
Kid President - How to Change the World (a work in progress)

The video talks about how we can change the world in a positive way.


The Body of Christ

This video is a student-dramatization of how the different parts of the body can accomplish great things when they work as one.


I Pray

This prayer for a large group asks for our eyes to be opened to the injustices in the world and our souls to be strengthened by Christ’s presence.


A Sample Relationship Map

A sample of how to create a relationship map.


The Scriptures and Concern for Justice

A list of justice-centered biblical passages that can be used for preparing class prayers and liturgies, as a resource for assignments, and for your own reflection and prayer.


Correlation to Curriculum Framework

Correlation to Curriculum Framework Course IV: Jesus Christ’s Mission Continues in the Church from The Church: Christ in the World Today.


Celebrating Life: The Human Person and the Rules of God

A personal story about the life affirming ‘yeses’ within the Church.


God Leads Us to Action

A personal story about leading a just life every day.


Make a Connection with People in Need

A personal story about having a spirit of solidarity with those in need.


Defending a Friend's Dignity

A personal story about defending the dignity of others.


Putting the Circle in Action

A personal story about using the circle of social action.


What are you Called to do?

A personal story about actively living out the principles of social justice.


Obedience to God's Will: Our Greatest Happiness

A personal story about how rules are created out of love and how obedience to those rules ensures lasting happiness.


Quiz: Are You a Faithful Citizen?

A self-quiz, or self-assessment, on faithful citizenship.


Living the Life of a Disciple: Prayer Service

A small-group planning sheet for a classroom prayer service on living the life of a disciple.

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