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Witnesses of Hope Collection

Note: This entire collection is published in both Spanish and English versions. For Spanish-language descriptions of each title, click on the cover images or the underlined titles on the Components page.

The Witnesses of Hope collection includes three series of books that represent a pastoral and theological vision for ministry with Hispanic youth and young adults in the United States.

Prophets of Hope Series
The Prophets of Hope series proposes a pastoral and theological vision for ministry with Hispanic jóvenes (single young adults 16 through 26 years old) in the United States. This vision brings together the social analysis, pastoral priorities, theological approaches, and spirit of Hispanic youth and young adult ministry inspired by the three Encuentros Nacionales Hispanos de Pastoral, Encuentro 2000, and the New Evangelization for America called for this millennium by Pope John Paul II.

Agents of Hope Series
The Agents of Hope series is designed to train older adolescents, young adults, and their adult advisers to conduct an evangelizing and missionary ministry in small communities. The process of community-building includes general preparation, initial journeys, community meetings, retreats, and pastoral practice.

Builders of Hope Series
The Builders of Hope series promotes, both theoretically and practically, jóvenes' vocational development as lay persons and their mission in the Church and society. A discernment process helps them discern God's call, develop spiritually, take responsibility for their lives, and discover or clarify their personal life's projects. While designed for small missionary and evangelizing communities of jóvenes within the Prophets of Hope model, this series can easily be adapted for other pastoral models.

Instituto Fe y Vida
For help with any part of the Prophets of Hope model—or any other services related to Hispanic youth and young adult ministry—please contact

1737 West Benjamin Holt Drive
Stockton, CA 95207
Phone: 209-951-3483 Fax: 209-478-5357
E-mail: info@feyvida.org

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Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez

La juventud hispana y la respuesta pastoral de la iglesia trata de la realidad personal, social, cultural y religiosa de la juventud hispana, y de la respuesta de la iglesia a sus necesidades pastorales. También incluye una bibliografía, un glosario y un índice temático. Los párrafos están numerados a lo largo del libro para facilitar una referencia mutua entre la versión en español y en inglés. Premio: En 1995 la Catholic Press Association otorgó el premio del tercer lugar para libros en español a La juventud hispana y la respuesta pastoral de la iglesia.

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Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez

Hispanic Young People and the Church's Pastoral Response deals with the personal, relational, cultural, and religious realities of Hispanic young adults and the Church's response to their pastoral needs. Resources for further reading, a glossary, and a subject index are included. Numbered paragraphs throughout make it easy to cross-reference between the English and Spanish versions.

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Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez

Evangelización de la juventud hispana se centra en la evangelización de los jóvenes hispanos. Presenta en qué consiste el proceso de evangelización, un modelo de evangelización en pequeñas comunidades, y el papel de María en estos esfuerzos evangelizadores. También incluye una bibliografía, un glosario y un índice temático. Los párrafos están numerados a lo largo del libro para facilitar una referencia mutua entre la versión en español y en inglés.

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Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez

Evangelization of Hispanic Young People focuses on the evangelization of Hispanic young adults, the evangelization process, a model of evangelization in small communities, and the role of Mary in these evangelizing efforts. Resources for further reading, a glossary, and a subject index are included. Numbered paragraphs throughout make it easy to cross-reference between the English and Spanish versions.

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Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez and Michael McGrath

Amanecer en el horizonte está dividido en dos secciones: La primera parte, "Proceso para crear pequeñas comunidades", está diseñada para ayudar a los jóvenes a formar una pequeña comunidad y a experimentar la dinámica del ministerio pastoral en pequeñas comunidades. La segunda parte de este manual consiste en una novela sobre un grupo parroquial de jóvenes hispanos. La novela constituye el instrumento clave para las reflexiones de los participantes. Su propósito es animar a los participantes a reflexionar en una forma crítica sobre su vida personal, comunitaria y social a través de los personajes de la historia.

