
On Your Marks

This worksheet guides group members to work together as they identify the importance of the church being “One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic”.


My Vocation

This handout helps students identify their talents, gifts, and personality and how these fit into God’s vocation for their lives.


Saying Yes

This handout guides students to examine several Scripture passages exemplifying what it means to say “yes” to God’s call.


Stories That Speak to Us

This handout guides students to recognize the importance of stories, both in our families and our faith.


Liturgical Roles

This handout asks students to identify the role of the various liturgical ministers at Mass.


Important Moments

This handout asks students to think about and reflect on moments in their life that have been significant.


My Morning and Evening Prayers

This handout asks students to think about the Liturgy of the Hours before they answer questions about and create their own morning and evening prayers.


Symbol Search

This handout challenges students to find symbols in their classroom or school and identify the deeper meaning of each.


God Loves a Cheerful Giver

This worksheet guides students to read and answer questions about a specific Hebrew festival from the book of Leviticus.


Married Couple Interview

This handout provides the outline for an interview of a married couple.


The Roles of Men and Women on TV: True to Life or Not?

This handout provides questions for students to answer as they observe the roles of men and women on TV.


Exodus, Chapters 19–20

This handout provides a note-taking guide while reading chapters 19-20 from Exodus.


The Ten Commandments

This handout asks students to keep a running record of how they observe the Ten Commandments in their actions throughout a week.


Cases to Examine: Self-respect

This handout provides three situations where teenagers are not fully respecting themselves. Students read the situations and respond with suggestions that demonstrate more self-respect.


Stewards of Creation

A reflection exercise on personal stewardship of creation.


Could I Walk in Your Shoes?

A survey that will help students consider how difficult it might be to walk in the shoes of another person who may be quite different from them.


Old Testament Themes and Images in John's Prologue

A worksheet on the Old Testament themes and images in the prologue of the Gospel of John.


The Reign of God in the Gospel of Luke

A group worksheet on how the Reign of God is presented in the Gospel of Luke.


Symbols in the Book of Revelation

A reference sheet for the symbols that are used in the Book of Revelation.


Analysis of John's Prologue

An analysis of John 1:1-38.


Luke's Understanding of Jesus

A worksheet where students use scripture passages from the Gospel of Luke to discover Luke’s understanding of Jesus.


Reflecting on the Meaning of Infant Baptism

A worksheet focused on reflecting on the meaning of infant Baptism.


Temptations and Grace

Quotations and questions dealing with temptations and grace, from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


The Fourth Commandment and The Ten Commandments

A worksheet regarding the Ten Commandments, especially the Fourth Commandment, from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."

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