
The Seven Petitions

On this handout, students match the meaning to each line of the Lord’s Prayer.


A Prayer Puzzle

On this handout, students must use clues to unscramble words related to prayer.


Spirit Telecom: The Universal Wireless Prayer Network

This handout guides students as they locate and read various Scripture passages focusing on the many way God calls us to prayer.


My Vocation

This handout helps students identify their talents, gifts, and personality and how these fit into God’s vocation for their lives.


Saying Yes

This handout guides students to examine several Scripture passages exemplifying what it means to say “yes” to God’s call.


Stories That Speak to Us

This handout guides students to recognize the importance of stories, both in our families and our faith.


Liturgical Roles

This handout asks students to identify the role of the various liturgical ministers at Mass.


Important Moments

This handout asks students to think about and reflect on moments in their life that have been significant.


My Morning and Evening Prayers

This handout asks students to think about the Liturgy of the Hours before they answer questions about and create their own morning and evening prayers.


Symbol Search

This handout challenges students to find symbols in their classroom or school and identify the deeper meaning of each.


Married Couple Interview

This handout provides the outline for an interview of a married couple.


The Roles of Men and Women on TV: True to Life or Not?

This handout provides questions for students to answer as they observe the roles of men and women on TV.


Exodus, Chapters 19–20

This handout provides a note-taking guide while reading chapters 19-20 from Exodus.


The Ten Commandments

This handout asks students to keep a running record of how they observe the Ten Commandments in their actions throughout a week.


Baptism of Jesus Study Guide

This study guide helps students reflect on the story of Jesus’ Baptism.


New Testament References to Eternal Life

This handout lists Scripture passages to be read by students that reference eternal life and how Jesus makes it possible for us to attain it.


What It Means to Be Human

This handout helps students list characteristics that come from society and from Jesus’ teachings that describe what it means to be human.


Learning about Learning

This handout asks a series of questions to help students reflect on and evaluate the learning in a particular unit.


My Key Relationships

This handout provides a chart for students to list key relationships that are from their church, community, family, and friends.


The Ninety-Nine Names of God

This handout lists the ninety-nine Islamic names for God and poses several questions regarding the list.


"In the Beginning Was the Word"

After presenting John 1:1-18 from the Christian Bible, this handout challenges to students to identify key parts that describe the doctrine of the incarnation.


Images of Jesus

This handout provides many different images and descriptions of Jesus for students to examine and relate to.


Paraphrasing the Sermon on the Mount: Hearing and Acting on the Word of God

This handout allows students to complete statements from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount


Paraphrasing the Sermon on the Mount: Not Judging Others

This handout allows students to complete statements from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount


Paraphrasing the Sermon on the Mount: How to Pray

This handout allows students to complete statements from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount


Paraphrasing the Sermon on the Mount: Not Being A Hypocrite

This handout allows students to complete statements from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount


Paraphrasing the Sermon on the Mount: Loving Your Enemy

This handout allows students to complete statements from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount


Paraphrasing the Sermon on the Mount: Being Salt and Light

This handout allows students to complete statements from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount


Who Is Your God?

A reflective worksheet where students identify meaningful definitions of God


Faith Shield

An individual activity that asks students about their faith and their relationship with God.


Parish Council Committee Assignments

This handout assigns students to a made-up Parish Council Committee. Students must then brainstorm ideas and activities to help engage young people in the life of the parish.


The Miracles of Jesus

Students review many familiar miracles performed by Jesus in the gospels before choosing a favorite.


Scoring "My Responses to Conflict"

This handout provides the scoring that should be used to interpret the accompanying Handout 9-D.


My Responses to Conflict

For this worksheet, students choose which behaviors match how they typically respond to conflict in relationships.


Whom Will You Tell?

Students identify with whom in their life they would share a list of personal pieces of information.


Listening Traps

Students reflect on and answer a series of questions about their listening skills.


