6 results
My Baptismal History
If you were an infant when you were baptized, ask the following questions of your parents to learn more about the celebration of the sacrament. If you remember your Baptism, answer the questions yourself and ask your parents for details …
RCIA Interviews
People join our church each Easter. These individuals participate in the RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. This is a process that calls for much discernment, study, and prayer. It closely parallels the way early Christians entered the …
Images Found in My Church
Use the questions below as you interview key people in your parish. You may want to tape record their responses, with their permission, or take notes in a small notebook. Be sure to begin each section by stating or writ-ing …
Favorite Childhood Prayers
Interview five adults of different ages about their favorite childhood prayers. Ask the following questions and record their responses in the space provided or on the back of their handout.
Prayerful Moments
We can learn so much from one another’s stories! Interview three adults of different ages about times when they were truly prayerful and experienced the power of prayer. Ask them the following questions and record their responses in the space …
Memory-Making Music
Interview three adults about their special music memories. Ask them the following questions and record their responses in the space provided.