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Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez and Michael McGrath

Dawn on the Horizon is divided into two sections: The first part, "A Process for Creating Small Communities," is designed to help the participants build a small community and experience the dynamics of pastoral ministry in a small community. The second part is a novella about a parish group of Hispanic jóvenes. The novella constitutes the key instrument for the reflections done by the participants and its purpose is to encourage young adults to reflect critically on their personal, community, and social lives through the characters in the story.

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Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez

El modelo Profetas de Esperanza: taller para un fin de semana es el último volumen de la serie Profetas de Esperanza. Su objetivo es ayudar a los agentes de pastoral juvenil y a los jóvenes líderes a experimentar y a comprender la visión, metodología y principios pastorales del modelo Profetas de Esperanza para una pastoral de jóvenes en pequeñas comunidades misioneras y evangelizadoras. Para lograr su objetivo, el libro ofrece los elementos necesarios para realizar un taller de fin de semana a nivel regional, diocesano o parroquial basado en el modelo Profetas de Esperanza.

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Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez

The Prophets of Hope Model: A Weekend Workshop is the last volume in the Prophets of Hope series. Its goal is to help pastoral agents and young adult leaders experience and understand the vision, methodology, and pastoral principles of the Prophets of Hope model for missionary and evangelizing communities of young adults. To achieve its goal, this book offers the necessary elements to hold a weekend workshop for a region, diocese, or parish.

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Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez

En alianza con Dios publicado en español y en inglés, está dirigido a jóvenes que pertenecen a pequeñas comunidades evangelizadoras y misioneras. Puede ser fácilmente adaptado a otros modelos pastorales como los grupos juveniles y movimientos apostólicos. En alianza con Dios está diseñado para empezar un proceso de evangelización continua y de formación integral que lleva a una praxis cristiana, una vez que los jóvenes han tenido una experiencia básica de vida comunitaria. Sus objetivos son: llevar a los participantes a descubrirse a sí mismos como personas; ayudarlos a comprender el significado de la alianza con Dios, y fomentar la vivencia de la alianza a nivel personal y comunitario. En alianza con Dios enfatiza la vocación y la misión de los jóvenes en la historia de salvación desde una perspectiva teológica y antropológica.

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Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez

Published in both English and Spanish, In Covenant with God is intended primarily for participants who are in small missionary and evangelizing communities. This book may be easily adapted for use in other pastoral models such as grupos juveniles (parish youth and young adult groups) and apostolic movements. In Covenant with God is designed to begin a process of continuous evangelization and integral formation that leads to a Christian praxis once the participants have had a basic experience of life in a community. Its objectives are to lead the participants to discover themselves as persons in relationship to God, to help them understand the meaning of the Covenant, and to promote their living out the Covenant both personally and communally. In Covenant with God emphasizes the participants' vocation and mission in salvation history from a theological and an anthropological perspective.

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Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez

Seguidores de Jesús publicado en español y en inglés, está diseñado para jóvenes que pertenecen a pequeñas comunidades evangelizadoras y misioneras. Puede ser fácilmente adaptado a otros modelos pastorales como los grupos juveniles y movimientos apostólicos. Seguidores de Jesús continúa el proceso de evangelización y formación integral que lleva a la praxis cristiana, la cual empezó con el libro 1, En alianza con Dios. Asimismo, enfatiza la vocación y la misión de los jóvenes en la historia de salvación, desde una perspectiva cristológica. Mediante Seguidores de Jesús, los jóvenes conocen mejor a Jesús, fomentan su relación con él, y fortalecen su vivencia como discípulos a nivel personal y comunitario.

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Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez

Published in both English and Spanish, Followers of Jesus is intended for participants who are in small missionary and evangelizing communities. This book may be easily adapted for use in other pastoral models such as grupos juveniles (parish youth and young adult groups) and apostolic movements. Followers of Jesus expands the process of ongoing evangelization and integral formation that leads to a Christian praxis started in book 1, In Covenant with God. It emphasizes the participants' vocation and mission in salvation history from a christological perspective. Through Followers of Jesus, the participants get to know Jesus better, further their relationship with him, and strengthen their lives as his disciples both personally and communally.