Interpersonal Style

Students reflect on and answer a series of questions about their interpersonal style and relationships with others.


Questionnaire on Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS

This handout provides a list of True/False statements about sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.


Role-play: "I'm Pregnant"

This handout provides two role-play situations in which a couple has discovered they are pregnant.


Opinionnaire on Gender Roles (Part 2)

Students share their opinions in response to a series of statements about gender roles in society.


Opinionnaire on Gender Roles (Part 1)

Students share their opinions in response to a series of statements about gender roles in society.


Word Association

Students identify the different associations with and meanings of sexuality as portrayed in the media, by peers, and from adults.


Attitudes About Sexuality

This handout presents a series of statements about sexuality. Students are to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with each.


How Much Did You Pay for That?

Students estimate the cost of a list of items needed to live independently. This exercise is meant to help students understand the amount of money needed to survive.


Work Values

On this handout students explore the qualities they look for or want in a job and brainstorm possible jobs that fit those qualities.


Ranking the Prestige of Occupations

Students rank a list of careers based on their importance and prestige in society.


Perceptions of Leisureliness

This handout provides a list of statements designed to help students evaluate the leisureliness of a specific person.


Support for Leisure Activities

This handout asks students to decide which types of leisure activities their peers encourage them to participate in.


Cases to Examine: Leisure or Work?

This handout presents two real-life scenarios for which students must read and answer questions.


Leisure Satisfaction

Students list leisure activities in which they participate before rating the frequency and satisfaction for each.


Goals of Formal Education

Students rank eight possible goals of formal education based on their importance or relevance.


Cases to Examine: Levels of Independence

Students read several scenarios and rank the level of independence demonstrated.


Personality Perceptions of __________

Students choose adjectives from a list to describe a specific person.


About Myself

This handout provides a series of questions for students to answer about themselves.


How Do I Know That I Am Fully Alive?

This handout asks students to rank statements according to their beliefs about what it means to be fully alive.


Cases to Examine: Self-respect

This handout provides three situations where teenagers are not fully respecting themselves. Students read the situations and respond with suggestions that demonstrate more self-respect.


TV Truth: Keeping a Record

This handout provides a chart to help students keep track of the types of truths and lies portrayed on TV.


An Inventory on Money Matters

This handout provides a chart to help students keep track of their expenditures during one week


Cases to Examine: What Are We Afraid Of?

Students read several real-life scenarios and explore the many fears, anxieties, and pressures that influence decisions.


Meeting the Needs of Sick People

A worksheet on sickness and healing in a community context.


Jesus' Healing Presence

A worksheet that asks students to locate and answer questions about a healing story from each of the Gospels.


"The Secret Garden"

A set of questions that can be used to reflect on the movie “The Secret Garden,” a film that is an excellent example of reconciliation.


"My Life"

A set of questions that can be used to reflect on the movie “My Life” and the key themes surrounding the sacrament of Reconciliation.


Am I a Sacrament of Reconciliation?

This exercise can give students a better sense of their role as an instrument for reconciliation.


Sunday Mass: Why Go?

A worksheet that looks at the reasons why people attend Mass.


The Liturgy of the Word

A worksheet that looks at the three sources of readings at Mass.



A worksheet that explores several different types of hunger that we experience.


Making Connections

Complete the matching exercise below, using your textbook and the Bible to help find the answers.


Chapter 43 Activity: Keeping the Seventh, Eighth, and Tenth Commandments

Students are asked to list 10 practical ways to keep the 7th, 8th, and 10th Commandments.


Practicing Biblical Exegesis

A worksheet where students are asked to demonstrate their understanding of biblical criticism by completing their own exegesis.


Themes in Paul’s Epistles

An artistic presentation of several themes in Paul’s epistles, and the Scripture passages they correspond to.


How Paul’s Conversion Changed His Life

A worksheet using Scripture passages to show how Saint Paul’s attitude toward Christ and Christians, Gentiles, and his enemies changed after his conversion.


