
Chapter J: Major Events in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Students order important events from the 19th and 20th centuries.


Chapter I: Tough Questions

The worksheet poses several questions that ask students to reflect on how they would have stood up for their faith during the French and American Revolution.


Chapter E: Early Christians Plant the Seeds

On this worksheet, students solve clues to list the names of important early Christians. These answers are then used to decode a secret message.


Exercise Your Catechism

This handout guides students as they become familiar with searching for information in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.


Joy and Hope for the Modern World

This handout provides questions for students to reflect on and answer as they read quotations from this Constitution.


The Spirit in Multiple Acts

Students look up and read several passages that the Holy Spirit. The worksheet asks students to summarize each passage and describe the role of the Holy Spirit in spreading the Good News.


Jesus’ Healings’ Common Points

Students look up and read several miracle stories from the New Testament before identifying common points between them.


What about You?

After reading Mark 8:27-29, students must answer several questions about who Jesus is to today’s world and people.


I’m in This Story?

Students must look up several Scripture passages that give insight into the disciples of Jesus. This worksheet poses questions that help make Jesus’ mission relatable to students.


She Is Your Mother

As students complete this worksheet, they will explore what it means when we say that Mary is the Mother of God and the Mother of the Church.


On Your Marks

This worksheet guides group members to work together as they identify the importance of the church being “One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic”.


Cana Connections

Students match symbols from Jesus’ first miracle the wedding feast in Cana with their meaning and significance.


Gospel Comparisons

On this worksheet, students read all four Gospel accounts of the resurrection before identifying similarities and differences between them.


Extra! Extra!

Students read two “news articles” and evaluate the morality of each by answering a series of questions.


Ways to Respect Life

This worksheet challenges students to think about how they can value the dignity of life on a day-to-day basis.


Justice in the World

This worksheet challenges students to think about how the teachings about Justice from the Bishops of the World apply to their daily lives.


Teachings from the Catechism

This worksheet challenges students to think about how the teachings from the Catechism on the fourth commandment apply to their daily lives.


Which Way Shall We Go?

This handout provides a chart for students to list activities that are best to do on Sunday and those that should be saved for other days of the week.


The Transfiguration of Jesus

This worksheet helps students to read Scripture passages, answer questions about, and understand the importance of the Transfiguration of Jesus.


The Bible’s Practical Moral Advice

This worksheet guides students as they look up Scripture passages that give moral advice.


Mary’s Little Lamb

This worksheet helps students to reflect on the numerous images of the lamb found in Scripture.


The Story of Betrayal

Read the following accounts from Sacred Scripture about Judas Iscariot: John 13:21–30, Matthew 26:14–16, 26:47–56, 27:3–10. Then number the sentences below in the order they take place in the Gospels.


Images of Jesus

A worksheet that has students describe what Jesus is like and why.


Jesus' Arrest and Sentencing

Use the assigned passages from Scripture to fill in the answers to the following questions.


Exploring the Healing Miracles

Read one of the following accounts of healing, and then answer the questions below.


Jesus the Good Shepherd

Locate the following passages in the Bible. Write each verse on the lines provided.


Jesus, the Expert on Prayer

Read the Gospel passages below, and write a summary statement or two about what Jesus tells us about prayer.


John, Chapter 17: Praying for Others

Brainstorm personal family issues that are of concern to you as well as any issues that may be troubling your friends. Using the outline below as a guide, write a personal intercessory prayer in the blank space.


Human Rights and the Life of Jesus

Match the events in Jesus’ life outlined below with the articles from the United Nations documents “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” and “United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child,” outlined on the handout “Human Rights” (Document #: TX003012), …


The Birth of Jesus

A fill in the blank worksheet from the birth narrative of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke.


The Patriarch Family Tree

A fill in the blank family tree of several generations of people in the Old Testament.


Measuring Up David and Goliath

A worksheet where students fill in a chart using the story of David and Goliath as well as answering questions.


All about Aaron

A matching worksheet about items and people that relate to Aaron in the Old Testament.


God’s Covenants with Our Ancestors of Faith

An activity where students are asked to work in groups to locate Scripture passages that show God’s Covenants with our ancestors of faith.


The Gospel of John: Myths and Facts

A worksheet on the myths and facts of the Gospel of John.


Mirror Exercise

An exercise that encourages students to reflect on how they are different from others, and how they can respectfully respond to these differences.


Getting to Know Mary

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students must find various scripture passages regarding Mary and reflect on questions about her life and personality.

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