
Chapter J: Major Events in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Students order important events from the 19th and 20th centuries.


Spirituality Action Plan

It is important for us to take stock of where we are in life and put plans in place to achieve our goals. It is important to do that in our spiritual life as well. We are all spiritual people. …


The Wonders of God's Creation

For the next twenty-four hours, pay attention to experiences and details of your day. The following list suggests phenomena for you to observe, and you may think of other subjects for observation. Create an observation journal on a separate sheet …


Handout: Scripture in the Mass

Find the biblical passages assigned to you, and then write on the line the words from the Mass that refer to or echo the passage.


Lord, This Is for You

Reflection on the First Commandment.


A Preassessment

Answer each question by writing what you know for sure, what you think you know but are unsure about, and things related to the topic that you would like to explore.


A Restless Heart

Read through the following questions and discuss your answers with your small group.


What Do I Know about the Catholic Faith

In the time allotted for this exercise, answer each question to the best of your knowledge. Each set of questions corresponds to the units you will study in this course and represents content you will cover in more detail in …


Inside and Outside

Everyone knows what it feels like to be on the inside and the outside of a group of people. Fill in the statements below, and then write a prayer to Jesus asking for his help when you are an outsider …


A Preassessment of My Knowledge of Consecrated Life

A preassessment for students about their knowledge of terms associated with consecrated life.


A Preassessment of My Knowledge of the Sacrament of Holy Orders

A preassessment about things that a student already knows, thinks that they know, and wants to know about the Sacrament of Holy Orders.


A Call to Priestly Ministry

This resource is a discussion guide and worksheet about the call to priestly ministry based on the film clip from There Be Dragons.


A Preassessment of My Knowledge of the Vocation of Holy Orders

A preassessment of one’s knowledge of terms and concepts associated with the Vocation of Holy Orders.


Catholic / catholic

A worksheet that visually explores the differences between Catholic and catholic.


Who? What? When? Where? How? in the Local Diocese

An activity where students are asked to locate information about their local diocese.


Your Role in Evangelization

An activity where students assess their role in evangelization.


My Charisms

A worksheet where students are asked about ordinary charisms and religious charisms.


Gifts of Holy Spirit

A worksheet where students are asked to explain each of the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit and then compose a short essay on instances where the gifts helped them out in difficult situations.


Terms Related to the Church

A worksheet where students are asked to define several vocabulary terms related to the Church and write a short essay on which term means the most to them.


Podcasts on Prayer

A worksheet where students are asked to create a series of teen-friendly podcasts about prayer.


Good Friday Intercessions

A handout that guides students through writing their own Good Friday intercessions.


Marks of the Church

A chart that students are asked to fill in with at least two examples of ways the Church models the four marks of the Church, and at least two examples of ways they model the four marks of the Church.


Five Models of the Church

An activity where students are given a chart containing the meanings, strengths, and limitations of each of the five models of the Church and asked to answer related questions.


The Two Pentecosts

A chart used to draw parallels between the feasts of Shavuot and Christian Pentecost.


Gifts of the Holy Spirit

This worksheet is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can learn about the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit and use their own words to describe what each gift is.


Prayers of Petition

This handout is part of the Living in Christ Series. It gives students spaces to write their own intentions and petitions as a prayer activity.


The Development of Catholic Trinitarian Theology

This handout is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can fill in the blanks to learn or review key concepts about the development of Trinitarian theology.


Leader's Guide for Coyote Meets Jesus

Stories are not just for young children. Everyone loves a good story and good storytelling is a useful tool for teaching. Using folktales as a teaching tool in a catechetical setting or a religion class can help teens understand the …


Praying the Psalms

Remember the television show from the late 80's called "Doogie Howser, M.D.?" At the end of every show, Doogie would sit down at his computer and write a 2 or 3 sentence "blurb" that perfectly summed up his day and …

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