Living in a Material World

A worksheet where students are asked to rank items on their necessity for living a happy life.


Called to Share the Mission of Jesus

Questions about how we can imitate Jesus’ example in the way we interact with others.


Handout: The Answer Is

Questions about Jesus’ life and ministry.


Handout: Images of God in Scripture

Circle the Scripture passage that your teacher assigns you in the following list. Reflect on your assigned Scripture passage using the questions below. Use poetry, prose, painting, illustration, sculpture, or another medium to depict an image of God that is …


Handout: Scripture in the Mass

Find the biblical passages assigned to you, and then write on the line the words from the Mass that refer to or echo the passage.


The Bible’s Big Picture (Part II)

A description of what a Covenant is, and discussion questions about God’s promises.


A Restless Heart

Read through the following questions and discuss your answers with your small group.


The Fig Leaves of My Life

A craft activity where students cut out a fig leaf and draw or write the ways that they hide who they really are.


Where Is God Leading Me?

A discussion oriented worksheet that includes meditating on scripture passages and answering questions about the readings as well as personal questions.


What Will God Call Me to Do

A reflection worksheet and class discussion on the video Gang Busters: One Man’s Mission to Stop Bullets by Creating Jobs.


A Call to Priestly Ministry

This resource is a discussion guide and worksheet about the call to priestly ministry based on the film clip from There Be Dragons.


Marriage in the New Testament

A discussion-oriented worksheet on marriage in the New Testament.


Marriage in the Old Testament

An activity that takes a look at marriage in the Old Testament.


Why Sacramental Marriage?

A series of short questions on Sacramental Marriage to discuss with a group, or personally respond to.


The Key to Happiness: Listening to the Teacher!

An activity where groups of young people are asked to take a look at Scripture passages showing Jesus ”re-creating” an older ethical standard according to a new standard of love.


Sacraments of Christian Initiation: The Foundation of Our Vocation

A group activity, where students are asked to "build” the foundation of the Church by describing how each Sacrament of Christian Initiation helps those who are initiated to authentically live their Christian vocation.


Catholic / catholic

A worksheet that visually explores the differences between Catholic and catholic.


New Testament References to Eternal Life

A worksheet where students are asked to look at several Scripture passages and discover what each reveals about eternal life.


Student Notes for Unit 1 of "Jesus Christ: God's Love Made Visible"

A worksheet on the main ideas of several articles found in Unit 1 of "Jesus Christ: God's Love Made Visible."


Student Notes for Unit 2 of "Jesus Christ: God's Love Made Visible"

A worksheet that outlines the main ideas of several articles from Unit 2 of "Jesus Christ: God's Love Made Visible."


Baptism: Entering the Circle of Life

A worksheet on Baptism with questions based on the "Circle of Life" segment from the Walt Disney movie, "The Lion King."


Finding Salt and Light for the World: An Inventory of Discipleship Gifts and Skills

An activity where students are asked to list the gifts or skills that they think one would need in order to be “salt for the earth and light for the world” in a variety of ministries.


Ordinary Discipleship and Matthew, Chapter 25

A personal reflection on Matthew 25:31-41.


Comparing and Contrasting the Three Degrees of Holy Orders

A chart that compares and contrasts the specific qualities of bishops, priests, and deacons.


Reviewing the Leadership Structure of the Church

A number of questions on the leadership structure of the Church.


Who? What? When? Where? How? in the Local Diocese

An activity where students are asked to locate information about their local diocese.


Your Role in Evangelization

An activity where students assess their role in evangelization.


My Charisms

A worksheet where students are asked about ordinary charisms and religious charisms.


Gifts of Holy Spirit

A worksheet where students are asked to explain each of the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit and then compose a short essay on instances where the gifts helped them out in difficult situations.


Podcasts on Prayer

A worksheet where students are asked to create a series of teen-friendly podcasts about prayer.


