
Joy and Hope for the Modern World

This handout provides questions for students to reflect on and answer as they read quotations from this Constitution.


Unit 1 Preassessment: Knowing God

This preassessment poses questions about how students have come to know God.


Unit 2 Preassessment

This preassessment helps students identify what they know and want to know about concepts from Unit 2.


A Preassessment

Answer each question by writing what you know for sure, what you think you know but are unsure about, and things related to the topic that you would like to explore.


What Do I Know about the Catholic Faith

In the time allotted for this exercise, answer each question to the best of your knowledge. Each set of questions corresponds to the units you will study in this course and represents content you will cover in more detail in …


Inside and Outside

Everyone knows what it feels like to be on the inside and the outside of a group of people. Fill in the statements below, and then write a prayer to Jesus asking for his help when you are an outsider …


Exploring Religious Orders and Congregations

A research assignment worksheet done in pairs to find important information about different religious orders.


A Preassessment of My Knowledge of Consecrated Life

A preassessment for students about their knowledge of terms associated with consecrated life.


The Sacrament of Holy Orders Graphic Organizer

A worksheet completed in groups about the symbolic words and actions that take place during the Rite of Ordination, as well as their meaning and effect.


A Preassessment of My Knowledge of the Sacrament of Holy Orders

A preassessment about things that a student already knows, thinks that they know, and wants to know about the Sacrament of Holy Orders.


A Preassessment of My Knowledge of the Vocation of Holy Orders

A preassessment of one’s knowledge of terms and concepts associated with the Vocation of Holy Orders.


Respect-Life Issues

A number of terms that deal with respect-life issues, from Section 4 Part 2 of “Jesus Christ: God’s Love Made Visible.”

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