
My Vocation

This handout helps students identify their talents, gifts, and personality and how these fit into God’s vocation for their lives.


Saying Yes

This handout guides students to examine several Scripture passages exemplifying what it means to say “yes” to God’s call.


Stories That Speak to Us

This handout guides students to recognize the importance of stories, both in our families and our faith.


Liturgical Roles

This handout asks students to identify the role of the various liturgical ministers at Mass.


Important Moments

This handout asks students to think about and reflect on moments in their life that have been significant.


My Morning and Evening Prayers

This handout asks students to think about the Liturgy of the Hours before they answer questions about and create their own morning and evening prayers.


Symbol Search

This handout challenges students to find symbols in their classroom or school and identify the deeper meaning of each.


Married Couple Interview

This handout provides the outline for an interview of a married couple.


The Roles of Men and Women on TV: True to Life or Not?

This handout provides questions for students to answer as they observe the roles of men and women on TV.


Fair Trade

This worksheet provides questions for students to answer as they research and learn about the Fair Trade Movement.


Exodus, Chapters 19–20

This handout provides a note-taking guide while reading chapters 19-20 from Exodus.


Questionnaire on Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS

This handout provides a list of True/False statements about sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.


Role-play: "I'm Pregnant"

This handout provides two role-play situations in which a couple has discovered they are pregnant.


Opinionnaire on Gender Roles (Part 2)

Students share their opinions in response to a series of statements about gender roles in society.


Opinionnaire on Gender Roles (Part 1)

Students share their opinions in response to a series of statements about gender roles in society.


Attitudes About Sexuality

This handout presents a series of statements about sexuality. Students are to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with each.


How Do I Know That I Am Fully Alive?

This handout asks students to rank statements according to their beliefs about what it means to be fully alive.


Cases to Examine: Dealing with Conflict

This handout provides three situations for students to read and evaluate. Students must give a suggestion for how to respond to the conflict in each scenario based on the strategies in the book.


Cases to Examine: Self-respect

This handout provides three situations where teenagers are not fully respecting themselves. Students read the situations and respond with suggestions that demonstrate more self-respect.


TV Truth: Keeping a Record

This handout provides a chart to help students keep track of the types of truths and lies portrayed on TV.


An Inventory on Money Matters

This handout provides a chart to help students keep track of their expenditures during one week


The Literature of Love

Reflection questions on William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116.


Handout: Morally Good or Morally Suspect

For each situation, determine whether the action is right, neutral, or wrong; whether the intent is good or not good; and whether the circumstances allow you to decide freely or keep you from deciding freely.


Lord, This Is for You

Reflection on the First Commandment.


Just a Closer Walk with Thee

A worksheet where students are asked to read and reflect on the Gospel of Luke’s powerful image of how Christ is present in the celebration of the Eucharist through the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.


Could I Walk in Your Shoes?

A survey that will help students consider how difficult it might be to walk in the shoes of another person who may be quite different from them.


Lifelong Journey

Several questions about yourself and relationships to consider before entering into the permanent covenant of marriage.


Equal Partners in Marriage

A numbers of questions relating to the equality of men and women in society as well as in marriage.


The Meaning of Healing

A reflection exercise on the meaning of healing.


The Sacrament of Pardon and Peace

A set of questions that accompany the PowerPoint presentation “The Sacrament of Pardon and Peace.”


A Personal Inventory of My Potential

A worksheet comprised of questions, columns, and numbers, where students can rate themselves and see if they are achieving their full potential.


"Homeless: Motel Kids of Orange County" Movie Guide

A movie guide with questions pertaining to the film “Homeless: The Motel Kids of Orange County.”


Reflecting on the Meaning of Infant Baptism

A worksheet focused on reflecting on the meaning of infant Baptism.


The Meaning of Redemption (I)

This survey provides an opportunity for students to identify some areas of their lives that they feel they need help to improve. Part 1 of this exercise is strictly personal; however, students’ reflections will help them with a complementary group …


Temptations and Grace

Quotations and questions dealing with temptations and grace, from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


The Fourth Commandment and The Ten Commandments

A worksheet regarding the Ten Commandments, especially the Fourth Commandment, from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Gospel Reflection on Sin and Salvation

A Gospel reflection on sin and salvation from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."

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