Good Friday Intercessions

A handout that guides students through writing their own Good Friday intercessions.


Sacrificial Love in Jesus' Ministry

A worksheet where students are asked to read a Scripture passage, identify the type of suffering that Jesus risks or endures, and answer several questions regarding sacrifice and suffering.


Catholic Mission and Volunteer Organizations

A worksheet where students are asked to research a mission or volunteer organization and answer several questions about their findings.


Visual Meditation on the Ascension

A visual meditation using an image of the Ascension.


Resurrection Narratives

An activity where students are asked to work in groups to answer questions about the Resurrection narratives.


Modern-Day Martyrs: Redemptive Love in Action

An activity where students will learn about the lives of several modern-day martyrs, draw connections between the lives of these people and the life and death of Jesus, and explore what the witness of martyrs, from the time of Jesus …


Jesus’ Healing Miracles

A worksheet where students are asked to look at Scripture passages that focus on Jesus’ healing miracles.


Parables of the Kingdom

An assignment that looks at what Jesus is trying to communicate about the Kingdom of God through parables.


A Mystery of Light

An assignment that asks students to conduct an online search to find images of one of the Luminous Mysteries found on the chart in their textbooks.


Exploring the National Shrine

A worksheet asking students to discover more about the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception by visiting their website.


Using the Lectionary to Understand How God’s Ancient Promises Are Fulfilled in Jesus

An activity that uses the Lectionary to understand how God’s ancient promises are fulfilled in Jesus Christ.


God’s Covenants with Our Ancestors of Faith

An activity where students are asked to work in groups to locate Scripture passages that show God’s Covenants with our ancestors of faith.


Exploring Symbolic Language and Religious Truth

A worksheet looking at the figurative/symbolic language found in Genesis Chapters 1-3, and the possible meanings of the figurative/symbolic language.


The Format of the Pauline Letters

An outline of the features that the Pauline letters have in common.


Two Kinds of Writing: The Catholic Letters and the Book of Revelation

A homework assignment on the Catholic Letters and the Book of Revelation using sentence completion, true or false, and short answer questions.


Stations of the Cross: New Versions

A handout that encourages students to create new versions of the Stations of the Cross, based on the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.


A Gospel Cinquain

A worksheet where students are asked to write a Cinquain poem based on a Gospel story or event from any of the synoptic Gospels.


Matthew, Mark, or Luke?

A worksheet where students are asked to match a Scripture passage with the appropriate Gospel writer.


Biblical Scavenger Hunt for Events in the Life of Jesus

A biblical scavenger hunt for events or teachings from Jesus’ life, using Scripture passages from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.


An Invitation to Faith

A worksheet where students are asked to read and respond to Gospel accounts that emphasize the necessity of faith in Jesus.


Visualizing a Psalm

A worksheet on visualizing a psalm.


Continuity between the Old and New Testaments

A worksheet on the connection between the Old and New Testaments.


Exegesis Online Information Quest

An online information quest on exegesis.


The Word to the Page

A worksheet on the topic, facts, main point or theme, and moral or message of a chosen event.


The Exodus

An assignment on the Exodus, comprised of fill-in-the-blank and short answer questions.


Saints and Old Testament Leaders

An exercise that compares a saint with an Old Testament figure.


Effects of Original Sin Today

A group brainstorm activity on temptations to sin that young people face today, and the effects of Original Sin.


Experiencing the Old Testament Covenant

A writing exercise that invites students to experience the Old Testament Covenant.


Comparing the Gospels

A homework assignment for Section 4 Part 1 of "The Bible: The Living Word of God."


Comparing the Two Accounts of God’s Creation

An exercise that asks students to compare the Creation accounts in Genesis 1:1—2:4 and Genesis 2:4-25.


Mapping Salvation History

Create a mind map of details about salvation history.


Longing for God

An activity for Section 1 Part 1 of "The Bible: The Living Word of God."


