages, teens articulate a refreshing wisdom beyond their years. In others, it is clear that they, like their parents, are on the long road of sorting through family life and assigning meanings along the way. This important read reminds all who work with teens of the powerful influence and role that family life plays in the world.

By Leif Kehrwald, Center for Ministry Development

Contrary to popular myth, family relationships mean a whole lot to teens. The many stories and reflections in this book are a true testament to the value of parents, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, stepparents—all family members—in the lives of teens. Young readers won't take long to find themselves in these reflections and then be motivated to reconnect with those who love them the most—family.

By Tom Everson, husband, dad, trainer, consultant, and author

Teens speak, and family truly does matter. The words and the wisdom of teens remind us all that family life is an ongoing cycle of passion, death, and resurrection. Trials marked by abuse, death, and lack of communication reflect the real experience of being family. But in the end, as at Easter, these trials are opportunities to experience redemption and bring greater hope to our lives. What struck me most was the passion and the honesty with which the authors wrote about their experience of family. I am reminded of my own experience of family, as a former teen and now as a husband and father of four, three of whom are teens. Teens Speak on Family Matters is a must-read for teens and past-teens. Readers will be reminded of who they are, who they hope to become, and how they travel as family together along their journey of faith.

By Kathleen Chesto, Doctor of Ministry

Here are a group of young people speaking from their hearts, reminding us just how fragile those hearts are at this age. Their comments are sometimes tender, sometimes amusing, sometimes angry, and always honest. This book begins a conversation that all of us—parents, teachers, and teens—need to continue.
Editorial Reviews

Catholic Library World, September, 2006

Spoken from the heart, these small one-page explorations of teen feelings and emotions, written in teen-speak, will appeal to middle and high school age readers and help them explore their own feelings about their families. . . .

Teens Speak on Family Matters will be a useful discussion-starter for school and parish religion classes for teens, for youth ministry and for guidance classes.
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