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Challenging the Culture with Girls 

(2 Reviews)

By Janet Claussen


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Awakening: Challenging the Culture with Girls offers activities to help girls, ages 10 to 19, critique the culture for both its negative and its positive influences. Each of 10 themes is presented in one or more springboard activities, then further developed in additional or optional activities. The suggested options make it easy to adapt the material to fit younger adolescents or older teens, as well as a wide range of time frames and settings.

Product Details

Copyright: Jan. 1, 2001

Format: Paperback

Size: 8.375 x 10.75

Length: 142 pages

Weight: 0.900lbs

Item number: 3425

ISBN: 978-0-88489-696-8

ISBN-10: 0-88489-696-X

Customer Reviews

By Kim Coffing, assistant general secretary, The General Commission on the Status and Role of Women in the United Methodist Church

I can't help but write my deep appreciation to Saint Mary's Press for letting The General Commission on the Status and Role of Women review to recommend your Voices series. I must also express our appreciation to you for making these resources available—period! . . . Obviously, I'm excited about your resources. Their depth and breadth of wholeness and welcome by God's love as females are rare to find. Our constituents will be ecstatic to discover such material. Please hear a loud, long applause and AMEN from Evanston, Illinois, for providing the Voices series.

By Rita Hendrickson, Lourdes High School, Rochester, Minnesota

I can't thank you enough for all your ideas, suggestions, and support . . . for the class I had with just my [ninth-grade] girls. I followed the curriculum for The Little Mermaid, and what a moving experience the whole thing was for the girls and me. The girls sang quietly with 'Part of That World' from the video, and then I knew that God's spirit was with us from the beginning. Many of the girls participated and generally understood the focus, and I hope it ultimately brings an awareness to other things [about] being women in this culture. The prayer service really brought it all together. I created a space with sparkly material for water, and I covered it with shells and followed the suggestions in the prayer service to empower each girl by name. Four girls came to me when we were done with the activity and personally thanked me with an embrace. It was such a spiritual experience. Thank you so very much for creating this important and vital session for young adolescent girls.
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