Communal Prayer

A worksheet to help in preparing for a celebration of the Eucharist, from "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide.


The Cardinal Virtues

A handout on defining the Cardinal Virtues and describing how a person who exhibits the Cardinal Virtues acts.


The Ten Commandments

A worksheet focused on what the Ten Commandments teach us about living in right relationship with God and with our neighbors.


Interview Questions for Family Members

Several interview questions for family members on family life and the Fourth Commandment.


Honoring God

A worksheet on honoring God based on students’ knowledge of the first three Commandments.


What Makes Something Moral?

Two scenarios that involve people making moral choices. Students are asked to identify the object, intention, and circumstances surrounding the act in the scenario and indicate whether the choice is morally good or morally bad.


A Biblical and Symbolic Look at the Sacraments of Healing and the Sacraments at the Service of Communion

A worksheet that takes a biblical and symbolic look at the Sacraments of Healing and the Sacraments at the Service of Communion.


The Sacraments of Christian Initiation on My Parish

A worksheet where students are asked to look at the Sacraments of Christian Initiation in their parishes.


A Biblical and Symbolic Look at the Sacraments of Christian Initiation

A worksheet that takes a look at the biblical and symbolic elements of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation.


What Is a Symbol?

A worksheet on symbols, their abstract meanings, and how they are integral parts of Church liturgies.


Sacred Time: The Liturgical Calendar

A worksheet where students are asked to fill in information on the liturgical calendar.


Sacraments as Privileged Encounters with Jesus Christ

A worksheet that looks at the seven Sacraments.


World Religions and the Catholic Church

An activity where students are asked to research several religious traditions, complete a comparison chart, and then reflect on their findings.


Marks of the Church

A chart that students are asked to fill in with at least two examples of ways the Church models the four marks of the Church, and at least two examples of ways they model the four marks of the Church.


Five Models of the Church

An activity where students are given a chart containing the meanings, strengths, and limitations of each of the five models of the Church and asked to answer related questions.


Three Scriptural Images of the Church

An activity where students are asked to respond to each of the items for each of the three scriptural images of the Church.


The Acts of the Apostles

A group activity where students are asked to read assigned sections of Acts of the Apostles, and discuss the presented questions.


Jesus Reveals the Kingdom of God

Scripture passages that go along with the group assignment that uses parables to see the Kingdom of God.


Seeing the Kingdom of God Through Parables

A group assignment on using parables to see the Kingdom of God.


The Incarnation

An activity where students are asked to look through Scripture to find references that illustrate Jesus’ humanity and divinity.


(Re)reading the Gospels

An activity where students delve deeper into Scripture.


New Testament References to Eternal Life

An activity that uses New Testament Scripture passages that reference eternal life, from Section 5 Part 4 of “Jesus Christ: God’s Love Made Visible.”


Mapping the Beatific Vision

A homework assignment where students are asked to create a mind map of details about the Beatific Vision, from Section 5 Part 4 of “Jesus Christ: God’s Love Made Visible.”


Evangelizing or Proselytizing?

A homework assignment on evangelizing and proselytizing, from Section 5 Part 3 of “Jesus Christ: God’s Love Made Visible.”


Jesus Teaches Us About Prayer

A list of scripture verses that can be used in conjunction with a homework assignment on Jesus’ teachings about prayer, from Section 5 Part 2 of “Jesus Christ: God’s Love Made Visible.”


Faith and Religion Venn Diagram

A homework assignment using a faith and religion Venn Diagram, from Section 5 Part 1 of “Jesus Christ: God’s Love Made Visible.”


Loving One Another and All Creation

A homework assignment on loving one another and all creation.


Jesus and the Church

A worksheet from Section 3 Part 3 of Jesus Christ: God’s Love Made Visible that asks students to summarize three key points, or items to take away, from each listed article.


