Scripture Sessions
The purpose of studying the Scriptures is not simply that we might know a lot of things about the Bible or even its theological meaning. Knowledge is important and useful but not enough. The deeper intent of Scripture study is that we might "fall in love" with the Bible and with God, who is its source and inspiration.
Studying the Scriptures with young people should have the same impact as Jesus's invitation to "follow me" had on the first disciples—it should be startling, exciting, and unrelenting in converting us to Jesus' mission.
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Why, some might wonder, do we study the Old Testament? Isn't it enough for a Christian to study and appreciate the New Testament? Christians cannot understand the New Testament and Jesus without understanding the Old Testament. But in itself—and not just because it points to the New Testament—the Old Testament has permanent value. It contains profound teachings, beautiful prayers, and some of the greatest literature ever created. Most important, in the Old Testament we encounter God, its inspiration.

The learning processes in Scripture Sessions on the Old Testament are structured around the information in the participant's workbook. In addition, The Catholic Youth Bible®, Revised serves as a primary resource for Scripture study and research within the learning process.

The need to build a life based on the Scriptures is just as important today as it was for people during the time Second Timothy was written. God's revelation in the Scriptures provides answers to life's crucial questions. And, just like Timothy, each of us can explore the Scriptures to find the guidance we need. This course is designed to provide you with a foundation for a solid Catholic understanding of Scripture. The sessions in this workbook will challenge you to study the New Testament with purpose, to read and proclaim the word of God with faith, and to live that word in every moment.