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The Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition

Second Edition 

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DON'T MISS the newest offering for middle school young people: Connect! Bringing Faith to Life ! 

Connect! Bringing Faith to Life brings to your school or parish even more relevant, up-to-date scenarios and issues that help young people connect a learned faith to a lived faith. If you're ordering for your 6th graders, we encourage you to order Connect! It promises an incredible value: one textbook for 3 years, plus dynamic eLearning lessons are built in.

Learn about our Connect! School Curriculum

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Product Details

Publisher: Saint Mary's Press

Edition: Second Edition

Copyright: Feb. 10, 2014

Format: Paperback

Weight: 2.000lbs

Item number: 2152

ISBN: 978-1-59982-331-7

ISBN-10: 1-59982-331-4

Digital ISBN: 9781599827544

Special Feature

The Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition is a unique program, differing from traditional religion texts in appearance and approach.

Its tested design engages middle school students and maximizes readability and understanding. Used with the Bible, The Catholic Connections Handbook can serve as the primary text for two or three years. The handbook approach is complete in covering the content of faith and flexible in the variety of ways it supports the learning process. The Catholic Connections Handbook will help your middle schoolers grow in their faith and answer the call to be disciples of Christ.

What's new in the second edition?

  • NEW! –The Catholic Connections Handbook is now divided into four sections that align with the four pillars of the Catechism
  • NEW! – Enhanced navigational features make finding the information even easier
  • NEW! – Includes eight new chapters on Scripture 
  • New! – Church History articles are sprinkled throughout to provide young teens with a better understanding of aspects of Catholic beliefs and practices 

Click here to download the Errata (correction in the second paragraph on page 394) for The Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.

Customer Reviews

"The lesson plans for each section are wonderful and keep the teens moving."

By Katie, DRE

I just wanted to let you know that as a DRE, I have been waiting for this for Middle School for years!!! These Middle Schoolers are capable of so much and we have really been selling them short with our book series for years. This Catholic Connections is fantastic!!! The lesson plans for each section are wonderful and keep the teens moving. It is user friendly, so my volunteers don't have to be trained youth ministers to make it happen. But most of all it teaches the Catholic Faith SOLIDLY and in an engaging manner. I am so excited to try it out in the field this coming. THANK YOU!!!


By Lyn, DRE

The kids love the program! The catechists love the program! The lesson plans are awesome! And that makes me VERY HAPPY to order more books.

"I just wanted to say NICE JOB and THANK YOU!"

By Mary, Michigan

The content and format of The Catholic Connections Handbook is clearly designed for middle school youth! It engages their curiosity and equips them to learn and live the Catholic faith….no matter what curriculum is being used in their parish or school! The Catholic Connections Handbook is a great resource for parents and Catechists – it explains the faith in terms that middle schoolers can understand and provides wonderful fun facts that bring faith to life!

It doesn't get any easier than this!

By Deborah, Massachusetts

I have been teaching for 36 years and have never seen a program with a more straightforward layout. It doesn't get any easier than this!
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Call 800-533-8095 to order