Mapping the Marks of the Church, from Section 3 Part 3 of "Jesus Christ: God's Love Made Visible"

A homework assignment on mapping the Marks of the Church.


Getting to Know Mary, from Section 3 Part 1 of "Jesus Christ: God's Love Made Visible"

A partner activity where Scripture passages are used to get to know Mary.


The Incarnation Unites God and Humanity, from Section 3 Part 1 of "Jesus Christ: God's Love Made Visible"

A homework assignment on how the Incarnation unites God and humanity.


Tradition and the Passing On of God's Revelation, from Section 2 Part 2 of "Jesus Christ: God's Love Made Visible"

A fill-in-the-blank exercise on Tradition and the passing on of God’s Revelation.


Activity: Heretical or True, from Section 1 Part 2 of "Jesus Christ: God's Love Made Visible"

A worksheet on the truthfulness of certain statement using proof from the Nicene Creed.


The Development of Catholic Trinitarian Theology from Section 1 Part 2 of "Jesus Christ: God's Love Made Visible."

A homework assignment on the development of Catholic Trinitarian theology.


Mapping the Trinity

A homework assignment on mapping the Trinity.


Literary Features of Apocalyptic Writing

A group assignment on literary features in the Book of Revelation.


Peter and Paul Venn Diagram

A Venn Diagram on Peter and Paul.


Cities of the Roman Empire

A group assignment on the cities of the Roman Empire.


The Gospel of John and Anti-Semitism

A group activity on the Gospel of John and anti-Semitism.


The Gospel of John: Myths and Facts

A worksheet on the myths and facts of the Gospel of John.


Chart of the Gospels

A chart where the Gospels are compared and contrasted.


Exegetical Methodology: Ideological Criticism

A group assignment on exegetical methodology: ideological criticism.


The Use of Scripture in the Doctrine of the Church

A list of questions on the use of Scripture in the Doctrine of the Church.


Seven Letters in Revelation

A chart on the seven letters in the Book of Revelation.


Major Points in the Epistles

A group exercise on the major points in the Epistles, which addresses faith versus works, unity, Gentile Christians, the pre-eminence of Christ, and Christian living.


Letter Writing in New Testament Times

A worksheet where students focus on letter writing in New Testament times.


In the Footsteps of Paul

A worksheet on the actions of Paul, using certain passages from the Acts of the Apostles.


The Two Pentecosts

A chart used to draw parallels between the feasts of Shavuot and Christian Pentecost.



A chart for students to fill in about stakeholders in the development of the early Church.


Jigsaw: Gospel of Mark

A number of questions for the activity “Jigsaw: Gospel of Mark” from The Catholic Youth Bible Teacher Guide: New Testament.


Getting to Know Mark's Gospel

A worksheet that helps students get to know more about the Gospel of Mark.


Scriptures on Scripture

A worksheet with Scripture references about God’s Word.


Messianic Psalms

A matching activity involving the Messianic psalms.


Song of Songs

A worksheet on the characteristics of Hebrew poetry that are found in the “Song of Songs.”


Psalms Stations

Questions for each Psalm station, from The Catholic Youth Bible Teacher Guide: Old Testament.


Introduction to the Psalms

A worksheet on the psalms using the Introduction to the Book of Psalms in “The Catholic Youth Bible.”


Introduction to Poetry

A worksheet where students match poetry terms to Scripture passages.


Ecclesiastes Stations

An activity where students are asked to visit three Ecclesiastes stations and fill in the corresponding categories.


Identifying and Defining Wisdom

A worksheet on identifying and defining wisdom using Scripture passages.


Wisdom Literature

A worksheet with questions based on the “Introduction to the Wisdom and Poetry Books” in The Catholic Youth Bible.


Messianic Prophecies

A worksheet on Messianic prophecies in Scripture.


Prophecy Stations

An activity where students are to visit three stations and fill in the presented categories for each passage.



A worksheet on different prophets, their messages, the obstacles they faced, and people’s responses to them.

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