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Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez

Levadura en el mundo está dirigido a jóvenes de dieciocho años de edad o mayores, que tienen un compromiso de fe y una experiencia mínima de dos años como miembros de una pequeña comunidad. Este manual ayuda a los jóvenes a profundizar en el significado de la vida comunitaria, responsabilizarse de la madurez de su comunidad y prepararse para crear nuevas comunidades. Los jóvenes reciben los elementos necesarios para analizar su vida comunitaria mediante una formación-en-la-acción, oración personal y comunitaria y estudio del Nuevo Testamento, especialmente de los Hechos de los Apóstoles. A través de este proceso los jóvenes descubren cómo integrar en su vida diaria lo que aprenden, como una comunidad llamada a ser levadura en el mundo.

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Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez

Leaven in the World is geared to young people (jóvenes) 18 years or older who have a faith commitment and a minimum of two years' experience as members of a small community. The manual helps jóvenes make their community life more meaningful, take responsibility for their community's maturation, and prepare themselves to create new small communities. Jóvenes are given the necessary elements for analyzing their community life through formation-in-action, personal and community prayer, and study of the New Testament, especially the Acts of the Apostles. They thus discover how to integrate what they learn into their daily life as a community called to be leaven in the world.

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Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez

Activos en la historia es el tercer libro de la serie Forjadores de Esperanza, la cual se publica en español e inglés. La serie está diseñada para pequeñas comunida-des misioneras y evangelizadoras conforme al modelo Profetas de Esperanza. Su contenido puede ser fácilmente adaptado a otros modelos pastorales que promueven la vida comunitaria. Activos en la historia está dirigido a jóvenes de dieciocho años en adelante, que han tenido un proceso sólido de formación en la fe y han desarrollado una espiritualidad profunda. Su objetivo es ayudarlos a: (1) descubrir o esclarecer su vocación y empezar a formular su proyecto de vida personal a través de un mejor conocimiento de sí mismos, (2) analizar la realidad en la que viven y (3) reflexionar sobre su misión en la historia. Este libro ofrece un proceso de discernimiento que los ayuda a ver su vida de una manera nueva y a fundamentar su proyecto de vida personal en los valores del Evangelio.

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Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez

Acting Through History is the third book in the Builders of Hope series, which is published in both English and Spanish. The series is designed for small missionary and evangelizing communities following the Prophets of Hope model. However, the content can easily be adapted to other pastoral settings that promote community life. Acting Through History is intended for young people 18 years and older who have gone through a sound process of faith formation and have developed a solid spirituality. The goal of the book is to help jóvenes (1) discover or clarify their personal vocation and begin to formulate a personal life project through a better understanding of themselves; (2) analyze the reality in which they live; and (3) reflect on their mission in history. The book offers a discernment process that can help them to view their life in a new way and to base their life project on the values of the Gospel.

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La Juventud Hispana y la Respuesta Pastoral de la Iglesia

Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez


Hispanic Young People and the Church's Pastoral Response

Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez


Evangelización de la Juventud Hispana

Evangelización de la Juventud Hispana

Profetas de Esperanza Volumen 2

Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez


Evangelization of Hispanic Young People

Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez


Amanecer en el Horizonte: Creando Pequeñas Comunidades


Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez and Michael McGrath


Dawn on the Horizon: Creating Small Communities


Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez and Michael McGrath


El Modelo Profetas de Esperanza: Taller para un Fin de Semana

Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez


The Prophets of Hope Model: A Weekend Workshop

Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez


En Alianza con Dios

En Alianza con Dios

Forjadores de Esperanza Libro 1

Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez


In Covenant with God

In Covenant with God

Builders of Hope Book 1

Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez


Seguidores de Jesús

Seguidores de Jesús

Forjadores de Esperanza Libro 2

Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez


Followers of Jesus

Followers of Jesus

Builders of Hope Book 2

Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez


Levadura en el Mundo: Creciendo en Vida Comunitaria


Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez


Leaven in the World: Growing in Community Life


Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez


Activos en la Historia

Activos en la Historia

Forjadores de Esperanza Libro 3

Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez


Acting Through History

Acting Through History

Builders of Hope Book 3

Edited by Carmen María Cervantes

Illustrated by Alicia María Sánchez
